동료 성폭행 한 포항시 공무원의 최후

동료 성폭행 한 포항시 공무원의 최후
자료 사진입니다. 


동료를 성폭행한 포항시 9급 공무원이 법정 구속된 데 이어 ‘파면’ 결정이 내려졌다.

대구일보에 따르면, 사건은 지난해 3월 발생했다. 9급 공무원인 A씨가 포항 시내의 모 주점에서 동료인 여성 B씨와 술을 마신 뒤 B씨를 인근 모텔로 데려가 성폭행한 것. B씨는 곧바로 112에 신고했으며, A씨는 경찰과 검찰 조사에서 ‘합의 하에 성관계를 가졌다‘고 주장해 왔다.

그러나 재판부는 지난해 말 CCTV 등 여러 정황을 종합적으로 고려해 볼 때 B씨의 진술에 신빙성이 있다고 판단해 ‘징역 3년’을 선고하고 법정 구속했다.

그리고, 오늘(5일) 포항시는 A씨에 대해 가장 무거운 징계인 ‘파면’ 결정을 내렸다고 밝혔다. 파면된 사람은 향후 5년간 공무원으로 임용될 수 없으며, 퇴직급여가 절반으로 삭감된다.

연합뉴스에 따르면, 포항시 관계자는 ”사안의 중요성과 재판 결과를 고려해 결정한 조치”라며 ”다시는 이런 일이 없는 조직문화를 만드는 데 노력하겠다”고 밝혔다.



북한 김영남 방남 확정…문 대통령 만날 가능성은

북한 김영남 방남 확정…문 대통령 만날 가능성은

김영남 북한 최고인민회의 상임위원회 위원장을 단장으로 하는 북한 고위급 대표단이 평창 동계올림픽 기간 한국을 방문한다.  김 위원장은 대외적으로 북한의 국가 수반 역할을 해왔다. 

4일 통일부에 따르면, 북측은 이날 밤 남북고위급회담 남측수석대표 앞으로 고위급 대표단과 관련한 통지문을 발송하고 이같이 밝혔다.

북측은 통지문에서 김영남 위원장을 단장으로 하고 단원 3명, 지원인원 18명으로 구성된 고위급 대표단이 9일부터 11일까지 우리 측 지역을 방문한다고 알려왔다. 이들이 평창 동계올림픽이 개막하는 9일 방문한다고 밝힘에 따라 평창 동계올림픽 개막식 참석이 유력하다.  

북한 헌법상 국가수반인 김영남 상임위원장을 고위급 대표로 파견하는 것은 북한이 정상국가임을 과시하는 동시에 유엔 안전보장이사회의 제재와 한국, 미국 등의 독자 제재를 의식한 것으로 보인다.

연합뉴스에 따르면 문재인 대통령이 평창 동계올림픽의 북한 고위급 대표단장으로 방남하는 김영남 최고인민회의 상임위원장을 단독으로 접견해 회담하는 방안을 검토하는 것으로 알려졌다. 아직 회담 시기와 형태에 대한 양측의 협의는 진행되지 않은 것으로 알려졌다.

청와대 관계자는 ”문 대통령은 올림픽 개막식부터 시작해 김 상임위원장과 만날 것”이라며 ”다만 김 상임위원장이 따로 문 대통령 예방 계획을 잡는 것은 북한 선발대와 협의해야 할 문제”라고 말했다.

문 대통령이 올림픽 행사장에서 자연스레 김 상임위원장을 만날 가능성도 크다. 9일에는 평창올림픽 스타디움에서 개막식이 개최되고, 10일에는 관동 하키센터에서 여자아이스하키 남북 단일팀 예선 경기가 있다. 11일에는 서울국립극장에서 북한 예술단의 두 번째 공연이 열린다. 김 상임위원장은 북한 선수단 및 예술단이 참여하는 이 세 일정에 모두 모습을 드러낼 것으로 전망되며, 문 대통령도 참석하는 방안을 검토할 가능성이 있다.

한편 이번 고위급 대표단에 포함된 단원 3명에 어떤 인사가 포함됐는지, 또한 이들이 어떤 경로로 방남하는지에 대해서는 구체적으로 알려지지 않고 있다. 









