비트코인 800만원대 추락…거품 ‘희열’→‘고통’ 거쳐 ‘공포’ 단계로

비트코인 800만원대 추락…거품 ‘희열’→‘고통’ 거쳐 ‘공포’ 단계로

비트코인 가격이 급락하면서 국내 시세가 외국보다 되레 낮은 ‘김치 역프리미엄’이 발생했다.

2일 가상통화 사이트 업비트의 시세를 보면, 비트코인 가격은 오후 4시 현재 12% 가량 내린 개당 888만원에 거래되고 있다. 비트코인 가격이 1천만원 밑으로 내려간 것은 지난해 11월25일 이후 처음이다. 정점을 찍었던 지난달 5일 2744만원에 견주면 한달도 안돼 68% 폭락했다. 이더리움 등 다른 가상통화 시세도 줄줄이 급락하고 있다.

국제 시세도 폭락하고 있다. 가상통화 정보업체 코인마캣캡 시세를 보면, 비트코인 가격은 같은 시각 15% 내린 8620달러를 기록 중이다. 원화로 환산하면 931만원대로 국내 시세가 이보다 4.6% 낮은 ‘코리아 디스카운트’ 현상이 일어났다. 국제 시세도 지난달 31일 1만달러가 무너지는 등 지난달에만 30% 급락해 월별 기준 사상 최대 하락폭을 나타냈다. 영국의 <이코노미스트>는 비트코인이 거품의 5단계 중 ‘희열의 단계’(지난해 11월)를 지나 ‘고통의 단계’를 향해 치닫고 있으며 마지막으로 ‘공포의 단계’에 이를 수 있다고 보도했다.

최근 가상통화 가격은 거래소 해킹에 따른 불안과 각국의 강력한 규제가 맞물려 추락하고 있다. 지난달 일본 가상통화거래소 코인체크에서 580억엔(5천700억원) 규모의 가상통화 해킹 사건 이후 일본 정부는 모든 거래소에 대한 긴급 실태조사를 벌이겠다고 나섰다. 미국에서는 가상통화 거래용 코인의 실체에 대한 의혹이 증폭되고 있다. 미국 상품선물거래위원회(CFTC)는 최대 가상통화거래소 중 하나인 비트피넥스와 가상화폐 거래용 코인을 발행하는 테더에 소환장을 발부했다고 <블룸버그>가 지난달 31일 보도했다. 비트피넥스는 가상화폐 거래 때 미 달러화 대신 테더가 발행한 코인을 사용하는 것으로 알려졌다. 테더의 코인은 1개당 약 1달러의 가치로 거래되고 있다. 하지만 테더가 코인의 가치에 해당하는 만큼의 달러를 실제로 보유하고 있는지에 대해 의혹이 제기되고 있다. 두 회사의 최고경영자는 같은 인물이다.

가상통화거래소는 외부 해커는 물론 설립자의 기술적인 조작 가능성에 취약한 것으로 지적돼왔다. 2014년 일본의 비트코인 거래소 마운트곡스가 해킹으로 파산할 때도 최고경영자가 거래시스템을 조작해 비트코인 계좌 잔액을 부풀린 혐의로 경찰에 체포되기도 했다.

미국 증권거래위원회(SEC)는 지난달 30일 사기 혐의가 있는 가상통화공개(ICO)를 통해 투자자들로부터 모은 자산을 동결하고 추가 가상통화공개를 금지했다. 중국은 가상통화 거래 금지에 이어 거래소와 유사한 기능을 가진 웹사이트나 모바일 앱에 접근하는 것도 차단했다. 우리나라 정부는 가상통화 거래실명제를 도입했다.


‘Dancing On Ice’: Antony Cotton Suffers Fractured Ribs After Falling During Training

‘Dancing On Ice’: Antony Cotton Suffers Fractured Ribs After Falling During Training

‘Dancing On Ice’ contestant Antony Cotton has revealed he fractured “a couple of ribs” after suffering an injury while training.

On Wednesday (31 January), Antony fell on the ice while rehearsing for this weekend’s live show, and was taken to a nearby hospital.

‘Coronation Street’ actor joked: “The show must go on and as such, we are going to do our best to continue in the Dancing On Ice competition this Sunday.

“Hopefully the painkillers and sequins will see us through.”

A ‘Dancing On Ice’ spokesperson said: “Antony fell on the ice during training and as a precaution was taken to a nearby hospital. He has since been released and is now resting ahead of the live show this weekend.”

