‘Shape Of Water’ Creators Deny Plagiarism Following Statement From Playwright Paul Zindel’s Estate

‘Shape Of Water’ Creators Deny Plagiarism Following Statement From Playwright Paul Zindel’s Estate
Fox Searchlight, the studio behind the film of the moment ‘Shape Of Water’, have been forced to speak out over alleged plagiarism claims, following a statement from the estate of Pulitzer-winning playwright Paul Zindel.

Paul’s son, David, told The Guardian he believes filmmaker Guillermo del Toro copied his dad’s 1969 play ‘Let Me Hear You Whisper’, borrowing elements of the plot for his Oscar-nominated film.

‘Let Me Hear You Whisper’ tells the story of a female cleaner working in a research laboratory, who bonds with one of the dolphins being kept there, who she then tries to rescue.

Guillermo’s film is set in the 1960s and sees Elisa, a cleaner played by Sally Hawkins, in a laboratory fall in love with a sea creature, who she also then attempts to free.

However, a spokesperson for the studio has responded, telling the paper that Guillermo has not seen or read Zindel’s play “in any form”.

After walking away from the Golden Globes with two awards – Best Director and Best Original Score – ‘Shape Of Water’ bagged 13 Oscar nominations earlier this week, including for Best Original Screenplay and Best Picture.


HRC to Honor Betty DeGeneres For Her Decades of LGBTQ Advocacy

HRC to Honor Betty DeGeneres For Her Decades of LGBTQ Advocacy

HRC Foundation announced that it will honor longtime ally and LGBTQ advocate Betty DeGeneres with an Upstander Award at the organization’s fifth annual Time to THRIVE Conference on February 16-18 at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek in Orlando. The announcement comes on the day her daughter, Ellen DeGeneres, who came out publicly two decades ago on her groundbreaking sitcom “Ellen,” celebrates her 60th birthday.

“Betty has been a tireless, fearless advocate for the LGBTQ community, and we have been proud to call her not only a member of the HRC family for more than two decades, but a true friend,” said Vincent Pompei, Director of HRC’s Youth Well-Being Project and Time to THRIVE Conference chair. “Betty is the kind of mother all children deserve, and I am so excited to have our conference attendees hear her inspiring message about being a true supporter and ally of LGBTQ youth and the broader LGBTQ community.”

Here are five times Betty DeGeneres has set the standard for #MomGoals during her years as an LGBTQ advocate and ally:

1. When Ellen, who was 20 at the time, came out to her in 1978, Betty “just gave her a big hug!”

2. She was the first non-LGBTQ ally to join HRC’s National Coming Out Project. “As long as our gay sons and daughters face discrimination and are excluded from the basic protections of our laws, I will urge all American families to come out for fairness,” Betty told HRC’s Equality Magazine in 1997.

3. Betty has published not one, not two — but THREE books on being an incredible parent to LGBTQ children.

4. She unwaveringly supports her daughter, appearing on “The Ellen Show” countless times to spread love, positivity, acceptance — and more than a few laughs!

5. Betty spoke at the first-ever Time to THRIVE Conference in 2014, telling audiences, “Everybody deserves to feel safe and included and have well-being!”

HRC previously announced that it will also honor transgender advocate Gavin Grimm with an Upstander Award during the Time to THRIVE Conference. Grimm made history after suing his school district over its discriminatory policy that barred him from using the boy’s restroom, alleging that the district violated Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. DeGeneres will also join fellow parent-advocates Judy and Dennis Shepard of the Matthew Shepard Foundation. HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride, along with HRC’s Parents for Transgender Equality Council, Youth Ambassadors and Welcoming Schools Program will also be featured at the conference.

The event brings together a wide range of youth-serving professionals to discuss best practices for working with and caring for LGBTQ youth and their families in schools, community centers, health care settings and beyond. It is co-presented by the National Education Association and the American Counseling Association. Toyota, BBVA Compass and AT&T are presenting sponsors of the event.

To register, visit www.TimeToTHRIVE.org.