(関連記事 65票差で翁長派の新人が制す。沖縄・南城市長選に行ってみた。











(参考記事 3850人の圧倒的な熱気。稲嶺進氏の総決起大会に行ってみた。








Well-Educated Mums Still Suffer ‘Pay Penalty’ If They Choose Part-Time Work, Says IFS

Well-Educated Mums Still Suffer ‘Pay Penalty’ If They Choose Part-Time Work, Says IFS
Well educated mums who choose to work part-time still suffer a “pay penalty” over time, a new report has found.

Calls have been made for power-holders to “redesign the jobs market” after the IFS study the gender pay gap accelerates even more rapidly for mothers opt for part-time jobs.

Overall gender wage gap has fallen from 28% to 18% since the early 1990s for the less well educated, but has remained stubbornly at 22% for the highest educated, the study reveals.

Mums tend to spend more time in part-time employment and therefore don’t reap the pay rises associated with more experience, research found.

But by the time a first child reaches the age of 20, mothers earn around 30% less on average than similarly educated fathers, said the report funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Some of the gap is explained by mothers in part-time jobs or taking a break from work altogether, said the report.

Even before they have children, women earn around 10% less than men, but the gap widens for many after they have children.

Monica Costa Dias, IFS associate director, said: “There are many likely reasons for persistent gaps in the wages of men and women which research is still investigating, but the fact that working part-time has a long-term depressing effect is an important contributing factor.

“It is remarkable that periods spent in part-time work lead to virtually no wage progression at all. It should be a priority for governments and others to understand the reasons for this.

“Addressing it would have the potential to narrow the gender wage gap significantly.”

Robert Joyce, IFS associate director, added: “It is now the highest-educated women whose wages are the furthest behind their male counterparts, and this is particularly related to the fact that they lose out so badly from working part-time.”

Sam Smethers, chief executive of the Fawcett Society, said: “What this study shows very clearly is that as a society we are not doing enough to value women’s talents. That is a blow to our productivity and a huge problem for the economy as a whole.

“We need to make it possible for part-time work to keep women on the career ladder.

“Employers should offer all roles, including more senior ones, as flexible working unless there is a good business case not to, and create more senior part-time roles.

“It is time to change our jobs market to one which helps parents, especially mothers, to get on.”

Helen Barnard, head of analysis at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, said: “It’s just not right that we treat part-time workers as if they are less valuable than full-timers.

“The majority of women working part-time are mothers, who often work part-time so that they can also take care of children or other adults.

“But they pay a heavy price for trying to balance these two roles. The poverty rate for part-time workers is double that for full-time workers.

“We can do something about this and redesign the jobs market so it works for everyone. Employers can make that happen by increasing the number and quality of jobs that are open to part-time workers – and hire flexibly rather than only allowing existing employees to negotiate part-time hours.

“In the meantime, as child poverty rises, the Chancellor should show he understands these pressures and ease the constraints facing low income part-time workers and their families by lifting the benefits freeze and fixing Universal Credit so families keep more of their earnings.”

Dawn Butler, Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities, said: “This report reiterates the Government’s consistent failure to adequately tackle the gender pay gap.

“This week, we will be celebrating the centenary of women’s suffrage.

“Ministers must get serious, we can now mark 100 years since women were allowed to vote, but despite this milestone, women still face unacceptable pay disparities.

“The IFS report highlights the need to address the unacceptable fact that motherhood means some women take a hit to their earnings.”


Britain Must End ‘Obsession’ With University Degrees, Says Influential Tory MP

Britain Must End ‘Obsession’ With University Degrees, Says Influential Tory MP

Britain should end its “obsession” with academic degrees and concentrate more on technical training, influential Tory MP Robert Halfon says.

The chairman of the Commons Education Committee sees many graduates getting “paltry returns” for university study, while the country is grappling with a skills shortage ahead of Brexit.

In a speech to the Centre for Social Justice think tank on Monday, he will call for a radical “rebalancing” of the whole system to address the needs of students and employers.

“We have become obsessed with full academic degrees in this country,” he will say.

“We are creating a higher education system that overwhelmingly favours academic degrees, while intermediate and higher technical offerings are comparatively tiny.

“The labour market does not need an ever-growing supply of academic degrees.”