This year’s series saw its celebrity contestants enduring injuries before live shows had even begun, with cricketer Monty Panesar being forced out of the competition by an injury, eventually being replaced by singer Lemar.

‘Dancing On Ice’ airs on Sunday nights on ITV.


SPD-Chef Martin Schulz will laut Medienbericht Außenminister werden

SPD-Chef Martin Schulz will laut Medienbericht Außenminister werden

Im Falle einer Neuauflage der Großen Koalition soll sich SPD-Chef Martin Schulz bereits darauf festgelegt haben, Außenminister zu werden. Das berichtet die “Passauer Neue Presse” (“PNP”).

Das ist passiert: 

► Schulz würde damit SPD-Politiker Sigmar Gabriel beerben.

► Gabriel, der vor Schulz den Parteivorsitz inne hatte, soll laut “PNP” wieder Wirtschaftsminister werden.

► Das sei zumindest der Wunsch zahlreicher SPD-Anhänger.

Darum ist es wichtig: 


Sowohl Teile der SPD als auch eine deutliche Mehrheit der Bürger lehnt Schulz als Minister in einem Kabinett unter Kanzlerin Angela Merkel ab. 

Vor der Bundestagswahl hatte der SPD-Chef eine solche Option kategorisch ausgeschlossen, weichte sein hartes “Nein” in der vergangenen Woche aber auf.

Eine endgültige Antwort will Schulz hingegen erst nach dem Mitgliedervotum zur möglichen neuen schwarz-roten Regierung geben.

Mehr zum Thema: Minister unter Merkel? Martin Schulz steht vor einem Dilemma

Was ihr noch wissen müsst:


Für Schulz steht dessen Glaubwürdigkeit auf dem Spiel. Laut einer neuen Umfrage sind nur noch 25 Prozent der Deutschen mit Schulz’ Arbeit einverstanden. Ein Rekordtief.

► Klar ist: Schulz müsste den nächsten Wortbruch begehen, wenn er als Außenminister sein Herzensthema “Mehr Europa” voranbringen wollte.

Mehr zum Thema:SPD fällt auf schlechtesten jemals gemessenen Wert in ARD-Umfrage

Mit Material von dpa.



업그레이드된 ‘효리네민박2’ 모습이 공개됐다

업그레이드된 ‘효리네민박2’ 모습이 공개됐다

겨울을 맞아 한 단계 업그레이드된 ‘효리네 민박’ 모습이 공개됐다.

2일 JTBC ‘효리네 민박2’ 측은 ”겨울맞이 대변신한 ‘효리네 민박’”의 모습을 담은 영상을 공개했다.

‘효리네 민박’ 이효리 회장과 이상순 사장은 ”이번 시즌 목표는 손님들 잘 먹이고 잘 재우기”라며 분주하게 민박집을 열 준비를 한다. 여기에 소녀시대 윤아의 ‘열일’도 더해진다.

영상에는 지난 시즌에는 없었던 벽난로와 노천탕, 게르 그리고 군고구마가 등장한다. 아래 영상을 통해 겨울의 ‘효리네민박’은 어떤 모습일지 살펴보자.


「おひとりさま」にもぴったりな食洗機、その名も「ボブ」 仏ベンチャー企業が開発

「おひとりさま」にもぴったりな食洗機、その名も「ボブ」 仏ベンチャー企業が開発


そんな悩みを解決すべく、登場したのが「ボブ」だ。フランスのベンチャー企業「Daan Technologies」が開発したこの食器洗い機は、縦35cm、横40cm、高さ45cmと、従来の小型商品よりもさらに小さくなっており、持ち運びもできる。



この食洗機「ボブ」は、2017年9月から、ベンチャー企業を支援するパリの巨大インキュベーション施設「Station F」でデザインが展示されていた。

2月1日に行われたフランス最大級のイノベーションサミット「Maddy Keynote」では、試作品第1号が発表された。



ちなみにハフポスト・フランス版のFacebook投稿には、「ゼッタイ買わなきゃ!」「 念願 」「解決策が見つかった!!!」といった好意的な評価が多数寄せられている一方、もっとも共感を呼んだのは次のコメントだったようだ。




Requiem’s Lydia Wilson: 9 Facts In 90 Seconds On The Star Of The BBC’s Latest Drama

Requiem’s Lydia Wilson: 9 Facts In 90 Seconds On The Star Of The BBC’s Latest Drama
Arriving on screens on Friday (2 February), ’Requiem’ is the BBC’s latest psychological thriller and, trust us when we say this, it doesn’t disappoint.

