새로 드러난 아스피린의 놀라운 효능

새로 드러난 아스피린의 놀라운 효능

발기부전 치료에 아스피린이 비아그라 못지않은 효과가 있다는 연구결과가 나왔다.

터키 이스탄불 메디폴(Medipol) 대학 비뇨기과 전문의 제키 바이락타르 박사 연구팀이 미국의 온라인 의학전문지 ‘신장·비뇨기학 뉴스’(Renal & Urology News)에 발표한 연구결과를 보면, 저용량(100mg) 아스피린을 매일 복용하면 발기부전이 개선되는 효과가 있었다. 

연구팀은 남성 184명(평균연령 48세)을 두 그룹으로 나눴다. 120명에겐 저용량 아스피린을, 64명에겐 위약을 6주 동안 매일 복용하도록 했다.

임상시험을 시작하면서 연구팀은 이들에게 성행위 때 1) 발기가 되는지 2) 발기 상태가 성행위 중 만족스러울 정도로 지속하는지를 물었다.

1번 질문에 아스피린 그룹의 51.3%, 대조군의 50%가 ‘그렇다‘고 답했다. 2번 질문엔 아스피린 그룹에서 31.2%, 대조군에서 31.6%가 ‘그렇다’고 대답했다. 

6주 임상시험이 끝난 뒤 똑같은 질문을 다시 했다. 아스피린 그룹은 1번 질문에 ‘그렇다’고 대답한 비율이 51.3%에서 88.3%로, 2번 질문의 경우는 31.2%에서 78.3%로 높아졌다.

대조군에서도 발기 기능이 약간 개선된 것으로 나타났으나 통계학상 의미를 부여할 수 있는 수준은 아니었다고 연구진은 밝혔다.

바이락타르 박사는 ”발기부전 치료제 비아그라를 사용했을 때 나타나는 발기 성공률 48~81%에 비교해도 손색 없는 수준이다”라고 설명했다. 





(写真はイメージ)日本相撲協会の臨時理事会に臨む理事の貴乃花親方(元横綱)=20日、東京・両国国技館 撮影日:2017年12月20日






日本相撲協会理事候補選挙の結果を伝える張り紙。貴乃花親方(元横綱)の得票は2票のみで落選した 撮影日:2018年02月02日






















Law Removing Marriage Rights from Gay People in Bermuda Takes Effect

Law Removing Marriage Rights from Gay People in Bermuda Takes Effect
Bermuda gay marriage

Bermuda gay marriage

Bermuda’s Governor today approved the Domestic Partnership Act 2017, legislation passed in December taking same-sex marriage rights away from gay couples.

Bermuda News reports:

In a statement this afternoon [Feb 7], Governor John Rankin said, “After careful consideration in line with my responsibilities under the Constitution, I have today given assent to the Domestic Partnership Act 2017.”

The Supreme Court of Bermuda legalized same-sex marriage in May 2016 in a case brought by Toronto-based Bermudian and Canadian gay couple, Winston Godwin and Greg DeRoche (above), who  preferred to marry in Godwin’s home of Bermuda, a UK territory.

Rights groups had pressured UK foreign minister Boris Johnson to veto the legislation. That did not happen.

The post Law Removing Marriage Rights from Gay People in Bermuda Takes Effect appeared first on Towleroad.

Law Removing Marriage Rights from Gay People in Bermuda Takes Effect

Revealed: Secret Universal Credit Reports ‘Barely Mention Claimants’

Revealed: Secret Universal Credit Reports ‘Barely Mention Claimants’
And the reports reveal how Universal Credit came close to “complete failure” in 2013, but has since recovered.

Labour MP Frank Field, who chairs the Work and Pensions Committee which analysed the reports, said: “In the eighth year of the programme, the department itself has yet to produce the full business case for its own mega reform.”

Top secret “Project Assessment Reviews” dated between 2012 and 2015 were handed to the committee alongside other more recent reports after a humiliating climbdown by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Ministers made the “exceptional” move to hand over the files late last year after a bruising Commons backlash.

