BBC Question Time Brexiteer Accidentally Admits He Didn’t Know What Brexit Would Entail

BBC Question Time Brexiteer Accidentally Admits He Didn’t Know What Brexit Would Entail
A member of the BBC Question Time audience accused Nicky Morgan and fellow Tory rebels of a “really treacherous act” for voting against the Government yesterday before unwittingly admitting he didn’t know what Brexit would entail.

He began with a rousing speech in which he said Barnsely voted overwhelmingly Leave (68%) to stop immigration that “damaged the working class communities that this town is”, a bold statement when according to the latest Census data only around 4% of the town’s population are non UK-born, far below the national average of 11.5%.

Massive immigration problem in Barnsley. I feel for the fella…
(Detailed figures can be viewed here and here)

He added: “We made our decision and we knew why we made it.

“And I know you say we’re thick up North but I remember voting on my ballot paper and it said ‘Leave or Remain’.

“And it didn’t say when I put my [vote] in Leave: ’Now turn to question two – do you want the soft Brexit or the hard Brexit?’”

Of course the issue of a hard or soft Brexit was the inevitable result of voting to leave the EU as the UK Government thrash out a deal after triggering Article 50.

Martin Lewis, founder of Money Saving Expert, summed it up:

No it didn’t have a second question saying “do you want a soft brexit or hard brexit”, nor ask views on immigration, single market and more. That’s the problem! We had a black and white vote on a rainbow of issues. It has been devastating, divisive and directionless. #bbcqt

December 14, 2017
The gentleman also lashed out at “these elite politicians”, echoing a sentiment voiced recently by Nigel Farage, arguably the most influential voice of the Leave campaign.
Good to see seven time by-election and general election candidate Nigel Farage MEP sticking it to the career politicians…

Masturbation Will Make You Gay, Mormon Document Warns

Masturbation Will Make You Gay, Mormon Document Warns
masturbation gay

masturbation gay

The Mormon church hates self-love. Masturbation should be strictly banned because it can turn young people into homosexuals and criminals, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes, according to a leaked guidebook issued to members. The 1981 guidebook, released this week by the transparency group MormonLeaks, provides some insights into what many young Mormons…

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Masturbation Will Make You Gay, Mormon Document Warns

Average Energy Drink Contains More Sugar Than An Adult’s Recommended Daily Allowance

Average Energy Drink Contains More Sugar Than An Adult’s Recommended Daily Allowance
It might be stating the obvious to say that energy drinks contain a lot of sugar, but when you realise quite how much it might encourage you to kick the habit once and for all.

A new report has revealed the average sugar content of energy drinks is more than an adult’s maximum daily recommendation for sugar intake.

To put that in perspective, the NHS recommends that adults should have no more than 30g of free sugars a day – or seven sugar cubes. So the findings are concerning to say the least.

The research, conducted by Action on Sugar and published in the BMJ Open, analysed the nutritional content of a variety of energy drinks, including products from Relentless, Monster and some own brand supermarket offerings.

While the report found a 10% reduction in sugar and a 6% reduction in calorie content per 100ml between 2015 and 2017, Action on Sugar said the sugar, calorie and caffeine content remain at concerning levels.

Researchers say the improved results may indicate manufacturers have started to reformulate before the implementation of the Soft Drinks Levy, which comes into effect in April 2018.

In addition, the study reveals the number of such energy products (per serving) available on the market has fallen from 90 to 59 between 2015 and 2017. Although serving size was significantly larger in branded versus supermarket own label products in 2015 and 2017, and as a result, the branded products contained on average higher levels of sugar compared with supermarket products.

The report revealed 59% of products in 2015 and 54% in 2017 exceeded the maximum UK’s recommendation for sugar intake per serving for an adult (30g/day). But when it comes to children the results are even more alarming with 86% in 2015 and 78% in 2017 of products exceeding the maximum daily recommendation for sugar intake for a child aged 7–10 years (24 g/day).

The study concludes that to reduce the harmful impact of energy drinks, further reductions in sugar, calorie and caffeine are urgently needed.

Authors add measures such as a ban on the sale of energy drinks to children, which was previously called for by Action on Sugar, and now supported by Jamie Oliver, and school teachers, should also be implemented.

