Labour Plans To Force Government To Publish Brexit Economic Assessments

Labour Plans To Force Government To Publish Brexit Economic Assessments
Labour MPs plan to force the government to publish its Brexit economic assessments by holding a binding vote in the Commons.

The party will use an opposition day debate on Wednesday to table a motion calling for ministers to make their analysis of the UK economy after various Brexit ‘end states’ available to all MPs.

It will use the same mechanism which compelled the government to make its sectoral assessments available to the Brexit select committee – forcing David Davis to admit there weren’t any.

This procedure gives the Commons the power to require ministers to release government papers to Parliament. Unlike typical opposition day debates, the vote – if passed – will be binding.

Shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer said: “Once again Labour has been forced to use an archaic parliamentary process to make ministers do the right thing.

“People voted to leave the European Union in part to give Parliament control about its own future. That means giving MPs the information they need to scrutinise the government’s approach to Brexit.

“Ministers cannot keep sidelining Parliament to hide the deep divisions within their own party. They should accept this motion and allow the country to have an informed debate about its relationship with Europe after Brexit.”

Labour’s motion in full reads:

“That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, That she will be graciously pleased to give directions that the EU exit analysis which was referred to in his response to an Urgent Question in the House on 30  January by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union be provided to the Exiting the European Union Committee and made available to all Members on a confidential basis as a matter of urgency.”
According to documents leaked to BuzzFeed News, the government’s latest analysis of the impact of Brexit says the UK would be worse off outside the European Union under every scenario modelled.

The assessment showed even if the UK is able to negotiate a comprehensive free trade agreement – as Theresa May hopes – it estimated growth would be down 5% over the next 15 years.

But Tory Brexiteer Iain Duncan Smith told BBC Radio 4′s Today programme on Tuesday that the leak was “a little bit suspicious”.

“It’s deliberately leaked because it gives a bad view, we should put it on one side and leave it alone,” he said. “It’s an incomplete report.”

The former cabinet minister added that if the government got Brexit “right” then the “economy will grow, food prices will come down and particularly the poorest in society will benefit”.

“None of us know exactly where this will end up,” he said.

These hilarious pre-show State of the Union memes will restore your faith in America

These hilarious pre-show State of the Union memes will restore your faith in America
Grab the booze because in just a few hours Donald Trump will give his first State of the Union address before Congress.

Rostam, Scott Baio, Adele, Dolly Parton, Melania Trump, Amazon Berkshire, Oligarch List, Hawaii: HOT LINKS

Rostam, Scott Baio, Adele, Dolly Parton, Melania Trump, Amazon Berkshire, Oligarch List, Hawaii: HOT LINKS
Douglas Souza

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trump waterOLIGARCH LIST. Trump administration cribbed Forbes magazine to create congressionally-mandated list designed to punish Russia for interfering in the US election. “The revelation is likely to invite criticisms of the thoroughness of the Treasury Department’s report and reinforce the notion that the list is primarily a who’s who of Russian elite rather than an official accounting of Kremlin-linked political corruption as some US lawmakers intended.”

I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU. Adele pays tribute to Dolly Parton and Dolly answers back: “And I will always love you!”

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missile north koreaHAWAII. Employee who sent false missile warning thought an attack was imminent. “The FCC said Tuesday that Hawaii has been testing alert capabilities, and the employee mistook a drill for a real warning about a missile threat. He responded by sending the alert without sign-off from a supervisor.”

MILO VENTIMIGLIA. Putting on a gun show.

VIRGINIA. $20 fee proposed for people to watch porn online: ‘Virginia House Bill No. 1592, known as “The Human Trafficking Prevention Act”  was introduced Jan. 19 and proposes making it, “unlawful for any person to distribute or sell any product that makes content accessible on the Internet unless the product possesses an operating digital content blocking capability that renders obscene content, including obscene items, obscene performances, or obscene exhibitions, inaccessible.”

DENIAL OF THE DAY. Scott Baio’s Facebook Live denial of Nicole Eggert’s sexual assault allegations.

CREEPY TRAILER OF THE DAY. Steven Soderbergh’s Unsane. “A young woman is involuntarily committed to a mental institution where she is confronted by her greatest fear — but is it real or is it a product of her delusion?”