Halfon will point out that currently between a fifth and a third of graduates end up taking non-graduate jobs with the “graduate premium” varying “wildly” according to course and institution.

He will call for a major expansion of degree apprenticeships, where students earn as they learn without incurring “mountains of debt”, while arguing that those universities which do not provide a good return on academic courses should reinvent themselves as centres of technical excellence.

He will say that if the country is to continue to “lavishly furnish universities with taxpayers’ money”, there needs to be greater transparency about the returns that students can expect.

“The way we recognise universities is all wrong. We place far too much emphasis on research excellence, and not enough on teaching quality and employability,” he will say.

“Universities are an integral part of the machinery that feeds into the jobs market. It is reasonable to hold them accountable for the extent to which they prepare students for the world of work.”

Of the 59 higher education providers that received a gold standard in the Government’s teaching excellence framework, he will point out that 51 were not in the “elite” Russell Group of universities.

When it came to The Economist’s “value-added” university rankings, which compares graduates’ wages with what they would have been expected to earn if they had not gone to that university, the list was topped by Portsmouth University followed by Aston University, neither of which are in the Russell Group.

“While some Russell Group universities deserve their recognition as elite institutions, others appear to trade well on their brands, while their less reputable counterparts remain unrecognised,” Halfon will add.


Must-See LGBTQ TV: ‘Queer Eye’ reboot hits Netflix and the Winter Olympics kick off!

Must-See LGBTQ TV: ‘Queer Eye’ reboot hits Netflix and the Winter Olympics kick off!

Photo Credit: Netflix

Grab the remote, set your DVR or queue up your streaming service of choice! GLAAD is bringing you the highlights LGBTQ on TV this week. Check back every Sunday for up-to-date coverage in LGBTQ-inclusive programming on TV.

Don’t miss an all new episode of The Fosters this Tuesday! Jude and Noah discuss their relationship and Noah’s concerns about Jude’s friendship with his faming friend, Declan. Elsewhere, Callie and Stef team up to help Aaron when he is in a difficult spot. The Fosters: Tuesday, 8pm on Freeform.

Netflix’s reboot of iconic reality series Queer Eye comes out on Wednesday. The updated version of the show is complete with a new fab five: Antoni Porowski (food and wine), Bobby Berk (interior design), Karamo Brown (culture), Jonathan Van Ness (grooming), and Tan France (fashion). They spend the season in Atlanta, Georgia, making over lives of people from all backgrounds, and having relevant political conversations. Queer Eye: Wednesday on Netflix.

The 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea begin this Thursday. The weeks of international games include a good number of LGBTQ athletes from countries around the world. Out contestants competing for the U.S. include figure skater Adam Rippon and free skier Gus Kenworthy. The Olympics run from February 8th – 25th, and a full schedule can be viewed here to see when different competitions are taking place. 2018 Winter Olympics: Thursday, on NBC.

Gliding into 2018 like ⛸ pic.twitter.com/qrm7hWbKKH

— Adam Rippon (@Adaripp) January 1, 2018

Sunday, February 4th: This is Us (7:15pm, NBC)

Monday: Supergirl (8pm, The CW)

Tuesday: The Fosters (8pm, Freeform); Ellen’s Game of Games (8pm, NBC); Fresh Off the Boat (8:30pm, ABC); Bull (9pm, The CW); Black Lightning (9pm, The CW); LA to Vegas (9pm, FOX); This is Us (9pm, NBC); I Am Jazz (9pm, TLC); NCIS: New Orleans (10pm, CBS)

Wednesday: Queer Eye (Netflix); Riverdale (8pm, The CW); grown-ish (8pm, Freeform); Schitt’s Creek (8pm, Pop TV); The Amazing Race (9pm, CBS); Dynasty (9pm, The CW); The Magicians (9pm, SyFy); The Assassination Gianni Versace: American Crime Story (10pm, FX)

Thursday: Winter Olympics (NBC);  Grey’s Anatomy (8pm, ABC); Beyond (Freeform); Scandal (9pm, ABC); Arrow (9pm, The CW); Nashville (9pm, CMT); How to Get Away With Murder (10pm, ABC)

Friday: Winter Olympics (NBC); Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (8pm, The CW); Andi Mack (8pm, Disney Channel); Jane the Virgin (9pm, The CW)

February 4, 2018


15 große GroKo-Projekte, über die sich Union und SPD schon jetzt einig sind

15 große GroKo-Projekte, über die sich Union und SPD schon jetzt einig sind
CSU-Chef Seehofer, CDU-Chefin Merkel, SPD-Chef Schulz. (v.l.)