GLAAD calls attention to Trump’s inaction on global anti-LGBTQ human rights abuses as he takes the stage at the world economic forum in Davos

GLAAD calls attention to Trump’s inaction on global anti-LGBTQ human rights abuses as he takes the stage at the world economic forum in Davos

Trump continues to ignore the growing epidemic of anti-LGBTQ violence and discrimination while fueling hate with his own vitriolic rhetoric

NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization today condemned Trump for his inaction on anti-LGBTQ state violence in Egypt, Chechnya, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Azerbaijan as he takes the stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

“As Trump addresses a room of global changemakers, his unconscionable inaction on the growing epidemic of anti-LGBTQ violence around the world must not be ignored,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “GLAAD has been on the ground in Davos, calling attention to the erosion of LGBTQ acceptance under President Trump’s watch and vowing that we will not be silent while the Present stands idly by in the face of horrific human rights abuses.”

Yesterday at a panel hosted by GLAAD and The Ariadne Getty Foundation at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, GLAAD announced findings of its fourth annual Accelerating Acceptance report, a national survey of more than 2,100 U.S. adults conducted on GLAAD’s behalf. This report shows a drop in the number of non-LGBTQ U.S. adults who are accepting of LGBTQ people; this is the first time an erosion of LGBTQ acceptance has been tracked since the creation of the Acceleration Acceptance report.


  • EGYPT – More than 85 LGBTQ people have been reportedly arrested in a massive crackdown on LGBTQ rights that started after several young people displayed a rainbow flag at a concert in Cario. 
  • CHECHNYA – Authorities in Chechnya have detained and attacked over 100 LGBTQ men because of their perceived sexual orientation and at least 27 men have reportedly been killed by Chechen government officials as of June 2017.
  • BANGLADESH – On May 19, 2017, Bangladesh police arrested 28 men based on their perceived LGBTQ identity. These men were reportedly arrested in a community center in Dhaka and then paraded in front of the media where the police humiliated them, saying they were gay and accessing the men of drug procession. 
  • INDONESIA – In May 2017, 141 people were arrested in arrested in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta during one raid following a similar anti-LGBTQ crackdown lead by senior government figures bringing the known number of anti-LGBTQ arrests in the country to over 200 when combined with earlier raids.
  • AZERBAIJAN – Police carried out mass arrests of as many as 100 LGBTQ people. This is part of a violent campaign targeting gay and bisexual+ men and transgender women who face arrest and torture.
January 26, 2018


European Union Court of Justice Bans ‘Gay Tests’ for Asylum Seekers

European Union Court of Justice Bans ‘Gay Tests’ for Asylum Seekers

The European Union Court of Justice has ruled that “gay tests” for asylum seekers are illegal.

In a case brought by a Nigerian man who applied for refugee status in Hungary, the court ruled “the performance of such a test amounts to a disproportionate interference in the private life of the asylum seeker.”

RELATED: Hungarian Mayor Runs White Supremacist Village Where Muslims and Gays are Unwelcome: WATCH

The man based his asylum claim on the fact that, as a gay man, he faced persecution in his home country

The court found that the unidentified man should not have been pressured into examinations that included the Rorschach ink-blot test.

Reuters reports:

In the Rorschach test a participant’s perceptions of inkblots are recorded and are then analyzed for clues about his or her personality characteristics and emotional functioning.

On the basis of the tests, the Hungarian state-appointed psychologist concluded that the Nigerian man was not homosexual and his claim was rejected, prompting an appeal.

In responding to the Hungarian court which referred the case, the ECJ said it was acceptable to seek expert opinion but this must be obtained in ways consistent with human rights and should not be the sole basis of a ruling.

Hungary’s government has been at the forefront of efforts by a number of predominantly eastern EU states to reduce the number of asylum seekers entering Europe.

It was one of the first countries affected by a wave of around one million refugees who entered the EU via Greece in 2015.

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European Union Court of Justice Bans ‘Gay Tests’ for Asylum Seekers

Fleischfressende Bakterien: Junge stürzt von Rad und stirbt Tage später

Fleischfressende Bakterien: Junge stürzt von Rad und stirbt Tage später

  • Ein Achtjähriger trug nach einem Radunfall eine kleine Verletzung davon
  • Viel zu spät bemerkten Ärzte und Eltern, dass der Junge sich dabei eine tödliche Infektion zugezogen hatte

Eigentlich haben alle Beteiligten alles richtig gemacht – doch trotzdem musste ein achtjähriger Junge sterben. 

