Baile Dionisíaco #12 | Webert da Cruz

Baile Dionisíaco #12 | Webert da Cruz

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#12 | Webert da Cruz”>Baile Dionisíaco <a href=#12 | Webert da Cruz”>

O rito e o mito em existência visceral não esperam por carnaval.
Estouram no centro do concreto, nos antigos becos de uma subterrânea ratoeira.
Sons embalam renegados, por vezes mal amados fora – (Temer) desses tuneis que nos protegem de dias tão amargos.
Com ou sem roupa, com gêneros, com necessárias todas-as-cores, todos-os-amores e os tambores. Com respeito, com amor, calor, abraço, afeto, flor.
Por onze vezes chamamos Dionísio em sua casa, floresta-selva cheia de cor, luz, história, cheiro, sabor e poesia. Aqui somos tudo, do jeito que quisermos. Pulsando energia nova, despertando pra novos tempos. Novos sentidos.

Quem somos nós?
Da criação até as sequencias dos fatos, ainda não sabemos.
Somos o zodíaco, constelações, as fases da lua, sol, um novo planeta, incenso, ouro, lixo, luxo, divinos, descartáveis, vorazes, processos, ciclos…
Um ciclo que chegou ao 12, nascer, morrer, retornar.
(nos poros) ficamos sempre arrepiados com o gozo do nascimento de uma nova edição.
Somos reticências, vírgulas, aspas… Sem ponto final

Fotos: Webert da Cruz
Instagram: @webertdacruz

Baile Dionisíaco #12 | Webert da Cruz

Team USA may be sending three openly gay athletes to the Winter Olympics and they’re all smokin’ hot

Team USA may be sending three openly gay athletes to the Winter Olympics and they’re all smokin’ hot
No openly gay man has ever competed for the U.S. in a Winter Games before.

Paul Ryan, Salma Hayek, FCC, Truvada, DJ Earworm, Justin Bieber, Cheetos Popcorn, Loki, Disney-Fox: HOT LINKS

Paul Ryan, Salma Hayek, FCC, Truvada, DJ Earworm, Justin Bieber, Cheetos Popcorn, Loki, Disney-Fox: HOT LINKS
Devin Harrison

FCC. Net Neutrality repealed in 3-2 vote. “The agency scrapped so-called net neutrality regulations that prohibited broadband providers from blocking websites or charging for higher-quality service or certain content. The federal government will also no longer regulate high-speed internet delivery as if it were a utility, like phone services.”

PAUL RYAN. Looking for the exit? “Despite several landmark legislative wins this year, and a better-than-expected relationship with President Donald Trump, Ryan has made it known to some of his closest confidants that this will be his final term as speaker. He consults a small crew of family, friends and staff for career advice, and is always cautious not to telegraph his political maneuvers. But the expectation of his impending departure has escaped the hushed confines of Ryan’s inner circle and permeated the upper-most echelons of the GOP. In recent interviews with three dozen people who know the speaker—fellow lawmakers, congressional and administration aides, conservative intellectuals and Republican lobbyists—not a single person believed Ryan will stay in Congress past 2018.”

Harvey WeinsteinHER MONSTER TOO. Salma Hayek details horrific Harvey Weinstein ordeal: “Salma had to turn down the following requests allegedly made by Harvey: Taking a shower with him, letting him watch her take a shower, letting him give her a massage, letting a naked friend of his give her a massage, letting Harvey give her oral sex, and getting naked with another woman.” And Weinstein responded.

CHUCK SCHUMER. Right-wing trolls push fake document in attempt to smear Schumer: “Right-wing media trolls Mike Cernovich and Chuck Johnson promoted a forged document that accused Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) of sexually harassing a former staffer, then quickly walked back their claims when the document was reported to police as a forgery.”

prepFREE TRUVADA. For at-risk youths in Brazil: “The blue pill — which drastically reduces the risk of contracting the virus when taken daily — will be made available at no cost to eligible Brazilians at 35 public health clinics in 22 cities during an inaugural phase of the program. The Brazilian Health Ministry is paying Gilead Sciences, the American manufacturer of the drug, about 75 cents a dose, a fraction of the price users pay in the United States, where the pill sells for upward of $1,600 for a month’s supply.”

MERGERS. Disney to acquire majority of Fox in $52.4 billion deal: “The deal values the 21st Century Fox assets in the transaction at $66.1 billion, including $13.7 billion in 21st Century Fox debt, or $28 a share. The enterprise value of the deal is $69 billion. Disney chairman-CEO Bob Iger has extended his contract with the company for another two years, through the end of 2021, in order to oversee the integration of the assets. 21st Century Fox shareholders will receive 0.2745 Disney shares for each Fox share held, giving Fox shareholders about 25% of Disney. 21st Century Fox will spinoff Fox Broadcasting Co., Fox Sports, Fox News, Fox Television Stations and a handful of other assets into a new company that will have revenue of $10 billion and earnings of about $2.8 billion. The 20th Century Fox lot in Century City will also remain with the spinoff Fox company.”

