Piers Morgan In Furious Tirade After BBC Airs Graphic Cartoon Of Him With Trump

Piers Morgan In Furious Tirade After BBC Airs Graphic Cartoon Of Him With Trump
Piers Morgan responded with fury after BBC satire ‘The Mash Report’ broadcast a cartoon image of him pleasuring US President Donald Trump.

The ‘Good Morning Britain’ presenter, who was granted Trump’s first international broadcast interview last week, tweeted the image on Friday night.

He wrote: “The BBC thinks this is OK to broadcast. But if it depicted high profile women, there would be outrage. Why the double standard?”

The BBC thinks this is OK to broadcast. But if it depicted high profile women, there would be outrage. Why the double standard? pic.twitter.com/xcdxpEJD3E
‘The Mash Report’, which plays with a parental guidance lock on the BBC iPlayer and airs on Thursday nights after the 9pm watershed, is labelled a “satirical and surreal news show” and is presented by Nish Kumar.

The programme used the cartoon after criticism of Morgan’s interviewing style and accusations he “brown nosed” Trump during the groundbreaking Q and A.

But this did little to appease Morgan who claimed the image would not have aired had it involved two prominent women or gay men.

So if it was a famous female politician & female interviewer, you’d be fine with it? If not, you’re as two-faced as the BBC. t.co/U1Kz06plgw
Sure, but if was two famous women being depicted that way you would be screaming blue murder about it. t.co/Aktgzdj0Uc
Would you be so gleeful if the BBC had done it to two high profile women or two high profile gay men? t.co/bqQxxWnY39
In the process of rallying against the image, however, Morgan’s tweet went viral, racking up thousands of shares on Twitter.

The cartoon featured on ‘The Mash Report’ as part of a segment analysing the differences between body language of legendary interviewer David Frost and his subject Richard Nixon with that of Morgan and Trump.

“In the Trump interview, the staging hinted at a greater intimacy between the two men,” the correspondent says before the cartoon is revealed.


Je suis prest (I am ready)

Je suis prest (I am ready)
70579_mediumMy name is Alec Frazier . I am currently 31, and I have known I was gay for a little over 10 years now. I have been fortunate enough to have an extremely accepting family and group of friends . In community college, I was surrounded by a number of students and staff who tried to make my life hell. In part it was because I am gay, yes, but also because I have a number of disabilities


RNC votes in favor of Trump’s bigoted trans military ban

RNC votes in favor of Trump’s bigoted trans military ban

The Republican National Committee adopts Trump’s anti-trans stance despite the fact that it is opposed by the majority of Americans in all 50 states

NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization released the following statement in response to the Republican National Committee passed a resolution in support of President Trump’s discriminatory transgender military ban.

“President Trump’s bigoted proposal to purge qualified military personnel is in direct contradiction to the will of the American people and what’s best for our nation’s security,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “The fact that the RNC is siding with blatant discrimination over supporting the rights of brave Americans to serve our nation displays how toxic and deeply rooted the Trump Administration’s anti-LGBTQ ideology has become.”

Polling has shown that Trump’s proposed transgender military ban is opposed by the majority of Americans in all 50 states who believe transgender people should be allowed to openly serve their country. This month GLAAD released our annual Accelerating Acceptance report, a national survey conducted on GLAAD’s behalf by The Harris Poll, which found that LGBTQ acceptance is dropping at a time when anti-LGBTQ violence and discrimination are on the rise in our current political climate.

Trump’s policy to ban transgender soldiers from openly serving in any capacity with the U.S. military summarizes the full-scale attack on LGBTQ Americans by the Trump Administration. Since President Trump’s inauguration, the administration has stopped at nothing to erase LGBTQ acceptance from the federal government. This includes appointing the most anti-LGBTQ administration in recent memory, aggressively pushing religious exemptions that promote LGBTQ discrimination, and rescinding guidance that protects transgender students at their schools. GLAAD has cataloged every anti-LGBTQ action by the Trump Administration via our Trump Accountability Project.


