Perez Hilton whines about how he can’t get a boyfriend, “I’m disappointed”

Perez Hilton whines about how he can’t get a boyfriend, “I’m disappointed”
It’s nearly Valentine’s Day, and Perez Hilton can’t find a boyfriend. Not only that, be he’s almost 40. The world is ending.

Cher, Harvey Weinstein, The Shape of Water, Royal Wedding, Gus Kenworthy, Unilever: HOT LINKS

Cher, Harvey Weinstein, The Shape of Water, Royal Wedding, Gus Kenworthy, Unilever: HOT LINKS
Loren Kennedy

trump treasonBUDGET. Trump’s newly-unveiled budget leaves U.S. with a trillion dollar deficit. “The growing deficits reflect, in great part, the impact of last year’s tax overhaul, which is projected to cause federal tax revenue to drop. And Monday’s budget submission does not yet reflect last week’s two-year bipartisan $300 billion pact that wholly rejects Trump’s plans to slash domestic agencies.

HARVEY WEINSTEIN. Movie mogul hit with major lawsuit by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman: “The lawsuit accuses Harvey of threatening to kill employees and their families, and bragging that he had Secret Service contacts who could “take care of problems.” Harvey allegedly made offers to trade sexual favors for career advancement. The lawsuit also claims to confirm the long-standing rumor that Harvey used female TWC employees as honeypots to lure in potential victims.”

PANIC ALARM. Cops rush to Cher’s Malibu mansion.

Call Me By Your NameCALL ME BY YOUR NAME. Some thoughts on the film from David Groff. ” It may not be a tragic story like Brokeback Mountain or A Single Man, but it follows a tradition of celebrating queer love as something meant to be lost. Except for Carol and The Kids Are All Right, LGBTQ movies that win awards enforce elegy. They thrust their heroes into solitude. They default to the seductive, reflexive myth that desire is most delicious when it is denied.”

THEY’LL SEE YOU. Instagram to notify you when someone takes a screenshot of your story. “Users included in the test are getting a warning that the next time they take a screenshot of a friend’s story the friend will be able to see it…And users who are participating in the test can see who took a screenshot of their story by going to the list of story viewers and seeing a new camera shutter logo next to anyone who took a screenshot of their photo.”

THE SHAPE OF WATER. Someone has created a sex toy in the shape of the monster’s member.

Prince Harry Meghan Markle AIDSROYAL WEDDING. New details about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding this May.

MINOR NIP. Girl bitten by one of Elton John’s dogs: “Mari Kieran, 39, was furious when her daughter Charlotte was bitten during a play date with the star’s two sons Zachary and Elijah. She even claims she has not received an apology from the 70-year-old despite knowing one of his cocker spaniels bit his children’s school friend.”

THE SWAMP. Unilever threatens to stop advertising on Google and Facebook after placement next to hateful content.

LIVERPOOL. Man stabbed after night out: “A bisexual man picked up a knife and stabbed his lover after changing his mind about having gay sex. Daniel Hall met his victim on a night out in Liverpool in December last year before going back to his house for more drinks.”

PYEONGCHANG. Japanese Twitter is obsessed with giant penis statues at the Olympics. And Gus Kenworthy has his eye on them too.

THE CROWN. Lifetime drops first look at its Prince Harry and Meghan Markle movie.

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MONDAY MUSCLE. Loren Kennedy.

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Cher, Harvey Weinstein, The Shape of Water, Royal Wedding, Gus Kenworthy, Unilever: HOT LINKS

Trump stellt Haushaltsplan vor – er zeigt, wo die USA Krieg führen wollen

Trump stellt Haushaltsplan vor – er zeigt, wo die USA Krieg führen wollen
Donald Trump bei einem Treffen mit Generälen im Weißen Haus. 

Das Weiße Haus hat einen Plan für den Haushalt der US-Regierung für das Jahr 2019 vorgelegt – und offenbart darin, in welche globalen Konflikte sich die Vereinigten Staaten in Zukunft einmischen wollen. 

Das ist passiert: 

► Der am Montag von US-Präsident Trump vorgestellte Plan sieht Ausgaben in Höhe von 4,4 Billionen US-Dollar vor – und würde das Haushaltsdefizit der USA im nächsten Jahrzehnt auf 7,1 Billionen US-Dollar erhöhen.  