JUSTIN BIEBER. Shirtless Christmas tree decorating.

VIRAL VIDEO. Father and son arrested after video showed them assaulting a teen together.


MARVEL. Loki will be pansexual and genderfluid in new YA novel:

Here is what I can say:
Loki is a canonically pansexual and gender fluid character.

— Mackenzi Lee (@themackenzilee) December 7, 2017

First, it’s about time the LGBT+ community was represented in superhero narratives.
Second, in the comics, Loki is reborn as a woman & uses female pronouns & often takes on female forms like the Scarlet Witch and Lady Sif. Odin calls him “my child who is both.”

— Mackenzi Lee (@themackenzilee) December 9, 2017

Loki is established as a pansexual genderfluid character in the Marvel comics. I’m not changing anything, just sticking to the canon. But so what if I was? Queer people need superheroes too.

— Mackenzi Lee (@themackenzilee) December 11, 2017

HEAVEN. Cheetos popcorn is coming to Regal movie theaters. “According to Frito-Lay, the cinema snack will be available from December 15. The recipe will see Original Cheetos mixed in with Crunchy Cheetos. Sadly there’s no mention of a Hot Cheetos spinoff.”

Humanity has peaked.

— Chris Branch (@cbranch89) November 16, 2017



MASHUP OF THE DAY. DJ Earworm’s annual compilation of the year’s pop hits.


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Paul Ryan, Salma Hayek, FCC, Truvada, DJ Earworm, Justin Bieber, Cheetos Popcorn, Loki, Disney-Fox: HOT LINKS

Top-News To Go: EU verlängert Sanktionen gegen Putin – der zeigt sich unbeeindruckt

Top-News To Go: EU verlängert Sanktionen gegen Putin – der zeigt sich unbeeindruckt
Putin bei seiner Weltpressekonferenz: Der Präsident gab sich selbstbewusst wie eh und je. 

Die EU hat die Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Russland abermals verlängert. Grund sind die unzureichenden Fortschritte im Friedensprozess für die Ukraine.

Das ist passiert:

► Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU einigten sich am Donnerstagabend in Brüssel auf den Schritt, um den Druck auf Präsident Wladimir Putin zu erhöhen.

EU united on roll-over of economic sanctions on Russia.

— Donald Tusk (@eucopresident) December 14, 2017

► Die EU hatte die Sanktionen trotz Milliardenverlusten für heimische Unternehmen zuletzt im vergangenen Sommer bis zum 31. Januar 2018 verlängert.

► Sie sollen nun weitere sechs Monate gelten.

Darum ist es wichtig: 

Experten gehen nach Angaben von Diplomaten davon aus, dass die Sanktionen Russland bereits einen dreistelligen Milliarden-Betrag gekostet haben. Doch auch die europäische Konjunktur wird in Mitleidenschaft gezogen.

Mit der Koppelung der Sanktionen an den Friedensplan wollen die EU-Staaten den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin dazu bewegen, seinen Einfluss auf die prorussischen Separatisten in der Ostukraine stärker für eine Beilegung des Konfliktes zu nutzen.

Moskau hält die Strafmaßnahmen für ungerechtfertigt und hat im Gegenzug Einfuhrverbote für westliche Agrarprodukte wie Obst und Fleisch verhängt.

Was ihr noch wissen solltet:  

Deutschland trägt die Hautplast der Wirtschaftssanktionen. Das zeigt eine Untersuchung des Kieler Instituts für Weltwirtschaft (IfW).

Die Wissenschaftler kommen zum Ergebnis, dass die deutschen Exporte im Durchschnitt um rund 727 Millionen Dollar (618 Millionen Euro) pro Monat niedriger sind, als sie es ohne Sanktionen wären. Besonders Unternehmen im Osten Deutschlands klagen über Verluste.

Der russische Präsident Putin zeigte sich am Donnerstag (wohlgemerkt vor der Entscheidung) unbeeindruckt. Er erklärte auf einer internationalen Pressekonferenz, sein Land sei “stärker als je zuvor”.

Dominic Grieve Says He’s Received Death Threats Over Brexit Rebellion As He Questions Daily Mail Reporting

Dominic Grieve Says He’s Received Death Threats Over Brexit Rebellion As He Questions Daily Mail Reporting
The senior MP who led the Tory rebellion over Brexit has admitted receiving death threats as a result of his position as he criticised the Daily Mail’s reporting of the vote.