February 2, 2018


Nunes Memo, James Comey, FBI, NSYNC Reunion, Justin Timberlake, Bruce McArthur, Halsey: HOT LINKS

Nunes Memo, James Comey, FBI, NSYNC Reunion, Justin Timberlake, Bruce McArthur, Halsey: HOT LINKS
Anthony bowen

JAMES COMEY. On Nunes memo. “That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.”

That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.

— James Comey (@Comey) February 2, 2018

FBI REACTION. To Nunes memo.

JUST IN: FBI Association releases statement on the memo release.

“FBI special agents have not — and will not — allow partisan politics to distract us from our solemn commitment to our mission.” pic.twitter.com/OXuleVflZe

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) February 2, 2018

NANCY PELOSI. “A bouquet for Putin.” “President Trump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by releasing highly classified and distorted intelligence. By not protecting intelligence sources and methods, he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

HOYER. Remove Devin Nunes

TREY GOWDY. Memo does not discredit Mueller.

It is important for the American public to know if the dossier was paid for by another candidate, used in court pleadings, vetted before it was used, vetted after it was used, and whether all relevant facts were shared with the tribunal approving of the FISA application.

— Trey Gowdy (@TGowdySC) February 2, 2018

While this memo raises serious concerns with the FISA process, I have been and remain confident in the overwhelming majority of the men and women serving at the FBI and DOJ.

— Trey Gowdy (@TGowdySC) February 2, 2018

As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The contents of this memo do not – in any way – discredit his investigation.

— Trey Gowdy (@TGowdySC) February 2, 2018

KASICH. Memo does disservice to our country…

The manner in which this was done was wrong and does a disservice to our country. My full statement on the release of the memo: pic.twitter.com/AuwIpLDaBz

— John Kasich (@JohnKasich) February 2, 2018

Robert MuellerRUSSIA INVESTIGATION. Lawyers think Robert Mueller could indict Trump: “Special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation has gathered enough steam that some lawyers representing key Donald Trump associates are considering the possibility of a historic first: an indictment against a sitting president.”

NSYNC REUNION. If there’s no NSYNC reunion at the Super Bowl, why have all of the group’s members been spotted in Minneapolis this week?

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE. The singer won’t let his son play football, so he gets mocked by a FOX commentator. “This guy was in a boy band, I think his son will be much more qualified to be in a boy band,” Hegseth quipped. “It’s a lot safer on stage than it is on a football field, right?”

AUSTRALIAFormer Australian prime minister who was a vocal leader of the national campaign against gay marriage attends the same-sex wedding of his lesbian sister.

Bruce McArthur / Facebook

TORONTO. Why did it take so long for cops to catch Bruce McArthur? “The “serial killer” rumors, it would seem, were not rumors after all—and police are now using that language to refer to McArthur.”

DEAN LISOWICK. Toronto serial killer victim remembered as “sweet guy” and fixture of the gay village.

DUBLIN. Man cleared of homophobic vandalism at gay bar: “A 24-year-old man has been cleared of carrying out a homophobic graffiti attack saying “f*****s out” at one of Dublin’s best known gay bars. Eoin Berkeley from Hamptonwood Way, Finglas, Dublin 11, pleaded not guilty to causing criminal damage with chalk graffiti on the facade and panels at the George Bar in the city-centre in the early hours of May 20 last year. The offence at district court level can carry a sentence of up to one year.”

SWEATPANT JEANS. Derek Hough favors working out in them shirtless.


TYPOGRAPHY VIDEO OF THE DAY. All about pop culture.

MUSIC VIDEO OF THE DAY II. Justin Timberlake “Man of the Woods”.

FRIDAY FLASH. Anthony Bowens.

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Instagram Photo


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The post Nunes Memo, James Comey, FBI, NSYNC Reunion, Justin Timberlake, Bruce McArthur, Halsey: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Nunes Memo, James Comey, FBI, NSYNC Reunion, Justin Timberlake, Bruce McArthur, Halsey: HOT LINKS

Eine Politologin blickt auf Deutschland – und sieht nur absurdes Theater

Eine Politologin blickt auf Deutschland – und sieht nur absurdes Theater
Alle müssen warten.