  • Die GroKo-Verhandlungen gehen voran, müssen allerdings in die Verlängerung

  • Union und SPD haben sich am Sonntag auf wichtige Projekte geeinigt – Streit gibt es aber vor allem bei zwei Themen

Weil entscheidende Punkte noch ungelöst sind, müssen Union und SPD bei den Koalitionsverhandlungen in die Verlängerung.

Aber sehr viel, was im Fall einer neuen großen Koalition kommen würde, ist schon bekannt.

Das sind die 15 wichtigsten GroKo-Projekte, die es schon jetzt in den Koalitionsvertrag geschafft haben:

1. Wohnen

Die Mietpreisbremse in Ballungsräumen soll nachgeschärft werden. Ein “Baukindergeld” von 1200 Euro pro Kind und Jahr über zehn Jahre soll es Familien leichter machen, Wohneigentum zu bauen oder zu kaufen.

Es wird nach Angaben der Unterhändler 440 Millionen Euro im Jahr kosten.

Auch über 2019 hinaus will der Bund Milliarden in den sozialen Wohnungsbau stecken – dafür muss das Grundgesetz geändert werden.

Über eine Reform der Grundsteuer soll zudem mehr Bauland zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

2. Agrar & Ernährung

Mit dem Massentöten männlicher Küken soll bis Ende 2019 Schluss sein, die Verbreitung des Wolfs eingedämmt werden.

Die Nutzung des umstrittenen Unkrautgifts Glyphosat soll so bald wie möglich enden. Erreicht werden soll, dass der Gehalt an Zucker, Fett und Salz in Fertigprodukten gesenkt wird.

3. Klima & Energie

Eine Kommission soll bis Ende 2018 ein Aktionsprogramm zum Klimaschutz erarbeiten.

Jeder Bereich, auch Verkehr und Landwirtschaft, muss künftig seine eigenen Klimaziele erreichen. Außerdem soll ein Plan zur schrittweisen Reduzierung und Beendigung der Kohleverstromung vorgelegt werden.

Zur Besserung der Luftqualität prüfen Union und SPD Nachrüstungen bei Diesel-Fahrzeugen direkt am Motor. Die Elektromobilität soll stärker gefördert werden.

4. Rente

Bis 2025 soll das Rentenniveau (das Verhältnis der Rente zum Lohn) nicht unter 48 Prozent fallen und der Beitragssatz nicht über 20 Prozent steigen.

Über die Zeit danach soll eine Rentenkommission nachdenken. Müttern, die vor 1992 drei oder mehr Kinder geboren haben, soll auch das dritte Jahr Erziehungszeit angerechnet werden.

Wer Jahrzehnte gearbeitet, Kinder erzogen und Angehörige gepflegt hat, soll zudem nach 35 Beitragsjahren eine Grundrente zehn Prozent über der Grundsicherung erhalten. Selbstständige sollen zur Altersvorsorge verpflichtet werden.

Wer neu wegen Krankheit frühzeitig Erwerbsminderungsrente bekommt, soll so behandelt werden, als wenn er bis zum aktuellen Renteneintrittsalter gearbeitet hätte.

5. Migration

Asylverfahren sollen künftig in “zentralen Aufnahme-, Entscheidungs- und Rückführungseinrichtungen” stattfinden.

6. Familiennachzug

Der Nachzug der Kernfamilie von Flüchtlingen mit eingeschränktem Schutz, etwa aus Syrien, bleibt bis 31. Juli ausgesetzt.

Für die Zeit danach ist folgendes geplant: Ab August dürfen auch subsidiär Schutzberechtigte wieder Angehörige nach Deutschland nachholen, aber nur in begrenztem Umfang von bis zu 1000 Menschen pro Monat.

Hinzu kommt eine bereits bestehende Härtefallregelung.

7. Krankenversicherung

Beiträge zur gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung sollen ab 2019 wieder zu gleichen Teilen von Arbeitgebern und -nehmern bezahlt werden.

