David Lidington, Theresa May’s De Facto Deputy, Says Britain Could Rejoin Reformed EU

David Lidington, Theresa May’s De Facto Deputy, Says Britain Could Rejoin Reformed EU
Britain could be back in the European Union in a generation if it is reformed, a senior Cabinet minister has hinted.

David Lidington said he did not believe the result of the referendum would be reversed but suggested the EU would not look the same in 20 years’ time, The Press Association reports.

The bloc is likely to be configured differently and that “is something that future parliaments, future generations, will have to consider”, the Cabinet Office Minister said.

Lidington, a former Europe minister who campaigned for Remain, told The Daily Telegraph: “I think that the EU itself is going to change, and I think it is almost inevitable that the dynamic of the single currency is going to drive at least some of the current members of the EU towards much closer economic and, to a degree, political integration in the future.

“And I can’t see the UK wanting to go back into that sort of arrangement.

“But we may be looking in a generation’s time at an EU that is also configured differently from what it is today, and the exact nature of the relationship between the UK and that future system – whatever it turns out to be – of European co-operation is something that future parliaments, future generations, will have to consider.

“I don’t think the EU in 20 years’ time is going to look the same as the EU of today.”

Mr Lidington said there will be a need for a system of economic and political co-operation.

He added: “I think it’s a red herring to be saying ’perhaps we’ll change our minds about going back into the EU in something that looks at all like the thing we’re leaving today. I don’t see that as happening.”

It comes after former Cabinet minister Justine Greening said a future generation of MPs will “improve or undo” Brexit.

“When they take their place here they will seek to improve or undo what we’ve done and make it work for them,” she told the Commons.


Flüchtlingsdeal: EU nimmt viel mehr Migranten aus der Türkei auf, als sie zurückschickt

Flüchtlingsdeal: EU nimmt viel mehr Migranten aus der Türkei auf, als sie zurückschickt
Auf der griechischen Insel Chios hat eine Gemeinde am Strand ein Camp für Flüchtlinge eingerichtet. Das Foto zeigt das Camp im September 2017.

Der Flüchtlingsdeal der EU mit der Türkei funktioniert offenbar nicht wie geplant.

Das ist passiert:

► EU und Türkei haben im Frühjahr 2016 in ihrem Flüchtlingsabkommen vereinbart, dass die Türkei Flüchtlinge zurücknimmt, die von dort illegal auf die griechischen Inseln übergesetzt sind und dort keinen Asylantrag bewilligt bekommen haben. Für jeden Syrer, den die EU in die Türkei zurückschickt, nimmt die EU einen anderen Syrer aus der Türkei auf. Ziel war es, die illegale Einwanderung einzudämmen.

► Nun berichtet die “Bild”-Zeitung am Samstag unter Berufung auf Zahlen der EU-Kommission, dass im vergangenen Jahr 29.439 Migranten illegal auf den griechischen Inseln ankamen, die Türkei aber nur 638 Flüchtlinge zurückgenommen habe. 

► Die EU-Staaten haben dem Bericht nach 8975 Migranten aus der Türkei aufgenommen.

Darum ist es wichtig: 

Zur Nationalität und zum Erfolg der Asylverfahren der Flüchtlinge macht das Blatt keine Angaben.

Die Zahlen legen jedoch den Verdacht nahe, dass das Abkommen sein Ziel – die Verringerung der Zuzugszahlen in die EU – nicht erfüllt.

Was ihr noch wissen müsst:  

Die EU hat sich verpflichtet, der Türkei für die Zusammenarbeit drei Milliarden Euro zur Verfügung zu stellen. So sollen unter anderem die Flüchtlinge in der Türkei besser versorgt werden können. Dem Bericht nach sind inzwischen 1,8 Milliarden Euro überwiesen und die restlichen 1,2 Milliarden vertraglich zugesichert.  


7 Unlikely Beneficiaries Of Donald Trump’s First 12 Months As President

7 Unlikely Beneficiaries Of Donald Trump’s First 12 Months As President

Over the past year much has been said about those who have unfairly born the brunt of the policies of Donald Trump and his administration – immigrants, women and the transgender community to name just a few.

But there are some minority groups out there who, although they may not have grabbed the headlines, have benefited handsomely from possibly the most dysfunctional White House in history.

Here’s a celebration of seven of them…






HRC Statement on Dangerous Trump-Pence Government Shutdown

HRC Statement on Dangerous Trump-Pence Government Shutdown

Today, HRC issued the following response after the federal government officially shutdown following weeks of irresponsible and reckless behavior by the Trump-Pence Administration:

“Today’s government shutdown is the result of a failure of leadership by Donald Trump and Mike Pence.  They kicked the can down the road on every deadline over the past year, from appropriations to children’s health, disaster relief to Dreamers. After weeks of racist and irresponsible rhetoric, our nation is now closed for business to those who need its support most. ,” said David Stacy, HRC’s Government Affairs Director. “It’s wrong to pit Dreamers against children’s health coverage. We can and should protect the 800,000 young people who could be forced to leave the only country they’ve ever known, and vital health care for vulnerable children. The inability of President Trump to follow through on his promise to protect Dreamers is unconscionable. A bipartisan DREAM Act is ready to go. It’s time to get it done.”