  • Manche EU-Politiker in Brüssel und Konservative in der CDU erwarten grundlegende Änderungen in Europa durch die neue GroKo
  • Die Politologin Ulrike Guérot sieht die Koalition dagegen skeptisch

Ein Gespenst geht um im politischen Berlin – das Gespenst der Transferunion.

Die konservativen Politiker in der Union fürchten, dass mit der Neuauflage der Großen Koalition die Geldschleusen in Europa geöffnet werden. Von Umverteilung und einem Ende der Haushaltdisziplin ist die Rede.

Auch die deutsche Tageszeitung die “Welt” titelte an diesem Freitag: “Schleichend in die Transferunion – und die Union merkt es kaum”.

Ausländische Medien und die EU-Kommission dagegen haben sich nach dem Ende der Sondierungen über die GroKo gefreut – und die Ergebnisse als Aufbruch zu einer Erneuerung der Europäischen Union interpretiert.

Die deutsche Politologin Ulrike Guérot kann die Aufregung allerdings nicht verstehen. Wenn sie auf die möglichen vier Jahre GroKo blickt, sieht sie keine Umverteilung in Europa.

Sondern eher absurdes Theater à la Samuel Beckett.

Große GroKo-Sprünge? Das ist “Wunschdenken”

“Ich verstehe nicht, wo der Hype herkommt”, sagt Guérot dem Online-Magazin “Politico” dagegen. Sie lehrt an der österreichischen Donau-Universität Krems und ist Gründerin des Berliner Thinktanks European Democracy Lab (EDL).

Dass die GroKo große Sprünge für die EU bedeuten werde, hält sie für “Wunschdenken”.

► Guérots Argument im Gespräch mit “Politico”: Die Deutschen würden von der GroKo gar keine tiefergehende europäische Integration verlangen, daher werde die neue Regierung sie auch nicht durchsetzen. Dafür sei sie nicht gewählt worden.

Guérot: “Das ist wie ‘Warten auf Godot’”

Die Bundesregierung habe “die Öffentlichkeit über die Wirklichkeit in Europa in den vergangenen fünf Jahren belogen”, sagt die Politikwissenschaftlerin. Und stellt klar: “Das Resultat davon ist: Deutschland ist nicht in der Position, über die großen Fragen zu entscheiden.

Guérot glaubt, dass mit einer Koalition aus Union und SPD die großen Visionen zu einem Neuanfang in Europa ausbleiben werden. “Das ist wie ‘Warten auf Godot’”, sagte die Politologin in Anspielung auf das berühmte Theaterstück des irischen Schriftstellers Beckett. 

In dem Stück, das zum absurden Theater gezählt wird, sind die beiden Landstreicher Estragon und Wladimir zu einem langen und sinnlosem Warten verdonnert. Denn der erwartete Godot wird nicht auftauchen.

Die ausbleibende Antwort aus Berlin

Auch die EU wartet schon lange auf eine Antwort auf die EU-Reformvorschläge. Immerhin zieht sich die Regierungsbildung nun schon seit über vier Monaten hin.

Kurz vor der Bundestagswahl hatte Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron seine Vision für Europa vorgestellt, wenig später folgte die EU-Kommission mit eigenen Vorschlägen.

Im Gespräch sind unter anderem ein eigener Investitionshaushalt für Europa, ein EU-Finanzminister mit eigenem Budget und der Umbau des gegenwärtigen Euro-Rettungsfonds ESM zu einem Europäischen Währungsfonds, der Krisenländern helfen soll.

Vor allem der letzte Vorschlag sorgt für Aufregung bei der CDU. “Mit dem Europa-Programm wird das Tor weit geöffnet für noch mehr Schulden in Europa”, sagte der Generalsekretär des Wirtschaftsrats der CDU, Peter Steiger, über die GroKo-Sondierungen kürzlich.