But in a damning assessment, MPs said on Thursday:

There remains “no evidence” that Universal Credit “makes work pay” for all types of claimants;
There’s “considerable uncertainty” about the reform’s costs and benefits;
And constant delays to the rollout appear to cancel out savings Universal Credit was meant to provide.
Field added: “The programme managers appear to expect us, the public, and the minister responsible to take it on faith that [Universal Credit] will deliver the much improved employment outcomes they claim for the vast range of people – disabled, single parents, carers, the self-employed – who will claim [it].

“They have produced no evidence to back up the key, central economic assumption of the biggest reform to our welfare system in 50 years.

“The reviews, which barely mention claimants, are also shot through with management gobbledegook.”

MPs blast Whitehall ‘gobbledegook’ MPs have criticised the use of “cryptic and cliched” project management speak in the top secret Universal Credit files. Examples of the so-called “gobbledegook” included: Describing meetings as “stand-ups”, “priority stand-ups”, a “scrum of scrums” and even a “Show and Tell”; Referring to elements of Universal Credit as “stories”, “epic level stories” and “story groups”; Explaining one team had “not fully matured its ability to accurately size incoming stories”; And describing the successful completion of a task as “ensuring the safe landing of delivery”. The committee of MPs said the files were “no loss to the canon of published prose”.
With the latest full assessment review dated 2015, the committee has called for greater transparency in future.

Universal Credit replaces six benefits with one single monthly payment and will gradually roll out to all those on welfare by 2022.

But it has been plagued by problems, including a perilous six week wait in payments, a surge in the use of loan sharks and food banks, and rip-off fees to call its helpline.

Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey defended Universal Credit in the Commons last week, saying: “Universal Credit has had a positive impact since its start, as shown through published research and analysis.

“Independent research shows us that people are ​spending more time looking for work, applying for more jobs and even doing jobs they would not have considered doing before.”

‘Not fit for purpose’

Responding to the committee’s findings, Debbie Abrahams, Labour’s shadow work and pensions secretary, said: “After years of Tory Universal Credit chaos, this report proves once again that Universal Credit is not fit for purpose.

“It is completely unacceptable that the Government has not provided any evidence to back up their repeated assertion that Universal Credit will help people into work, a key principle of the programme.

“As Universal Credit is being rolled out, people in and out of work are being pushed into rent arrears, debt and poverty with food bank use rising as a consequence. Yet the Government’s own review barely mention claimants.”

A spokesperson for the DWP said: “The Work and Pensions Select Committee has commended the department for running the Universal Credit programme ‘more professionally and efficiently with a collective sense of purpose’.

“The committee acknowledges that the historic issues raised in this report have now been addressed and ‘substantial achievements’ have been delivered since 2013.

“Universal Credit is the biggest modernisation of the welfare system in a generation and continues to be delivered in a safe and secure way.

“The Infrastructure and Projects Authority has independently supported our test and learn approach, the improvements we continue to make and the recent expansion of the programme.”

Meanwhile the battle for the reports to be fully published continues, with a tribunal set to decide whether the public should be able to access the files or not.

The government has argued that the internal documents were only ever meant to be seen by ministers and releasing them publicly could mean future reports are less useful.

And we reported how terminally ill Universal Credit claimants are routinely assigned “work coaches”, prompting condemnation from charities.

Ministers announced on Wednesday that the government will change the threshold at which households with Universal Credit claims will receive free school meals.

Labour said the plan could mean more than one million children go without a hot meal at school.


Bermuda repeals marriage equality

Bermuda repeals marriage equality

NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization, released the following statement in response to Governor John Rankin signing into law the repeal of marriage equality, making Bermuda the first national territory to strip away the right to marry.

“As the world faces a resurgence of anti-LGBTQ activism, Bermuda just earned the shameful recognition of becoming the first national territory to strip away marriage from loving and committed LGBTQ couples,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “LGBTQ couples and their children in Bermuda should know that the global community of LGBTQ people and allies will stand with them in rectifying this unjust and hurtful news. Love can never be rolled back.”

Prior to this law, Bermuda first achieved marriage equality with a Supreme Court of the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda ruling in May 2017.

February 7, 2018
