Happy Valentines Day to These Two Long-Distance Lovebirds: WATCH

Happy Valentines Day to These Two Long-Distance Lovebirds: WATCH
long-distance lovebirds

Andrew McLaughlin just surprised his long-distance boyfriend Jeremy Miles with a video marking the year they spent meeting each other in various places. It might be the cutest thing you see this Valentine’s Day.

According to GSN, “they’ve ‘travelled to 14 different cities, 5 countries, spent 192 hours on a plane, 68 hours on a train and everything else in between, all just to see each other’.”

Said Miles: “Everytime we see each other, there’s a whirlwind of emotion, with ecstatic hellos, but heart-wrenching goodbyes. We’ve been through it all 6 times now, and the separation never gets easier, but we can’t wait to do it all again. We’re both studying in university and spend our weekends saving so that we can travel to be with each other.”

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Happy Valentines Day to These Two Long-Distance Lovebirds: WATCH

Heftige Kopfschmerzen: Frau versteht nach Schlaf eigene Worte nicht mehr

Heftige Kopfschmerzen: Frau versteht nach Schlaf eigene Worte nicht mehr
Frau mit Schlafproblemen. (Symbolbild)

  • Eine Frau aus dem US-Bundesstaat Arizona wachte eines morgens auf einmal mit einem starken Akzent auf
  • Ärzte fanden heraus: Sie leidet unter einer sehr seltenen Krankheit

Als Michelle Meyers eines morgens aufwachte, war die ganze linke Hälfte ihres Körpers taub, sie war nicht in der Lage, zu sprechen.

Die Mutter von sieben Kindern wurde sofort in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. Die Doktoren sagen ihr, sie könnte einen Schlaganfall erlitten haben, der ihr die Sprache geraubt habe – am Abend zuvor hatte Meyers über starke Kopfschmerzen geklagt

Tatsächlich ist ihr Fall, über den der US-Sender Fox News berichtet, jedoch weitaus komplexer. Denn als die 45-Jährige wieder sprechen konnte, verstand sie sich selbst nicht mehr. 

Meyers leidet an einer seltenen Krankheit

Denn: Sie sprach auf einmal in einem starken britischen Akzent. “Ich wollte sagen, ‘Mein Name ist Michelle’. Doch es kam etwas heraus wie ‘Hase, Fuchs …’”, sagte Meyers zu Fox News

► “Niemand konnte mich verstehen. Ich dachte mir, dass da etwas mit meinem Gehirn nicht in Ordnung ist.” 

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Als die Frau es schließlich schaffte, einen geraden Satz heraus zu bringen, sprach sie statt ihrem Heimatakzent aus Oklahoma feinstes britisches Englisch. 

Und so diagnostizierten die Ärzte laut Fox News schnell, was Meyers wirklich fehlte: Sie leidet demnach am äußerst seltenen Foreign Accent Syndrome. 

Die Krankheit ist äußerst selten, eine medizinische Studie aus dem Jahr 2011 zählte nur 60 Fälle seit dem Jahr 1907. Und: Ihre Ursachen sind psychologisch. 

Meyers leidet seit 2015 an dem Syndrom

Für Meyers bedeutet die Krankheit, dass sie seit dem Jahr 2015 weiter in einem britischen Akzent spricht. 

Dabei war der Vorfall damals nicht der einzige, bei dem sich das Foreign Accent Syndrome bei ihr bemerkbar machte.

► Im Jahr 2011 habe sie nach dem Aufwachen einmal acht Tage lang mit irischem Akzent gesprochen.

► 2014 sei es ein vorübergehender australischer Akzent gewesen. 

“Ich würde alles dafür geben, wieder normal zu sein”, sagte Meyers Fox News. “Seltene Krankheiten sind sehr emotional. Man fühlt sich alleine, isoliert.”

Mehr zum Thema: Wegen einer seltenen Krankheit wurde sie als Kind gemobbt – jetzt ist sie ein gefragtes Model





A man impersonating North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gestures as he stands before North Korean cheerleaders attending the Unified Korean ice hockey game against Japan during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at the Kwandong Hockey Centre in Gangneung on February 14, 2018.   / AFP PHOTO / YELIM LEE        (Photo credit should read YELIM LEE/AFP/Getty Images)

A man impersonating North Korean leader Kim Jong Un waves a unified Korean flag before North Korean cheerleaders attending the Unified Korean ice hockey game against Japan during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at the Kwandong Hockey Centre in Gangneung on February 14, 2018.   / AFP PHOTO / YELIM LEE        (Photo credit should read YELIM LEE/AFP/Getty Images)