► Aber am Ende könnte Guérot Recht haben, blickt man auf die bisherigen Ergebnisse der Koalitionsverhandlungen in der Europapolitik. Denn die sind vor allem eines: schwammig. 

Mehr zum Thema: Bisher ist die SPD in den GroKo-Verhandlungen gescheitert – mit einer Ausnahme

Keine substanzielle Agenda zu erwarten

Der Koalitionsvertrag werde “den Willen zu einem neuen Aufbruch in Europa signalisieren”, versprach SPD-Chef Martin Schulz am Mittwoch. Doch die Pläne bleiben vage.

► Als beschlossen gelten unter anderem höhere Beiträge zum EU-Haushalt – was der EU-Finanzkommissar Günther Oettinger (CDU) ohnehin wegen des baldigen Ausscheidens Großbritanniens aus der EU gefordert hatte.

► Und eben die Entwicklung eines Europäischen Währungsfonds. In einer heiklen Fraktionssitzung am Dienstag soll Merkel laut der “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung” klargestellt haben, dass der Fonds im Unionsrecht verankert werde – und damit die nationalen Parlamente ein entscheidendes Mitspracherecht haben werden.

Für ein Herzensprojekt ist Europa im Koalitionsvertrag nicht konkret genug. Gut möglich also, dass “Estragon” Macron und “Wladimir” Juncker noch ewig auf ihren Godot in Gestalt von Angela Merkel mit einem visionären EU-Reformprogramm in der Hand warten müssen.

Die Union und die SPD, so argumentiert die Politologin Guérot, seien zu zerstritten, um eine “substantielle Europa-Agenda” vorzulegen.

Was bleibt, ist absurdes Theater.


So How Explosive Is The Memo Trump Just Declassified?

So How Explosive Is The Memo Trump Just Declassified?
US President Donald Trump on Friday approved the declassification of a Republican-authored memo said to allege wrongdoing at the Department of Justice and FBI
Release was widely seen as a move intended to undermine special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump’s campaign
Nonetheless, it’s an unprecedented decision – and comes as the Mueller investigation zeroes in on key figures in Trump’s inner circle
FBI ― headed by a Trump appointee ― previously said it had “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy”
Republicans have hyped the memo’s release for weeks, calling it “worse than Watergate,” while Democrats and the FBI have warned that the document omits key context and that making it public could damage national security and further undermine the public’s faith in the nation’s premier law enforcement organisations.

But the four-page document, which was drafted by Republican staffers in the office of House Intelligence Committee chairman and Trump transition team member Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), reveals little new information.

Its authors focus on complaints of liberal bias among mostly Republican law enforcement officials, while omitting information that does not fit their narrative.

The resulting document is boring and tendentious, and it’s hard to understand why Republicans were so excited to get it out and why the FBI and Democrats were so determined to keep it secret. It’s such a dud that it was probably more valuable to Republicans when it was still a secret document.

That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.

February 2, 2018
Some things the Nunes Memo does not explain away: 1) The hack of DNC servers by 2 Russian intelligence agencies 2) George Papadopoulos’s contacts with the Russians 3) Michael Flynn’s negotiations with the Russian ambassador 4) the Trump Tower meeting 5) Firing Comey

February 2, 2018
NEW: Statement from the FBI Agents Association sent out just after the Nunes memo was released pic.twitter.com/TCi9ycBh8J
The lacklustre contents of the memo gives more credence to the theory, reported first by the Washington Post, that Trump’s move to declassify was designed as a political play vital to his desire to make changes at the Justice Department.

These changes include pushing out Rod Rosenstein, who is overseeing Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. But the firing of both, Democrats have said, would represent a “constitutional crisis”.

For now, the memo is already being reported by conservative media in America not for its contents but for the reaction the decision has created. Fox News is using the hashtag #MemoDay.

Ultimately, the unprecedented move signals once more that Trump is not a US president who plays by the rules.

PS. There’s now also an interesting discussion in how this whole episode acts as proof for how Fox News and other conservative media in America are driving the country towards “a constitutional crisis”.