► Während die Ausgaben für Umwelt- und Gesundheitspolitik unter dem Plan enorm gekürzt würden, sieht er vor, die Militärausgaben drastisch zu erhöhen

► Das Pentagon dürfte 74 Milliarden US-Dollar mehr ausgeben als derzeit – ein enormer Anstieg des Budgets um 14 Prozent

Darum ist es wichtig: 

Die USA haben schon jetzt die höchsten Militärausgaben der Welt. Der Haushalt des Pentagon liegt bei jährlich 824,6 Milliarden Dollar. Die von Trump geplante Erhöhung deutet somit auf eine noch aggressivere Außenpolitik des Landes hin. 

Und auch darauf, wo diese stattfinden soll. Das Budget für den US-Afghanistan-Einsatz soll so um 2 Milliarden erhöht werden. Für den Kampf gegen den IS sollen 2,3 Milliarden US-Dollar pro Jahr mehr ausgegeben werden. 

Pentagon spending $48.9 B in Afghanistan in 2019 budget, nearly $2B more than last year. ISIS war gets $15.3B next year +$2.3B over last year

— Lucas Tomlinson (@LucasFoxNews) February 12, 2018

Was ihr noch wissen müsst: 

Hinzu kommen auch geplante Milliardenausgaben um die Raketenabwehrsysteme der US-Streitkräfte zu verbessern – eine Reaktion auf die nukleare Bedrohung durch Nordkorea. 

► Aber: Trumps Haushaltsplan hat in seiner jetzigen Form kaum eine Chance, verabschiedet zu werden. Die US-Parlamente müssten ihm zustimmen – und selbst den Republikaner wären die Vorschläge Trumps wohl zu teuer. 

Mehr zum Thema: Donald Trumps Atomwaffen-Plan kommt ans Licht – er ist schlimmer als gedacht

Donald Trump Jr’s Wife Hospitalised After Opening Envelope Containing White Powder

Donald Trump Jr’s Wife Hospitalised After Opening Envelope Containing White Powder

Donald Trump Jr’s wife Vanessa has been taken to a New York hospital after opening an envelope containing white powder that was mailed to their apartment, police said.

She was complaining of nausea and was decontaminated by firefighters at the scene.

US authorities have been on alert for mail with white powder in it since 2001, when envelopes laced with anthrax were sent to media outlets and U.S. lawmakers, killing five people.

here, and on Facebook here.

Department of Education Admits to Rejecting Civil Rights Complaints From Trans Students

Department of Education Admits to Rejecting Civil Rights Complaints From Trans Students

Today, HRC responded to a shocking admission by the Department of Education regarding their refusal to respond to civil rights complaints filed by transgender students who are barred from using bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity.

“While civil rights advocates have suspected that the Department of Education was not acting on complaints brought forward by transgender students, reports that these violations are completely being ignored are reprehensible,” said HRC Legal Director Sarah Warbelow. “The department’s failure to act conflicts with the law in multiple jurisdictions, including federal circuits, and further emboldens those who seek to discriminate against transgender students. Once again, Secretary DeVos proves she is not interested in protecting transgender students and instead is choosing to advance the dangerous Trump-Pence anti-LGBTQ agenda.”

Federal appeals courts in the 6th and 7th Circuits have ruled that transgender students are indeed covered under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1974. Additional federal circuit courts have ruled that analogous federal civil rights statutes which prohibit sex discrimination also prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity. These rulings mean that the Department of Education is responsible for enforcing these decisions and accepting complaints that allege civil rights violations.

Just last week more than 700 parents of transgender children signed an HRC letter to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos condemning her failure to protect transgender students and calling on her to recognize the basic human and civil rights of transgender young people in our nation’s schools. Also last week, Secretary DeVos complained about being criticized for not upholding the rights of students.

Since the beginning of the Trump-Pence administration, the Department of Education, under the leadership of Secretary DeVos, has worked to undermine the protections and enforcement of our nation’s civil rights laws. These actions, from withdrawing important guidance that clarified schools’ obligations to protect transgender students from discrimination under Title IX to rescinding Obama-era Title IX guidance related to schools’ obligations to address sexual harassment and sexual violence, disproportionately impact LGBTQ people.

Smithsonian Unveils Official Obama Portraits

Smithsonian Unveils Official Obama Portraits

Obama portraits

The Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery unveiled the official Obama portraits.

