Drivers Abandon Cars At Scottish Ski Resorts As UK Braces For More Snow And Ice

Drivers Abandon Cars At Scottish Ski Resorts As UK Braces For More Snow And Ice

Skiers faced six-mile tailbacks on Saturday as they flocked to the Scottish slopes to take advantage of the snowy conditions.

Drivers abandoned their cars on the roads in a bid to reach the resorts where car parks were full.

Police said there were traffic issues at Glencoe Mountain Resort and Nevis Range ski centres which were both at full capacity on Saturday afternoon.

Police said high volumes of traffic were hampering the efforts of gritters and urged people to turn back.

Inspector Jen Valentine said: “These abandoned cars at both centres are posing a risk so I am urging anyone who has left their car to return and move it. Any cars not moved will be seized.

“It is great that so many people are wanting to take advantage of the good weather and skiing available in our area however, public safety on the roads is crucial and has to be our priority.”

The country is braced for more wintry weather on Sunday when a yellow “be aware” warning of snow and ice covers much of Scotland, the Midlands and northern England. 

Yellow weather warnings for #snow#ice and #rain have been updated: Stay

— Met Office (@metoffice) January 20, 2018

The warning, valid from 6am until 6pm, predicts snow on higher routes and says that rain may fall onto frozen surfaces for a time, particularly across Scotland, following a very cold night.

Icy patches are likely on some untreated roads, pavements and cycle paths.

It warns that some roads and railways are likely to be affected by the weather, with longer journey times by road, bus and train services.

In Northern Ireland a yellow warning of ice is in force from 1am until 9am while a yellow warning of rain runs from 4am until 3pm.

On Friday, members of the public were urged to stay off the roads in some areas of Scotland, with weather warnings covering much of the country.

Dozens of schools around Scotland were closed while some shut early due to the weather.

On Tuesday night, more than 200 motorists were stranded overnight on the M74 as heavy snow and ice caused treacherous driving conditions.

“Kommissarin Heller: Vorsehung”: Darum geht’s im Samstagskrimi des ZDF

“Kommissarin Heller: Vorsehung”: Darum geht’s im Samstagskrimi des ZDF

  • Heller hat aus Notwehr im Dienst einen jungen Kriminellen erschossen
  • Dann wird auch noch ein Anschlag auf ihre Psychologin verübt

Wenn Kommissarin Winnie Heller ermittelt, bekommt man oft einen guten Samstagskrimi im ZDF. Spannend, nervenaufreibend, nie schreiend komisch.

Auch die neue Folge “Vorsehung” verspricht keine leichte Kost zu werden.

Darum geht’s in “Vorsehung”:

Denn Heller gerät in einen psychologischen Ausnahmezustand: Nicht nur der Weggang des vertrauten Kollegen Verhoeven macht ihr schwer zu schaffen. 

► Bei einem Polizeieinsatz hat Kommissarin einen jungen Geiselnehmer in Notwehr erschossen. Eine Tat, die laut ZDF-Vorschau nicht ohne seelische Folgen für die junge Frau bleibt.

Ihre Psychiaterin Dr. Jacobi braucht Heller also vielleicht mehr als je.

► Doch dann wird gerade auf diese ein Mordanschlag verübt. Hellers Realität auseinanderzubrechen, schreibt das ZDF.

Die Kommissarin stürzt sich wie immer in einer solchen Lage in die Arbeit. Ein Anhaltspunkt. Dr. Jacobi hatte bei einer Nachricht auf Hellers Mailbox ihre Sorge geäußert, dass einer ihrer Patienten womöglich einen Mord plane. 

Es gibt auch andere Verdächtige.

Während der Ermittlungen kommen Heller aber immer mehr Zweifel – ist der Gesuchte vielleicht eher im privaten Umfeld der Ärztin zu finden?