The story begins with Matilda Gray, a rising star in the classical music world, whose mother suddenly ends her life with no explanation.

In the episodes that follow, Matilda embarks on a journey of discovery, encountering seemingly supernatural events along the way.

The cast boasts a number of familiar names and Lydia Wilson takes on the lead role, but this is far from her first huge project.

And following her outstanding performance, we highly doubt that this will be her last either.

Get to know Lydia, with our nine facts in 90 seconds…

Her film debut was back in 2010

Lydia’s silver screen debut came courtesy of a small role in ‘Never Let Me Go’, the dystopian drama based on Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel.

Keira Knightley, Carey Mulligan and Andrew Garfield were the film’s stars and having been well-received by critics, ‘Never Let Me Go’ went on to garner multiple award nominations.

And Lydia is no stranger to TV dramas

You might recognise her from ‘Ripper Street’ (thanks to her star turn as Mimi Morton), ‘Misfits’ or ‘The National Anthem’ episode of ‘Black Mirror’.

Lydia’s recent work also includes the film ‘Star Trek: Beyond’.

She’s a huge Joni Mitchell fan

Lydia once said she’d love to play a character imagined by singer Joni Mitchell.

“ I think ‘Blue’ is the perfect, perfect perfect album,” she told What’s On Stage. “The character she’d come up with for me would probably be a boy from the other side of the world.”

She’s pretty patient

Playing Kalara in ‘Star Trek: Beyond’ required four hours in the makeup chair, every single day. Rather her than us, to be honest.

She trained at RADA

Lydia graduated from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in 2009 and prior to that, studied English Literature at Cambridge.

She once played Kate Middleton

Lydia starred in the 2014 stage production ‘King Charles III’, which imagined what the world might be like when the Queen’s son ascends to the throne. It was here that she was spotted by a ‘Star Trek’ casting director.

“Trying to emulate her and walk in her shoes quite literally has been a bit of a growing up experience,” she previously said. “I’ve become a lady.”

Her other stage roles have included Annabella in ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore’ and Cate, in the Olivier Award-winning ‘Blast’.

She receives seriously random texts from Bill Nighy

While speaking to Interview magazine, Lydia previously revealed her friendship with the ‘Love Actually’ star.

Explaining how he once inadvertently cheered her up on a tough day, she said: “I remember I got home and I had this message from Bill Nighy who sends me pictures of the ocean randomly, about once a year.

“He sent me this beautiful movie of the ocean he made. There were no words.

“Of all the days to get this lovely message from this planet it was good timing on his part. It wasn’t negative; it was eye-opening.”

‘Requiem’ airs on BBC One at 9pm, Friday 2 February. The whole series will then be available to watch on the BBC iPlayer.


20년 전에 발행된 ‘영원히 유효한’ 항공표를 제출한 고객에 대한 유나이티드 항공의 반응

20년 전에 발행된 ‘영원히 유효한’ 항공표를 제출한 고객에 대한 유나이티드 항공의 반응

존 워커는 20년 전에 발행된 ‘영원히 유효한’ 항공표를 완전히 잊고 있었다.

Inc에 의하면 워커는 1998년 12월 31일에 인쇄된 유나이티드 항공표를 자기 침대 밑에서 며칠 전에 발견했다. 노스캐롤라이나주로 이사하면서 상자에 보관한 걸 이제 찾은 것이다.

내슈빌에 당시 살던 워커는 새크라멘토 여행을 계획하고 있었다. 그러나 갑자기 일이 생겨 마지막 순간에 예약을 취소했다. 유나이티드는 그의 $378짜리 항공표를 같은 금액에 해당하는 ‘영원히 유효한’ 항공표로 바꿔줬다.

워커의 말이다. ”상자는 침대 밑에 있었다. 다른 물건을 찾느라 그걸 열었는데, 바닥에 항공표가 숨어있었다.”

그는 밑져야 본전이라는 생각에 유나이티드에 연락했다.  

유나이티드 항공사는 파산과 합병 과정을 거치면서 모든 규정이 바뀌었다. 따라서 직원들은 워커가 제출한 ‘영원히 유효한’ 항공표를 어떻게 처리해야 할지 몰랐다. 그런 항공표가 마지막으로 유통된 건 10년이 넘은 일이었기 때문이다.