A man impersonating North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is removed by security offices after waving a unified Korean flag before North Korean cheerleaders attending the Unified Korean ice hockey game against Japan during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at the Kwandong Hockey Centre in Gangneung on February 14, 2018.   / AFP PHOTO / YELIM LEE        (Photo credit should read YELIM LEE/AFP/Getty Images)

Ice Hockey ? Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics ? Women Preliminary Round Match - Korea v Japan - Kwandong Hockey Centre, Gangneung, South Korea ? February 14, 2018 - Kim Jong-un impersonator holds a Korean unification flag. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

A Kim Jong Un impersonator sits with spectators during the final period of the women's preliminary round ice hockey match between Unified Korea and Japan during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at the Kwandong Hockey Centre in Gangneung, South Korea on February 14, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / Brendan Smialowski        (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A Kim Jong Un impersonator cheers in front of North Korean cheerleaders during the final period of the women's preliminary round ice hockey match between Unified Korea and Japan during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at the Kwandong Hockey Centre in Gangneung, South Korea on February 14, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / Brendan SMIALOWSKI        (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A Kim Jong Un impersonator cheers in front of North Korean cheerleaders during the final period of the women's preliminary round ice hockey match between Unified Korea and Japan during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at the Kwandong Hockey Centre in Gangneung, South Korea on February 14, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / Brendan Smialowski        (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A Kim Jong Un impersonator is confronted during the final period of the women's preliminary round ice hockey match between Unified Korea and Japan during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at the Kwandong Hockey Centre in Gangneung, South Korea on February 14, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / Brendan Smialowski        (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

TOPSHOT - A Kim Jong Un impersonator is forced out in the final period of the women's preliminary round ice hockey match between Japan and the Unified Korean team during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at the Kwandong Hockey Centre in Gangneung on February 14, 2018.   / AFP PHOTO / Brendan Smialowski        (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

South Korean police check the ticket of a man impersonating North Korean leader Kim Jong Un after he was removed while appearing before North Korean cheerleaders attending the Unified Korean ice hockey game against Japan during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at the Kwandong Hockey Centre in Gangneung on February 14, 2018.   / AFP PHOTO / YELIM LEE        (Photo credit should read YELIM LEE/AFP/Getty Images)

South Korean police surround a man impersonating North Korean leader Kim Jong Un after he appeared before North Korean cheerleaders attending the Unified Korean ice hockey game against Japan during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at the Kwandong Hockey Centre in Gangneung on February 14, 2018.   / AFP PHOTO / YELIM LEE        (Photo credit should read YELIM LEE/AFP/Getty Images)


Sarah Jessica Parker Downplays Kim Cattrall Feud: ‘There Is No Fight’

Sarah Jessica Parker Downplays Kim Cattrall Feud: ‘There Is No Fight’
Sarah Jessica Parker has spoken out about her so-called “feud” with Kim Cattrall, insisting that she never retaliated to her ‘Sex And The City’ co-star’s “hurtful” comments.

Last year, Sarah Jessica admitted her disappointment after it emerged that Kim had turned down the opportunity to appear in a third ‘SATC’ film, with the Samantha Jones actress later telling Piers Morgan in the aftermath that she felt SJP “could have been nicer”.

But while the two are still being pitted against one another in the press, Sarah Jessica has now told People magazine that there is “no fight” between herself and Kim.

These quotes were presumably given before Kim hit out at Sarah Jessica Parker over the weekend, over a message of support her co-star sent folloiwng the death of her brother.

Sarah Jessica told the US publication: “It’s really funny because I never talked about it, except [to say] that some of us were disappointed.

“But I never responded to the conversation Kim had with Piers Morgan, where she said things that were really hurtful about me… So there was no fight; it was completely fabricated, because I actually never responded.

“And I won’t, because she needed to say what she needed to say, and that is her privilege.”

In a furious Instagram post on Saturday (10 February), Kim accused SJP of “exploiting” her brother’s death to “restore [her] ‘nice girl’ persona”, branding her a “hypocrite” and a “cruel bully”.

She also shared a link to a New York Post piece, entitled “Inside the mean-girls culture that destroyed ‘Sex and the City’”.


ALARMING: Colorado GOP Stoke the Flames of Discrimination Against LGBTQ People and Other Minorities

ALARMING: Colorado GOP Stoke the Flames of Discrimination Against LGBTQ People and Other Minorities

Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization, called on Republican members of the Colorado General Assembly’s Joint Budget Committee to immediately take action restoring funding to the Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) — the department charged with protecting the civil rights of all Coloradans in the areas of employment, housing and public accommodations. Last week, Republicans on the committee voted to block funding for the crucially important division.