Registered Nutritionist Kawther Hashem, co-author of the BMJ Open study and researcher for Action on Sugar at Queen Mary University of London, says: “Whilst it’s encouraging to see that some energy drinks manufacturers have reduced sugar in advance of the levy next spring, the huge can and bottle sizes (500ml) means youngsters are still consuming far too much unnecessary sugar and caffeine.

“It’s clear that further reductions in both sugar and caffeine are urgently needed, and that they should get rid of large serving sizes – action must be taken now without further delay.”

Graham MacGregor, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at Queen Mary University of London, Chairman of Action on Sugar and co-author of the BMJ Open study, says: “This study illustrates the huge contribution of energy drinks to sugar intake, which is linked to the development of obesity and various types of cancer, as well as type 2 diabetes and rotting our children’s teeth.

“They are completely inappropriate for children to consume, form no part of a healthy balanced diet, and should be banned for under 16s.”

“Tagesthemen”-Kommentatorin fordert Polen und Ungarn zum EU-Austritt auf

“Tagesthemen”-Kommentatorin fordert Polen und Ungarn zum EU-Austritt auf

“Natürlich, verehrter Herr #Orban und Co, brauchen wir Verteilungsquoten, damit Griechenland oder Italien nicht zerbrechen. Was bedeutet Solidarität denn sonst? Alle müssen mitmachen” – @isabelschayani zum Streit um Solidarität in der #EU.

— tagesthemen (@tagesthemen) 14. Dezember 2017

  • Für die EU war dieser Donnerstag ein schwieriger, konfliktgeladener Tag
  • Besonders über die Verteilung von Flüchtlingen gibt es beim Gipfel in Brüssel Streit
  • “Tagesthemen”-Kommentatorin Isabel Schayani schlägt eine radikale Lösung vor

Anfang der Woche diskutierte Deutschland noch über die von SPD-Chef Martin Schulz ins Gespräch gebrachten “Vereinigten Staaten von Europa”

Wenige Tage später, am Donnerstag, ist von Einigkeit nichts zu spüren. Eher scheint es, als sei die EU ein bröckelndes Konstrukt.

 Wie die “Süddeutsche Zeitung” berichtet, plant die EU-Kommission, Polen für “schwerwiegende Verletzungen der Rechtsstaatlichkeit” zu rügen. Dabei geht es um die umstrittenen Justizreformen der PiS-Regierung. 

► Zudem gibt es neuen Streit über die Asylpolitik.

Länder wie Polen, Ungarn und Tschechien weigern sich weiter, Flüchtlinge unter den EU-Staaten aufzuteilen. Sie wollen die EU mit einer Zahlung von 35 Millionen Euro zur Grenzsicherung in Libyen ruhigstellen.

“Tagesthemen”-Kommentatorin Isabel Schayani brachte daher am Donnerstagabend eine radikale Konfliktlösung ins Spiel. In der ARD-Nachrichtensendung forderte sie Polen, Ungarn und Tschechien auf, die EU zu verlassen.

“Natürlich brauchen wir Verteilungsquoten”

“Ich bin für eine starke EU, wenn wir da einer Meinung sein sollten, dann bitte an Bord bleiben”, begann die WDR-Journalistin ihren Kommentar. “Ansonsten (…) wäre das jetzt der Moment auszusteigen. Das würde ich Polen, Ungarn und Tschechien auch empfehlen: aussteigen, die EU verlassen.”

Denn in der Union sei ein Ungleichgewicht entstanden, führte Schayani aus: “Die einen nehmen auf und die anderen gucken weg.” Das Solidar-Prinzip werde dadurch außer Gefecht gesetzt.

In einer Zeit der komplexer werdenden Probleme sei das nicht hinnehmbar. “Was wir Polen, Ungarn und Tschechien sagen sollten: ’Wir können nicht jeden Flüchtling reinlassen in die EU, der reinmöchte.”

Jeder Verfolgte müsse aber die Möglichkeit haben, Europa selbst um Asyl zu bitten. Die Journalistin findet: “Natürlich brauchen wir Verteilungsquoten, damit Griechenland oder Italien nicht zerbrechen. Was bedeutet Solidarität denn sonst?”

Wer nicht mitmachen wolle, solle sich eine andere Gemeinschaft suchen. “Sonst schwächt er die EU – und löst sie auf.”

Kern und Merkel gegen Orban und co

So weitreichend sind die Überlegungen in Brüssel noch nicht. 