8. Pflege

8000 neue Pflegefachkräfte sofort und eine konzertierte Aktion unter anderem mit einer Ausbildungsoffensive und Anreizen für mehr Vollzeit sollen die Personalsituation entspannen.

Zudem sind vereinfachte Möglichkeiten für vorübergehende Aus- und Erholungszeiten für Angehörige geplant.

9. Arbeitsmarkt

Das zunächst gescheiterte Rückkehrrecht von Teilzeit in Vollzeit soll nun kommen – für Firmen ab 45 Mitarbeiter.

Bei 45 bis 200 Mitarbeitern soll dieser Anspruch nur einem pro 15 Mitarbeitern gewährt werden müssen.

Der Beitrag zur Arbeitslosenversicherung soll um 0,3 Prozentpunkte sinken. Für Langzeitarbeitslose soll ein neues Förderinstrument “Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt für alle” kommen. Ein Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz soll den Zuzug ordnen und steuern.

10. Familie

Das Kindergeld soll um 25 Euro pro Kind und Monat steigen: Der Kinderfreibetrag steigt entsprechend.

Auch der Kinderzuschlag für Einkommensschwache soll erhöht werden. Kinderrechte sollen eigens im Grundgesetz verankert werden.

Eingeführt werden sollen auch Gutscheine für Haushaltshilfen, damit zum Beispiel jemand die Wohnung sauber macht, wenn Betroffene dies selbst nicht gut leisten könnten.

11. Bildung

Die Parteien wollen das Grundgesetz ändern, damit der Bund Geld in Schulen stecken kann. Bisher sind Finanzhilfen des Bundes nur für finanzschwache Kommunen zulässig.

Zwei Milliarden Euro sind für den Ausbau von Ganztagsschulen und -betreuung geplant. Für die Ganztagsbetreuung von Grundschülern wird ein Rechtsanspruch verankert.

Außerdem sind eine Milliarde Euro für eine Bafög-Reform, 600 Millionen Euro für eine bessere Ausstattung der Universitäten und fünf Milliarden Euro für den “Digitalpakt” für Schulen geplant.

12. Finanzen

Der Solidaritätszuschlag soll schrittweise wegfallen – in dieser Wahlperiode mit einem “deutlichen ersten Schritt”, der rund 90 Prozent der Zahler voll entlastet.

Steuererhöhungen für die Bürger soll es nicht geben. Für den Haushalt gilt weiter das Ziel einer “schwarzen Null”, also keiner neuen Schulden.

13. Sicherheit

Bei den Sicherheitsbehörden von Bund und Ländern sollen je 7500 zusätzliche Stellen geschaffen werden, zudem 6000 neue Stellen in der Justiz.

14. Europa

Deutschland soll in der Debatte für eine Stärkung der EU aktiv werden. Gemeinsam mit Frankreich soll die Eurozone reformiert werden.

Ziel ist zudem eine “solidarische Verantwortungsteilung in der EU” in der Flüchtlingspolitik. Generell gelte: “Wir sind auch zu höheren Beiträgen Deutschlands zum EU-Haushalt bereit.”

15. Digitalisierung

Bis 2025 soll es flächendeckend schnelles Internet mit Gigabit-Netzen geben, dafür soll ein Fonds von 10 bis 12 Milliarden Euro sorgen.

Im Internet sollen weiter alle Inhalte mit gleichem Tempo transportiert werden – die Netzneutralität bleibt.

Zudem soll es unter anderem eine Daten-Ethikkommission geben.

… und 2 Punkte, über die noch gestritten wird

Uneinig sind sich Union und SPD in der Gesundheitspolitik und beim Thema befristete Arbeitsverträge.

Die Streitthemen “Zwei-Klassen-Medizin” und die sachgrundlose Befristung sollten dann in der Berliner SPD-Zentrale weiter besprochen werden.

Die möglichen Koalitionäre hatten sich den Montag und den Dienstag als Puffertage frei gehalten.


Are We Missing The Bigger Picture?

Are We Missing The Bigger Picture?
The plastic-free debate that has been gaining momentum in the UK is hugely encouraging. Not only since Blue Planet do we know that plastic pollution is a massive problem for our environment. We see plastic bags on beaches, mountains of plastic in landfill and are reading horror stories on micro-plastics in fish.