Dominic Grieve, the ex-Attorney General who led 10 fellow Conservatives to vote against Theresa May to give parliament a “meaningful” vote on the Brexit deal, warned of a “febrile” atmosphere that meant detail of the debate was being overlooked, and that it meant any questions raised about quitting the EU was deemed “sabotage”.

The MP told the Guardian this results in “some people expressing themselves in terms that at times include death threats”, and that he had death threats via voicemail and email.

He added: “The form of reporting that the Daily Mail adopts is an incitement to obscuring what the issues actually are. That then adds to the atmosphere.”

The Mail was accused of putting MPs at risk of abuse after it slammed the Tory rebels as “self-consumed malcontents” on its front page, asking: “Proud of yourselves?”

The government was narrowly defeated in a key vote on its Brexit bill last night after a group of Conservatives sided with the opposition and voted in favour of giving MPs a meaningful vote of the exit deal agreed with Brussels.

According to the newspaper, the Tory rebels, which also included Anna Soubry, and Nicky Morgan, have betrayed “their leader, party and 17.4 million Brexit voters”.

Splashing the photos of the MPs across its front page, the Daily Mail lambasted the group for pulling the rug from underneath EU negotiators and increasing the possibility of a “Marxist in No.10″.

Critics condemned the story as “outrageous and irresponsible”, calling the treatment of the rebel MPs “bullying”.

A spokesperson for the Daily Mail said the accusations were “preposterous”.

“Is it now being suggested that because the Mail supports the British public’s decision to leave the EU it should be forbidden to report debates in Parliament?”

Many of the MPs featured in the splash have hit back at the story, with Soubry agreeing that she is indeed proud of her decision to rebel.

“We put our country first exerting British principles of democracy and free speech,” she rebuffed. “You should try it some time.”

Queer comic killed on ‘Tonight Show’ talking about ‘masc’ guys and hitting on Uber drivers

Queer comic killed on ‘Tonight Show’ talking about ‘masc’ guys and hitting on Uber drivers
The gay comedian just made his television debut on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, and it’s well worth a look.

GOP Rep. Blake Farenthold to Retire from Congress After Vulgar Details of Office Behavior Emerge

GOP Rep. Blake Farenthold to Retire from Congress After Vulgar Details of Office Behavior Emerge
Blake Farenthold

Blake Farenthold

Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) will retire from Congress after additional sexual harassment allegations emerged this week.

Farenthold is already being investigated by the House Ethics Committee over sexual harassment allegations by his former aide, Lauren Greene.

Politico reports:

Asked at a news conference Thursday whether Farenthold should resign immediately, Ryan demurred.

“I think he’s making the right decision to retire,” Ryan told reporters. “There are new stories that are very disconcerting. Unacceptable behavior has been alleged in those stories, and I think he’s made the right decision that he’s going to be leaving Congress.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters that the staffers’ accusations are “shocking” and “unacceptable,” and that he should resign rather than retire.

USA Today reports:

Farenthold, who was seeking a fifth term representing the Coastal Bend area of Texas, has been under intense fire since it was disclosed that he settled a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by a former aide with $84,000 in taxpayers’ money. He has said the settlement was a strategic decision to put the matter to rest even though he insists the charges are untrue.

CNN reported on the account of Farenthold’s behavior from a former aide, Michael Rekola:

One comment from the congressman was especially personal. Rekola was about to leave town to get married in July 2015, when, he said, Farenthold, standing within earshot of other staffers in his Capitol Hill office, said to the groom-to-be: “Better have your fiancée blow you before she walks down the aisle — it will be the last time.” He then proceeded to joke about whether Rekola’s now-wife could wear white on her wedding day — a clear reference, Rekola said, to whether she had had premarital sex.

“I was disgusted and I left. I walked out,” Rekola said. Almost immediately after returning from his wedding, he gave his two-weeks notice.

Those crude remarks in the summer of 2015 marked just one of many instances in which Farenthold made sexually charged comments to or in the presence of aides, Rekola said. During the nine months that he worked for the congressman, Rekola said, he was also subject to a stream of angry behavior not sexual in nature — screaming fits of rage, slamming fists on desks and castigating aides, including regularly calling them “f**ktards.”

Rekola also told CNN that when the investigation into Greene’s behavior amped up, Farenthold’s abusive behavior did too:

“Every time he didn’t like something, he would call me a f**ktard or idiot. He would slam his fist down in rage and explode in anger,” Rekola said. “He was flying off the handle on every little thing. I couldn’t find a way to control it.”