Wie ihr “Kommissarin Heller” sehen könnt – nicht nur am Samstag

Das ZDF zeigt “Kommissarin Heller: Vorsehung” am 20. Januar ab 20.15 Uhr im Free-TV und im kostenlosen Live-Stream. Zudem findet ihr die Folge als Video-on-Demand auch in der Mediathek:

Im Video: Das ZDF-Programm im Internet sehen

Thousands Of Women’s March Protesters Take To The Streets On Anniversary Of Donald Trump’s Inauguration

Thousands Of Women’s March Protesters Take To The Streets On Anniversary Of Donald Trump’s Inauguration
Tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets across the US one year after Donald Trump was inaugurated as president.

Crowds gathered in New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Washington on Saturday for the second Women’s March.

The multi-city mass rallies are being hailed as the start of a new era of female political activism.

Today’s demonstration is being held in coordination with rallies planned for the weekend in cities across the US and overseas to mark the first anniversary of Trump’s inauguration.

“People were pretty damn mad last year and they’re pretty damn mad this year,” said Tamika Mallory, co-president of the Women’s March board, Reuters reports.

Mallory said the rallies may take on a light-hearted or even celebratory tone at times, but added: “We also know that serious business has to happen.”

An estimated 5 million people marched on January 21 last year, making it one of the largest mass protests in US history.

Activists say Trump’s policies rolling back birth control and equal pay protections have propelled many women into activism for the first time.

A White House spokesman did not respond to a request for comment on the marches.

The rallies also come during what has been seen as a pivotal year for women’s rights with the #MeToo and #TimesUp social media effort against sexual harassment and abuse that was born out of a string of scandals in Hollywood, Washington and elsewhere.

Today’s marches will be followed by more events on Sunday, including in Las Vegas, which was chosen by organisers to honour the city where the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history took place last August. Nevada is also a key battleground state in the 2018 midterm elections.

The protests come on the same day that the US federal government plunged into a “shutdown” after the Senate could not agree on a new budget.

Affecting hundreds of thousands of federal workers, the shutdown is the first in US history to occur while the same party – the Republicans – controls both Congress and the White House.

In London, anti-Trump protesters descended on the new site of the US embassy, declaring the president a “racist bigot” and calling for Theresa May to cancel her meeting with him at the World Economic Forum in Davos next week.

About 20 activists from the campaign group Stand up to Racism pushed over a mock wall they had built in front of the embassy’s recently opened site in Vauxhall, south London.

It came a week after Trump publicly cancelled a visit to Britain to open the new site because, he said, it had been sold for “peanuts” and was built in an “off location” of London.

Battling heavy rain, protesters chanted “Donald Trump go away, racist, sexist, anti-gay”, and “from Calais to Mexico, all the walls have got to go”, the Press Association reports.

From his attacks on immigrants to the outrageous #Muslimban, we will tear down Donald #Trump‘s racist wall! Thanks to everyone that turned out for today’s protest at the new

January 20, 2018
Lewis Nielsen, an activist for Stand up to Racism, led much of the crowd’s chanting, and later said that Trump will be “met by the biggest demonstration in British history” if he comes to the UK.

“Today marks a year since Trump came to office,” said the 24-year-old said.

“In that year, he’s proved himself to be a racist, sexist bigot. He’s tried to bring in a Muslim ban, he’s called the whole of Africa a shithole, he wants to build a wall in Mexico. It’s incredibly important we oppose his racism.

“If a state visit is arranged it will be a huge mistake for the Government, because the city and the country would be shut down by some of the biggest protests.”

Pornostar Olivia Lua stirbt mit 23 Jahren

Pornostar Olivia Lua stirbt mit 23 Jahren

  • Die 23-Jährige Pornodarstellerin Olivia Lua ist gestorben

  • Es ist der nächste tragische Todesfall eines Pornostars innerhalb kürzester Zeit

Es ist der nächste Todesfall einer Pornodarstellerin innerhalb kürzester Zeit: Olivia Lua ist am Donnerstag mit 23 Jahren gestorben. Sie ist die fünfte tote Darstellerin innerhalb weniger Monate.