워커는 이 문제를 트위터에도 공유했다. 그러자 유나이티드 고객관리팀에서 연락이 왔다. 관리팀 직원은 유나이티드가 2002년에 파산 절차를 거쳤고, 그 결과 ‘영원히 유효한’ 항공표는 더이상 유효하지 않다고 설명했다. 

적어도 법적으론 그렇게 종결될 수 있는 사건이었다. 하지만 잦은 혹평에 시달리던 유나이티드가 이번엔 문제를 기회로 삼았다.

유나이티드는 ‘영원히 유효한’ 항공표의 현재 가치를 $571.60으로 추산했다. 그리고 그 금액을 워커가 새 항공표 구매에 쓸 수 있게 조처했다.

워커는 유나이티드의 이번 조처에 대해 다음과 같이 말했다. ”내가 보낸 편지 때문일 수도 있지만, 고객관리 홍보에 도움이 된다고 여긴 것 같다.”  

$571.60이면 어딜 갈 수 있을까?

Cute piglets

Cute piglets


이 슬라이드 공유하기:

[h/t inc]








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Theresa May ‘Side-Stepped’ Human Rights In Talks With Chinese President Xi Jinping, State-Run Media Claims

Theresa May ‘Side-Stepped’ Human Rights In Talks With Chinese President Xi Jinping, State-Run Media Claims
Theresa May faced embarrassment on the final day of her trip to China after being praised by state-run media for having “side-stepped” the issue of human rights.

Communist party mouthpiece The Global Times claimed that during her main meeting with President Xi Jinping, the Prime Minister had ducked controversy over Beijing’s crackdown on Hong Kong’s democracy activists.

The dubious distinction of winning praise from state-run Chinese media was the flip-side of May’s warm welcome during her three-day tour, which has focused on building trade links before and after Brexit.

The Beijing-based newspaper claimed that in her meeting the MP had sought to “expand pragmatic collaboration with the country so as to pave the way for future trade and investment deals”.

In an article headlined ’Sino-UK partnership transcends media mudslinging over human rights”, it reported “May will definitely not make any comment contrary to the goals of her China trip”.

“For the prime minister, the losses outweigh the gains if she appeases the British media at the cost of the visit’s friendly atmosphere.”

The Global Times, which is an offshoot of the Workers’ Daily, also claimed – despite more cautious language from Downing Street – that May had signed up to Xi’s pet project, the 30-year ‘Belt and Road’ infrastructure programme to link China with Europe.

“Like its participation in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Britain’s joining the Belt and Road initiative conforms to its national interests,” it said.

“While the government is responsible for public well-being, the media tends to whip up sensations while disregarding sound international relations.

“Some European media pressed May and Macron on human rights, but the two leaders sidestepped the topic on their China trip. This shows that the Sino-European relationship has, to a large degree, extricated itself from the impact of radical public opinion.”

In the official No.10 read-out of the Xi meeting, the UK’s only reference to Hong Kong was to say May and Xi had agreed that the ‘one country, two systems’ approach to the former British colony was appropriate.

There was no explicit reference to the wave of so-called ‘Umbrella’ protests of 2014 and the subsequent state backlash.

May had raised “human rights” during her meeting with Chinese premier Li Keqiang, but the Global Times suggested she had dodged the issue with the President.

The paper vented its spleen however towards Joshua Wong, a leading activist who this month was sentenced to three months in jail for his part in the Hong Kong protests.

Wong, who was this week nominated by US politicians for the Nobel Peace Prize, had upset Beijing with an article for the Guardian ahead of May’s visit, in which he pointed out the UK had promised to back the pro-democracy movement.

“Some Western media outlets keep pestering May to criticize Beijing in an attempt to showcase that the UK has withstood pressure from China and the West has consolidated its commanding position over the country in politics,” the Global Times wrote.

“In an open letter published Wednesday, Joshua Wong urged May to ‘stand up for Hong Kong’s rights,’ claiming that London vowed ‘Hong Kong will never have to walk alone’ in 1996.

“Taking advantage of Western forces to confront the central government is a long-term illusion of the radical Hong Kong opposition.”

Downing Street sources insisted that May had proactively raised human rights and Hong Kong in her meeting with the President. She had also raised a “specific case” in relation to Hong Kong.

The PM began her talks focusing on trade, before mentioning human rights, No.10 said.

Relations between the UK and China went into the deep freeze after David Cameron met Tibet’s spiritual leader the Dalai Lama early in his premiership.

It took 18 months, and much diplomacy, before Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne were allowed to get links back on track, and they made up for lost time by pushing trade deals and staging official visits.