Farenthold also frequently made lewd comments about the appearance of women including reporters and lobbyists, Rekola said, remarking on the size of women’s breasts and buttocks. Some of Rekola’s colleagues joked about being on “redhead patrol” — a reference to Farenthold’s well-known affinity for women with red hair (this detail was also described in Greene’s lawsuit against Farenthold).

The post GOP Rep. Blake Farenthold to Retire from Congress After Vulgar Details of Office Behavior Emerge appeared first on Towleroad.

GOP Rep. Blake Farenthold to Retire from Congress After Vulgar Details of Office Behavior Emerge

NASA And Google’s AI Discover First Solar System Other Than Our Own With Eight Planets

NASA And Google’s AI Discover First Solar System Other Than Our Own With Eight Planets

NASA has revealed that by utilising Google’sartificial intelligence researchers have discovered the first known solar system with as many planets as our own.

Using a system called machine learning, Christopher Shallue a senior software engineer at Google AI was able to effectively teach a computer to look through the vast amounts of data collected by NASA’s Kepler space telescope and then identify a planet.

In this instance the computer was able to discover a brand-new planet called Kepler-90i. This increased the number of known planets in the Kepler 90 system to eight bringing it level only to our own solar system for having the most number of known planets.

The discovery confirms that sadly, our solar system is not as unique as we think and that stars are more than capable of supporting large numbers of planets.

Andrew Vanderburg, astronomer and NASA Sagan Postdoctoral Fellow at The University of Texas, Austin believes that this could in fact just be the start for finding more planets in the Kepler 90 system.

“It’s very possible that Kepler-90 has even more planets that we just don’t know about.” he explained.

“In fact it would be surprising if there weren’t anymore planets.”

NASA believes that Kepler-90i is a smallish rocky planet that orbits its host star in just 14.4 days.

Unfortunately it’s not a planet you would want to visit either with temperatures reaching a scorching 800-degrees on the surface.

What’s really incredible about Kepler-90 as a system though is how all its planets are aligned with the star. 

“The Kepler-90 star system is like a mini version of our solar system. You have small planets inside and big planets outside, but everything is scrunched in much closer,” said Vanderburg, a NASA Sagan Postdoctoral Fellow and astronomer at the University of Texas at Austin.

How does Kepler discover new planets?

Despite being one of the most advanced pieces of equipment in space, Kepler’s ability to discover new planets stems from a remarkably simple trick.

When we look towards a star system we have the potential to glimpse something known as a transit. This is when any planet orbiting the star passes in front of it from our point of view.

By constantly monitoring a region of space every few hours, Kepler is able to detect the minuscule drop in light from a single star as a planet passes in front of it.

What’s perhaps even more remarkable is that just by looking at this data scientists can determine its size, distance from the star and even some basic information about its composition and atmosphere.

Kepler has been so successful at capturing these transits that many of the new discoveries we’ve made by trawling through the vast quantities of data that Kepler has captured in the past.

How did Google’s AI discover a new planet?

Well as mentioned above we know that we can find planets by looking at dips of light coming from stars.

Unfortunately for humans Kepler has looked at over 200,000 stars which means there is a frankly staggering amount of information to sort through.

As such humans can only process so much information which meant that more often than not our planetary discoveries were made only by looking at the most visible dips of light.

Shallue realised that much in the same way that he could teach a computer to learn the difference between cats and dogs he could teach it to notice the difference between something that wasn’t a planet and something that was.

“In my spare time, I started googling for ‘finding exoplanets with large data sets’ and found out about the Kepler mission and the huge data set available,” said Shallue. “Machine learning really shines in situations where there is so much data that humans can’t search it for themselves.”

Using machine learning he ‘fed’ the computer some 15,000 samples of what we knew to be planets. The computer used these 15,000 samples to effectively teach itself how to work out when a dip is a planet and when it isn’t.

Having tested that his software could identify a planet with around 96% accuracy he started feeding it actual data collected by Kepler that hadn’t yet been seen.

What it found was Kepler-90i.

What’s next?

It’s a testament to the sheer amount of data that Kepler was able to collect which means that even now after its mission has ended we are still making major discoveries like this one.

Now that Google’s engineers have shown how machine learning can have a positive impact on the search for new planets Shallue intends to start putting it to work on the entire Kepler dataset.

“These results demonstrate the enduring value of Kepler’s mission,” said Jessie Dotson, Kepler’s project scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley.

“New ways of looking at the data – such as this early-stage research to apply machine learning algorithms – promises to continue to yield significant advances in our understanding of planetary systems around other stars. I’m sure there are more firsts in the data waiting for people to find them.”