Lua wurde tot in ihrem Zimmer in einer Entzugsklinik in Hollywood gefunden. 

Das gab ihre Agentur am Wochenende bekannt und erklärte: „In letzter Zeit gab es viele Kommentare über die Anzahl von Stars, die im vergangenen Jahr gestorben sind. Mit großer Trauer müssen wir mitteilen, dass die Liste länger geworden ist.”

Lua stand kurz vor ihrem Comeback

Lua soll im Oktober 2017 arbeitsunfähig geworden sein und begann daraufhin ihren Entzug.

Dort sollen ihre Medikamente verabreicht worden sein, die in Verbindung mit Alkohol und Drogen zu ihrem Tod führten, sagte die Agentur.

Offenbar stand die  kurz vor ihrem Comeback. Ihre noch junge Karriere begann sie im April 2017.

Olivia Lua passed away this morning – may she rest in peace.

— LA Direct Models (@DirectModels) January 18, 2018

Erst vor wenigen Wochen starb die 20-jährige Pornodarstellerin Olivia Nova, nachdem sich Anfang Dezember 2017 die 23-jährige August Ames das Leben nahm.

Channel 4 Calls In Security Experts After Cathy Newman Becomes Target Of ‘Vicious Misogynistic Abuse’

Channel 4 Calls In Security Experts After Cathy Newman Becomes Target Of ‘Vicious Misogynistic Abuse’
Channel 4 News has called in security specialists after presenter Cathy Newman became the subject of “vicious misogynistic abuse” following a debate this week over the gender pay gay.

Newman’s full 30-minute interview with controversial Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson on Tuesday has been viewed more than 2 million times on YouTube so far.

But Ben de Pear, editor of Channel 4 News, said the level of “nastiness” and “threat” to Newman in the wake of the debate has been “unacceptable”.

He announced on Friday that security specialists were being brought in following the scale of the threat, adding that it was a “terrible indictment of the times we live in”.

1/2 Our @Channel4News onscreen journalists expect to be held to account for their journalism but the level of vicious misogynistic abuse, nastiness, and threat to @cathynewman is an unacceptable response to a robust and engaging debate with @jordanbpeterson.

January 19, 2018
Such is the scale of threat we @Channel4News are having to get security specialists in to carry out an analysis. I will not hesitate to get the police involved if necessary. What a terrible indictment of the times we live in.

January 19, 2018
On Thursday, Hayley Barlow, the head of communications at Channel 4 News, said that the level of abuse directed towards Newman in light of the interview is “something no one should have to endure”.
Whatever you make of this interview, the abuse from some being directed at my colleague @cathynewman is something no one should have to endure.

January 18, 2018
Peterson urged people to stop threatening Newman, posting on Twitter on Friday: “If you’re threatening her, stop. Try to be civilized in your criticism. It was words. Words, people, words. Remember those?”

Many others have spoken out against the abuse being directed towards Newman.

This is awful but worse, unsurprising. wtf is WRONG with people who consider death threats a reasonable response to a TV interview they didn’t like?

January 19, 2018
And people wonder why there aren’t more women at the top: Channel 4 says it has called in online security experts after the brilliant @cathynewman subjected to ‘vicious misogynistic abuse’.

January 19, 2018
During the 30-minute interview, the pair discussed the gender pay gap, campus protests and the patriarchy.

Peterson told Newman: “I’m saying that the claim that the wage gap between men and women is only due to sex is wrong. And it is wrong, there’s no doubt about that.”

He argued that it was important to look at why there is a pay gap between men and women, for example personality traits such as “agreeableness”.

The debate comes as corporations, such as the BBC, are being criticised for paying men and women different salaries for the same job.

Peterson, who was in the UK to promote his new book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, has been outspoken about political correctness in the past, stating in 2016 that he would not use gender-neutral pronouns for transgender students at the University of Toronto.