Many pubs and bars are now avoiding plastic straws and there has been an outcry over increasingly ridiculous plastic packaging in supermarkets.

And with good reason. Conventional plastics are derived from petroleum and biodegrade extremely slowly – estimates range from 20 to 1,000 years for plastic bags.

The success of the bag charge in reducing plastic bag usage is encouraging – in only a few months after its introduction in October 2015, usage dropped by an estimated 85%. This bodes well for further, carefully considered regulation to nudge us as consumers to live more sustainably.

The ‘Latte Levy’ currently being considered would seem like a big step forward. Given the impact of the bag charge, could the levy help reduce our daily usage of seven million disposable, and often hard to recycle, coffee cups down to ‘just’ one million?

It would certainly be good news in terms of greenhouse gases. Number one sustainable lifestyle authority Lucy Siegle has a regular slot on reducing plastic on the One Show and an excellent column at the Observer – great resources if you need more ideas on how to reduce your carbon footprint without taking the fun out of life.

But, as useful as the debate around packaging is, two things stand out to me.

First – why only plastic bags and coffee cups? By all means, if you wait until you get to the office to make yourself a cup of coffee or shop with reusable bags, that’s fantastic and I applaud you. But why not think about waste and plastics more generally?

What about our wardrobes?

In the UK we discard around one million tonnes of clothing each year according to WRAP figures, so fashion is an important area of consumption to consider. According to government figures 2.5billion coffee cups are thrown away in the UK every year. Similarly, last year a study by Sainsburys and Oxfam estimated that consumers threw away 235million items of clothing in one month alone.

This would suggest that we are throwing away very roughly as many items of clothing a month as coffee cups.

Although some fashion brands have lowered their prices so radically over the past decade that the price of some garments are indeed within reaching distance of that of your morning coffee, on the whole this would strike most people as a staggering waste of money at the very least.

But on environmental grounds, this is also hugely problematic, not only because the amount of resources going into making a garment is most likely far larger than that of a disposable cup.

More importantly, so much of the clothing on the high street – ranging from cut price fast fashion all the way to the most premium labels – is made partly or completely of polyester, acrylic and the like, which is, you guessed it, essentially plastic. The majority of all sportswear is made of it, as is a lot of lingerie, and it is even sometimes mixed into premium price knitwear.

The issue is that so much of this ends up in landfill – an estimated 300,000 tonnes each year, or about a third of what we discard – and this plastic contained in clothing does not biodegrade easily either. Being petroleum-based, it is also highly flammable. Alex James demonstrates vividly with a blow torch in his insightful documentary ‘Slowing down fast fashion’.

Synthetic fabrics do have a place in clothing, such as in tights, sportswear, and it can also be nice in some other garments. But this need not mean new fabrics anymore. More and more fashion brands, such as those we stock at Sheer Apparel, use recycled synthetics in an intelligent way or use end of line fabric, if they don’t stay away from synthetics altogether.

If we are to take the plastic-free debate seriously, we must also look at our wardrobes. This includes considering fabric composition when we shop and buying quality that lasts.

Secondly – let’s consider the bigger picture of reducing waste overall.

As the owner of a growing business, I can’t help but feel for the poor team behind those unfortunately plastic-wrapped coconuts at Waitrose.

I am no expert on food waste in general, and coconut longevity in particular, but might it not be the case that, done sensibly, wrapping food in plastic (preferably recycled as well as recyclable) actually prevents food waste? And that the team behind those coconuts has thought this all through?

For most businesses, just like for households, plastic is not entirely avoidable, and should be used where it makes sense. For our business, for instance, that means using plastic to protect products that are of a high quality, are meant to last, and have taken a considerable amount of resources to make. And it means reusing as much of this plastic as is possible or recycling it. We share a video of a behind the scenes look at how we approach plastic packaging on our sustainability page.

Patagonia, the clothing company that places huge emphasis on sustainable practices, commissioned an interesting study into its own use of plastic in 2014. It concluded that using plastic wrapping in some areas of the business is essential, because, by protecting a garment, plastic can prevent the resources that went into making that garment from going to waste.

By all means let’s continue to talk about ridiculous plastic packaging.

But let’s also apply common sense and look at the overall aim – reducing waste across all areas of our daily lives.