Doch besonders die Bundesregierung verschärfte am Donnerstag noch einmal die Rhetorik gegenüber den Skeptikern der Verteilungspolitik, auf deren Seite sich zuletzt auch Ratspräsident Donald Tusk geschlagen hatte.

Kanzlerin Angela Merkel beharrt darauf, dass im Krisenfall alle EU-Staaten Flüchtlinge aufnehmen. Merkel erklärte in Brüssel, es gehe in Europa nicht nur um den Schutz der Außengrenzen: “Wir brauchen auch Solidarität nach innen.”

► Zur Flüchtlingspolitik hatte Tusk eine Grundsatzdebatte der Staats- und Regierungschefs angesetzt, weil die 28 Staaten seit Jahren keine gemeinsame Linie finden.

Mehrere östliche Staaten weigern sich, Asylsuchende aus den Mittelmeerländern Italien und Griechenland aufzunehmen. Als Tusk vor dem Gipfel nahelegte, das Prinzip der Umverteilung von Flüchtlingen aufzugeben, stach er in ein Wespennest.

Auch Österreichs Kanzler Christian Kern sagte: “Ich bin über die Formulierung von Tusk wirklich unglücklich.” Wenn man sich innerhalb der EU nur an Beschlüsse halte, wenn sie für das jeweilige Land vorteilhaft seien, werde die Zusammenarbeit nicht funktionieren.

Mit Material der dpa.

Behaviour At Christmas Parties Affected By Harvey Weinstein And Sexual Harassment Scandals, Poll Finds

Behaviour At Christmas Parties Affected By Harvey Weinstein And Sexual Harassment Scandals, Poll Finds
Workplace Christmas parties have been affected by the recent spate of sexual harassment scandals, with a quarter of male employees worried colleagues could misunderstand their behaviour at this year’s events, a new poll has revealed.

A ComRes poll for ITV News one in four people expect their Christmas party to be more subdued this year as a result of the Harvey Weinstein allegations that have rocked Hollywood, which spread Westminster and beyond, fuelled by campaigns such as #metoo.

It also found a quarter of women had experienced some form of sexual harassment at work during their career.

In signs the revelations will have a lasting effect on the UK workplace, the poll found men in particular saying they expect to take more care over general conversations at work (39%) and to tone down jokes (32%).

Men said they would also take more care over both socialising and physical contact with colleagues (34% and 31% respectively).

Last month, HuffPost UK spoke to women who described their everyday experiences of harassment at work, from the young woman up against the “Harvey Weinstein of the New York restaurant industry” to a temp worker who has nowhere to turn after a manager groped her behind.


* Around one in four people in employment say that the sexual harassment media stories will affect their Christmas party in some way * 31% say it will make them behave more cautiously around their colleagues (37% of men and 25% of women) * 26% say it makes them worried that their workplace might become less sociable (31% of men and 22% of women) * 24% say it makes them think that behaviour at this year’s party will be more subdued (28% men, 19% women) * One in five (20%) are worried that a colleague could misunderstand their behaviour at this year’s party (24% of men and 16% of women) * Seven percent say that their party has been shelved over sexual harassment concerns (9% men, 4% women)
While the proportion of women who have experienced sexual harassment at work is high at 25% (and men at 9%), the poll also reveals a greater willingness among women to report harassment (66% expect more reporting as a result), and an expectation among 32% of women of less sexual harassment in the workplace.


* 17% say they’ve experienced what they believe to be sexual harassment in the workplace or place of study – 9% of men and 25% of women * The older the person, the less likely they are to say they’ve experienced it – 22% of 18-24s but only 12% of 65+ * Just 4% say they’ve reported sexual harassment to their boss or to someone in authority (we’re asking for a filter to exclude those who haven’t experienced it) * 26% overall, and 31% of women (20% of men) say that the news stories of harassment make them more likely to report it in future; just 3% say they’d be less likely
Andrew Hawkins, chairman of ComRes, said:

“Workplace practices naturally evolve over time but the #metoo campaign has brought about a sudden change in what is considered acceptable. “Even if some feel uncertain about what this means day to day, or are worried about their own behaviour being misinterpreted at this year’s Christmas party, the campaign has clearly succeeded in forcing Britain’s workers to consider more carefully the impact of their behaviour on other people and to be ready to call out abuse when it happens.”