MUSIC VIDEO OF THE DAY. Rostam “Bike Dream”.


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The post Rostam, Scott Baio, Adele, Dolly Parton, Melania Trump, Amazon Berkshire, Oligarch List, Hawaii: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Rostam, Scott Baio, Adele, Dolly Parton, Melania Trump, Amazon Berkshire, Oligarch List, Hawaii: HOT LINKS

Paar macht Strandurlaub – Tage später können sie nicht mehr gehen

Paar macht Strandurlaub – Tage später können sie nicht mehr gehen
Ein Paar am Strand (Symbolbild)

  • Ein kanadisches Paar konnte nach einem Besuch am Strand nicht mehr laufen
  • Der Grund: Sie hatten sich mit Wurmlarven infiziert

Zuerst hätte es an den Füßen nur gekratzt. Das berichtet der Kanadier Eddie Zytner dem US-Sender CNN über seinen Urlaub mit seiner Freundin Katie Stephens in der Dominikanischen Republik. 

Der Urlaub sollte zu einem Horrorerlebnis werden. Denn beim Kratzen blieb es nicht. Bilder des Paares auf Facebook zeigen Rötungen und Geschwüre an den Füßen.

Mit der Zeit sei es immer schlimmer geworden. Die Bilder dokumentieren das Fortschreiten der Rötungen. Schließlich seien die Schmerzen so schlimm gewesen, dass weder Zytner noch seine Freundin hätten laufen können. 

► Nach mehreren Besuchen im Krankenhaus hätten sie schließlich eine Diagnose erhalten: Das Paar hatte sich beim Barfußlaufen über die Strände von Punta Cana offenbar Larven von Hakenwürmern eingefangen.

“Tragt Schuhe!”

Die Larven rufen die Hautkrankheit Larva migrans hervor, eine der häufigsten Hautkrankheiten in warmen Klimazonen – die schreckliche Bilder entstehen lässt.

Katie Stephens warnte in einem Facebook-Post alle Reisenden, bei tropischen Stränden vorsichtig zu sein. Ihr Freund sagte zu CNN nur lakonisch: “Tragt Schuhe!” 

Die Hautkrankheit verschwindet auch ohne Behandlung nach etwa sechs Wochen, berichtet CNN. Das Paar habe allerdings antiparasitäre Medikamente eingenommen und könne nun laut eigenen Angaben wieder ohne Krücken laufen.

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Carillion Collapse: Ministers Perform U-Turn On Apprenticeship Wages

Carillion Collapse: Ministers Perform U-Turn On Apprenticeship Wages
The Government has performed a U-turn and vowed Carillion apprentices will continue to be paid beyond January, according to reports.

HuffPost UK revealed how the Official Receiver only planned to pay apprentices cut adrift by the bankrupt outsourcing giant until the end of January.

But the Government has now “caved to pressure” and confirmed they will pay apprentices until they find a new placement.

Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner said they must now stick to their promises.

A Department for Education spokesman has said placements had been found for around half of the 1,400 apprentices trained by Carillion.

Ministers were working round the clock to secure the rest and said “all former Carillion apprentices will continue to be paid while alternative employers are being sought.”

Carillion, which was the UK’s largest construction trainer, went bankrupt earlier this month, leaving behind £5bn of liabilities, just £29m in cash and a long list of unfinished public works.

It had a £6.5m public contract to train apprentices. When the firm collapsed, apprentices told HuffPost UK how they were kept in the dark about their pay.

The DfE spokesman said: “We have taken steps to protect learners by transferring the training of all Carillion apprentices to the Construction Industry Training Board.”

Rayner said some apprentices still have not been contacted, however.

She said: “If the Government has finally caved in to pressure from Labour and trade unions and agreed to continue paying the Carillion apprentices, that is welcome news for hundreds of people who had been left to face the prospect of their wages drying up by the end of the week. We hope that this is the final u-turn and this time they stick to their promises.

“The apprentices have done nothing but work hard for jobs and qualifications, yet they have faced the threat of being abandoned without pay, work or continued training. It is a shame that Ministers have created such fear and uncertainty by failing to give clear and simple guarantees.

“Even now, it is not clear that every Carillion apprentice has been contacted. The Government must ensure that they are all able to complete their training and get the skills that both they and the wider economy need.”