“By voting to withhold funding from the very division responsible for upholding the state’s civil rights laws, Colorado’s GOP lawmakers are stoking the flames of discrimination against LGBTQ people, people of color, people of faith, people with disabilities and women,” said JoDee Winterhof, HRC Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs. “This reckless action will not go unnoticed by the fair-minded majority of Colorado voters who will hold them accountable. Republican lawmakers on the committee must immediately take action to restore funding to the Colorado Civil Rights Division.”

“One Colorado is proud to be on the ground leading a broad coalition of civil rights organizations, business and faith leaders, and elected officials here in our state to stand up for the civil rights of Coloradans from all walks of life,” said Daniel Ramos, Executive Director of One Colorado. “All Coloradans have the right to be treated fairly and equally, including LGBTQ Coloradans, and the CCRD reaffirms this fundamentally American idea. A vote to ensure this office continues is a vote to support protecting our fellow Coloradans’ civil rights.”

In addition to investigating claims of discrimination in Colorado, the body provides training and outreach about non-discrimination laws to the general public, local businesses, community groups, and federal agencies. Recent presentations covered topics such as equal access to public restrooms for transgender people, and pregnancy discrimination in the workplace as well as in places of public accommodation.


California GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Linked Gay Rights With Polygamy, Sex with Animals

California GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Linked Gay Rights With Polygamy, Sex with Animals

John Cox-6 by Tommy Lee Kreger (CC BY 2.0)

California gubernatorial candidate John Cox once compared gay rights with polygamy and sex with animals.

Discussing the “homosexual agenda” at a presidential debate more than a decade ago, Cox said that the government should not “sanction” same-sex relationships.

RELATED: Texas Lawmaker Cites ‘Moral Standard,’ ‘Bestiality’ In Defending Unconstitutional Sodomy Ban

Speaking at the a Values Voters debate in 2007, he added:

“We also have this problem with transvestites who want to be school teachers. What the Republican Party needs to stand for is school choice and home-schooling, so that we can keep our children in the schools of our choice, and we won’t have to deal with that.

“We certainly need to stand up for the proper behavior, we absolutely need to do that, but we need to use common sense, and talk about the fact that we can’t open the floodgates to polygamy and bestiality and all kinds of other things.”

Cox made the comments during a short-lived unsuccessful presidential bid, according to the San Jose Mercury-News.

New: Gay rights could “open the floodgates to polygamy and bestiality,” California GOP governor candidate John Cox suggested in a 2007 debate t.co/kwc4d9u6AM

— Casey Tolan (@caseytolan) February 12, 2018

In a statement issued on Monday, Cox said that the issue of gay marriage was settled by the Supreme Court and that his views had changed over time.

“Like many Californians, my views have evolved over the last decade. I concluded that it was inconsistent with my support for individual liberty, limited government and the right to privacy.

“The focus of my campaign is economic growth and freedom and I’m looking forward to engaging the LGBTQ community and all Californians to revive the California Dream.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, in 2007 Cox also said he supported a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman, opposed guest worker programs and pledged to veto hate-crimes legislation and legislation that prohibited employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

He also argued that schools should have federal funds blocked if they expose children to “homosexual propaganda.”

The post California GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Linked Gay Rights With Polygamy, Sex with Animals appeared first on Towleroad.

California GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Linked Gay Rights With Polygamy, Sex with Animals

‘Generation Gifted’: Five Lessons Learned From The Kids In The New BBC Two Documentary

‘Generation Gifted’: Five Lessons Learned From The Kids In The New BBC Two Documentary

Gifted children who come from low income families show resilience and passion but also self-doubt in a new BBC documentary series. 

‘Generation Gifted’ is a six-part series following six highly-talented kids from low income families in some of the poorest parts of Britain.

The first episode follows Anne Marie, from Port Talbot, Wales; Jada, from Handsworth, Birmingham; and Shakira, from Tamworth in the West Midlands. All three girls are in Year 9 and beginning to prepare for their GCSE subjects.

The girls all display a range of emotions – from fear and anxiety about their future, to strong mindsets and a will to achieve. Here are five lessons we learned from the first episode of ‘Generation Gifted’.  

1. A passion can be a haven.

Without a doubt, whether they feel confident or not, all three girls show a huge passion for their talent and the subject they excel in.

Anne-Marie loves writing and reading and has hundreds of books in her bedroom. She is one of the top students in her year for English. To her, reading and writing is her safe space. “When I’m reading, I feel like it’s where I want to be,” she says. “It’s not on the planet, it’s within those lines of those pages, that’s where a reader wants to be, because that’s where they feel like they are most wanted.

“I feel like I can’t walk to people, writing gives me a chance to express myself properly. I can write about every single thing in this world and every thing is a new story. If you feel like life isn’t good enough, you can always write.” 