Openly gay artist Kehinde Wiley painted President Barack Obama’s portrait, seated, amid a wall of greenery and flowers.

Michelle Obama’s portrait was painted by Amy Sherald, first-prize winner of the Portrait Gallery’s 2016 Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition.

CBS News reports:

The president’s portrait featured a seated Obama with arms crossed in front of lush greenery. “Look at that, I look pretty sharp,” the president remarked upon looking at the painting.

“I tried to negotiate less grey hair,” said the president. He added, “I tried to negotiate smaller ears, struck out on that as well.”

The painting, which features a backdrop of ivy, includes several flowers from Illinois, Kenya and Hawaii which Wiley says charts Obama’s “path on Earth through those plants that weave their way to the foreground.”

CNN adds:

Sherald is another African-American artist known for her unique style, and her portraits also tend to underscore themes of social justice. She often paints black skin tones in gray as a way to take away the assigned “color” of her subjects. Sherald’s work is less about realism in composition and more about shape and color; like Wiley, the choice of Sherald ushers in a new era of presidential portrait.

“Amy, I want to thank you for so spectacularly capturing the grace and beauty and intelligence and charm and hotness of the woman I love,” President Obama said.

The former first lady said she was thinking about the impact Sherald’s work will have on “girls and girls of color.”

“They will see an image of someone who looks like them hanging on the walls of this great American institution … And I know the kind of impact that will have on their lives because I was one of those girls,” she said.

The L.A. Times reported:

Wiley, a Los Angeles native, is world-renowned for his portraits of young black men adorned in the latest in hip-hop street style. The artist has painted portraits of influential hip-hop figures such as the Notorious B.I.G., LL Cool J, Big Daddy Kane, Ice T, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, and Michael Jackson, among others.

Watch an archived livestream of the proceedings:

The post Smithsonian Unveils Official Obama Portraits appeared first on Towleroad.

Smithsonian Unveils Official Obama Portraits

“Karneval in Köln 2018” im Live-Stream: Rosenmontags-Sitzung online sehen

“Karneval in Köln 2018” im Live-Stream: Rosenmontags-Sitzung online sehen

  • Am Montagabend läuft die Karnevalssitzung “Karneval in Köln 2018” im Ersten
  • Das Video zeigt, wie ihr die Sendung im Live-Stream der ARD sehen könnt

“Karneval in Köln 2018” im Live-Stream: Die traditionelle Sitzung am Rosenmontag findet in diesem Jahr unter dem Motto “Mer Kölsche danze us der Reih!” – “Wir Kölner tanzen aus der Reihe!” statt.

► Auf der Bühne im Kölner Gürzenich stehen Bernd Stelter, Guido Cantz, Marc Metzger, Martin Schopps, Volker Weininger, und die die Bläck Fööss.

Außerdem treten Kasalla, Klüngelköpp, Brings, Cat Ballou, Höhner, Räuber, Paveier, Kuhl un de Gäng, Querbeat, das Kölner Dreigestirn und viele andere auf.

Moderiert wird die Sendung von Joachim Wüst.

“Karneval in Köln 2018” im Live-Stream sehen, so geht’s

► Das Erste zeigt die Karnevalssitzung “Karneval in Köln 2018” ab 20.15 Uhr im Free-TV.

Wer die Übertragung unterwegs oder vom Rechner aus mitverfolgen möchte, wird im Live-Stream der ARD fündig. Das Angebot ist kostenlos.

► Hier geht’s zum Live-Stream der ARD

프라이드하우스 평창이 아시아 최초로 설치됐다

프라이드하우스 평창이 아시아 최초로 설치됐다

프라이드하우스가 아시아 지역에선 최초로 평창에 설치됐다.

12일 프라이드하우스 평창은 강릉 캐나다 올림픽하우스 2층에 설치된 프라이드하우스에서 오프닝리셉션을 열고 성소수자들을 위한 공간이 생겼음을 알렸다. 리셉션장 한 벽면에 설치된 스크린에선 이날 금메달을 딴 에릭 레드포드이 속한 팀의 경기장면이 나오고 있었다. 캐나다 피겨스케이팅 선수인 에릭 레드포드는 커밍아웃한 게이선수 중에서 최초로 동계 올림픽에서 금메달을 목에 건 선수다.