Anne-Marie loves to write, but suffers with confidence issues. 

Shakira’s passion is art. “I feel happy when I’m drawing,” she says. “I feel like I’m escaping everything around me.” 

2. Support can make the difference between success and failure.

For two of the girls in the episode, self-doubt was high and confidence was low. Anne-Marie is often told to speak up more: “Everything makes me uncomfortable,” she says. “I’m not a confident person, I keep myself from thinking about stuff that I’ll probably panic about later on. I upset myself about it and then I can’t read and I won’t even pick up a pen.”

Shakira is also faced with the constant battle of not believing in herself and is often told by her teachers that her self-doubt is something she needs to overcome. At one point, Shakira has to be encouraged to audition for the performing arts show, but battles with her anxieties and nearly pulls out.

When she is encouraged to get up on stage and sing Sam Smith ‘Only One’ for her audition, she makes her friend cry. She later goes on to perform in the school play. 

Shakira loves art and wants to be a tattoo artist. 

Still need encouragement. Shakira encouraged to do performing arts, but it took her a lot to get into the room and audition. Despite her teacher constantly telling her they thought she could do it.

She went in and sung. 

3. Big dreams are the best motivation.

Anne-Marie wants to be a criminal psychologist to “help people” and plans to go to university to achieve this. Jada wants to go to grammar school, the best university and become a paediatrician. Their dreams inspire them to work hard. 

Shakira’s dream job may at first seem less academic – she wants to become a tattoo artist, but knowing what she wants her end goal to be, does motivate Shakira to push herself at school, particularly in her art classes and takes onboard constructive criticism from her teacher to make sure she’s the best artist she can be.  

Jada wants to be a paediatrician.

4. Children can have resilience beyond their years.

Jada became homeless after her parents separated and now she and her mum and siblings live with her nan. They are currently looking to speak to the council about moving into a bigger house, as she has to share a room with her younger sister. Despite her difficulties at home, Jada’s strong mindset shines through.

“I know it’s going to be hard but anybody can do it if they put their mindset to it,” she says. “Nothing would stop me, I will show them you don’t have to always come from the top end to go to the best school.”

5. Children feel a responsibility to make their parents proud. 

The girls are very conscious that their parents want them to harness their talents so they can have a better life than they had themselves and they don’t want to disappoint anyone around them. 

Anne-Marie says: “I feel like I have a responsibility to do well and help my family. I am the eldest, I want my family to be comfortable rather than having to live in a small house.”

Jada feels the same: “My mum pushes me and makes sure I always go for the best, go for gold. She will tell me I can do better than that. She will say nothing less than gold, so there is no silver and no bronze for me, she just expects the best.”

Shakira, waiting for her mum during her final performing arts show, says: “I just want to make my mum proud.”

‘Generation Gifted’ begins on BBC Two on 14 February at 9pm.


HRC Endorses Josh Kaul for Wisconsin Attorney General

HRC Endorses Josh Kaul for Wisconsin Attorney General

HRC announced its endorsement of Josh Kaul for Wisconsin Attorney General.

“Over the past year in particular, we’ve seen the crucial role attorneys general play in protecting the rights of all Americans, including the LGBTQ community,” said HRC Wisconsin State Manager Wendy Strout. “We are proud to endorse Josh Kaul for Attorney General and look forward to working with him to ensure Wisconsin is a welcoming and inclusive place for all.”

Said Josh Kaul, “I’m honored to be endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign. As AG, I’ll fight to protect equal rights under the law for all Wisconsinites.”

A former Assistant U.S. Attorney and current litigator specializing in voting rights, Kaul has fought for the equal rights of every American. Kaul will be facing incumbent Attorney General Brad Schimel who is seeking a second term. Schimel joined the suit against the Obama administration’s life-saving guidance protecting transgender students. Schimel also recently urged the Supreme Court of the United States to grant a potentially sweeping license to discriminate against LGBTQ people.  Such a decision would threaten to gut many of our nation’s most sacred civil rights laws – not just for LGBTQ people, but also for women, people of color, religious minorities, and Americans of all backgrounds.

HRC recently announced a bold, proactive grassroots expansion with the launch of HRC Rising — a campaign to accelerate progress in states from coast-to-coast, resist the politics of hate, fight anti-LGBTQ legislation, and fuel pro-equality candidates and initiatives. The expansion is the biggest strategic investment in the organization’s 38-year history and will include significant investments in Wisconsin. HRC has identified more than 560,000 Wisconsinites as likely Equality Voters, meaning they are strong supporters of progressive LGBTQ policies including marriage equality, adoption by LGBTQ people, and laws that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