캐나다 올림픽 위원회의 CEO이자 사무총장인 크리스 오버홀트는 ”소치올림픽 때 러시아에서 벌어지던 상황들이 매우 당황스러웠지만 선수들의 희망과 꿈에 집중할 수밖에 없었다”면서 ”다시 기회가 주어진다면 LGBTQ 인권에 적극적으로 힘을 실어주고 참여하겠다고 생각했다”고 밝혔다.

크리스토퍼 캐나다 올림픽 위원회 CEO는 또 ”(LGBTQ 인권에 적극적으로 힘을 실어주는 것이) 우리가 지향하는 가장 기본적인 인권의 방향이라고 생각한다”면서 ”올림픽 참여 가능 국가 중 70여개 이상의 나라에서 아직도 성수소자라는 정체성 자체가 불법인 상황”이라며 ”세계인으로서 우리 모두가 더 적극적으로 LGBTQ 선수들과 그들의 공동체에 대해서 더 많은 대화를 나누어야 한다”고 말했다.

이날 리셉션을 찾은 최여미 한국체대 강사는 ”프라이드 하우스가 열린다는 기사를
보고 어떤 분위기일까 하고 보러 왔다”며 ”프라이드 하우스의 공간이 폐쇄적으로 닫혀 있는데 메인 이벤트로 기능할 수 있었으면 더 좋았을 것 같았다”고 아쉬움을 드 러내기도 했다. 프라이드하우스 개최와 관련해 바라는 점을 묻자 최 강사는 ”스포츠 인문학을 연구하는 입장에서 볼 때 학문적으로 이루어져야 할 부분들이 많이 있다”며 ”특히 한국에서는 스포츠나 섹슈얼리티 이슈에서 연구성과가 전무하다시피 하니까 이런 행사들을 통해서 학문적으로도 발전이 되면 좋겠다”고 소감을 밝혔다.

2년 동안 한국에 프라이드하우스 개최를 위해 준비해온 한국성적소수자문화인권센터 의 캔디 활동가는 ”하우스라는 단어 때문에 많은 분들이 집이라는 커다란 공간을 상상하시지만, 프라이드하우스 운동이라고 하는 것은 으리으리한 집을 짓고 성소수자들을 집 안에서 환영하는 것에 그치지 않고 각 나라의 상황에 맞춰서 그 나라에서 스포츠·성소수자 인권을 이야기할 수 있는 것을 포함한다”고 말했다. 캔디 활동가는 ”문제제기만 하는 것이 아니라 (성소수자 선수가 출전하는) 피겨 스케이팅 경기를 차별적이지 않은 시선으로 관람하고 즐기는 파티도 진행할 예정”이라며 계획을 밝혔다.

평창 프라이드하우스 운동과 관련해 가장 힘들었던 점을 묻자 ”(프라이드하우스를 향한 반대 의견보다도) 프라이드하우스의 운동 자체가 가시화가 안됐다”고 답했다. 캔디 활동가는 한국에서의 프라이드하우스 방향성을 설정하는 것도 어려운 점으로 꼽았다. ”북미권에서는 성소수자 선수들을 환대하고 그들에게 안전한 공간을 제공하는 게 큰 목표였다면, 한국에서는 성소수자 선수들이 있다는 걸 알리는 걸 큰 목표로 삼아야 한다는 방향을 고민하고 만들어내는 데 시간이 걸렸다.”

프라이드하우스 평창은, 2018년 평창동계올림픽과 패럴림픽 기간인 2월 9일부터 3월 18일까지 진행될 예정이다. 프라이드하우스는 평창 동계올림픽 성소수자 스포츠 미디어 가이드라인을 제작하여 배포하는 한편, 올림픽 헌장과 평창 조직위 윤리헌장에 따라 성소수자에게 차피별이 없는 올림픽을 위한 감시활동을 이어갈 예정이다. 또 캐나다올림픽위원회와 프라이드하우스 인터네셔널의 지원을 받아 프라이드하우스의 역사를 알 수 있는 전시회, 스포츠 관계자 및 성적소수자 활동가 등과 함께 하는 오프닝 리셉션, 스포츠 안에서의 호모포비아와 관련된 라이브스트리밍등의 행사를 강릉 캐나다 올림픽하우스에서 진행한다. 서울에서는 커밍아웃한 선수들의 경기를 함께 관람하고 응원하는 뷰잉파티(viewing party)를 진행하는 등 다채로운 행사를 준비하고 있다.