Als der kleine Liam Flanagan aus dem US-Bundesstaat Oregon vor kurzem mit dem Fahrrad vor seinem Haus stürzte, fuhr ihn seine Mutter Sara Hebard sofort in die Notaufnahme

► Das Kind hatte sich am Bein verletzt und blutete.

► Im Krankenhaus nähten die Ärzte Liam mit sieben Stichen und schickten ihn wieder nach Hause.

Mehr zum Thema: 3-Jähriger kratzt seine Windpocken auf – kurze Zeit später stirbt er

Nach ein paar Tagen hatte Liam starke Schmerzen

“Es war keine große Sache. Es sah nicht schlimm aus. Er musste genäht werden, das war’s”, sagte Hebard dem amerikanischen Nachrichtensender Fox.

Sie dachte, dass alles wieder gut wäre.

Aber nach ein paar Tagen klagte der Junge über starke Schmerzen, wie die Eltern der lokalen Zeitung “Spokesman Review” berichteten. Auch Medikamente hätten Liam nicht geholfen.

Dann sagte der Achtjährige, dass er zusätzlich Schmerzen in der Leistengegend hätte. Sein Stiefvater warf daraufhin einen Blick auf die Stelle und erschrak: Die Haut war “purpurrot verfärbt” und wirkte “stark entzündet”, wie er der Zeitung “Spokesman Review” sagte.

► Die Eltern fuhren ihn sofort ins Krankenhaus, wo er notoperiert wurde.

Denn die Diagnose der Ärzte lautete: Der Junge litt an nekrotisierender Fasziitis, einer seltenen aber tödlichen Infektionskrankheit. 

► Liam hatte sich offenbar durch die Wunde mit fleischfressenden Bakterien infiziert. 

Mehr zum Thema:Spendenaufruf: Familie will todkranken Sohn nach Hause holen

“Sie schnitten und hofften und schnitten und hofften”

Bei der ersten Operation versuchten die Ärzte, das von den Bakterien befallene Gewebe zu entfernen, um die tödliche Infektion zu stoppen. Dann wurde er mit dem Hubschrauber in das Kinderkrankenhaus Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland geflogen, um weitere Tests und Behandlungen durchzuführen.

► Doch die Bakterien hatten das Gewebe von Achsel bis Knöchel befallen, wie Hebard berichtete.

► Die Ärzte versuchten, die Infektion mit weiteren Operationen in den Griff zu bekommen.

“Sie haben Stück für Stück weggeschnitten – fast seine ganze rechte Seite. Sie schnitten und hofften und schnitten und hofften”, sagte Hebard dem “Spokesman Review”.

Doch es half leider nichts. Liam starb am Sonntag an der Infektion, von der die Ärzte glauben, dass sie durch die Erde vor seinem Haus in die Wunde gelangt ist. 

Liams Eltern machen sich nun Vorwürfe, dass sie den Jungen nicht sofort ins Krankenhaus gefahren haben, als er über Schmerzen klagte.

“Umarmt eure Kinder, denn ihr wisst nicht, wie schnell es gehen kann. Und passt gut auf sie auf und nehmt nicht einfach nur an, dass es nur ein kleiner Unfall war”, sagte Hebard zu Fox. “Ich habe noch nie von so etwas gehört.”

Die Eltern sammeln Geld für Behandlungs- und Beerdigungskosten auf der Spendenwebseite “GoFundMe”.



100-Calorie Snack Campaign Sparks Debate About Calorie Counting For Kids

100-Calorie Snack Campaign Sparks Debate About Calorie Counting For Kids

A campaign advising parents to give their children 100-calorie snacks has sparked a debate about the effects of calorie counting kids’ food. 

Public Health England (PHE) introduced a campaign in January 2018 calling for parents to give kids “100 calorie snacks, two a day max”, to encourage healthier snacking.

However national charity Beat believes PHE should have considered the impact the campaign may have on individuals at risk of developing an eating disorder.

“We have heard from parents and treatment providers who cite the promotion of anti-obesity messages to children as a factor in the onset and maintenance of eating disorders,” the charity said in a statement.

“While the campaign is aimed at parents, it is easy to see how it will also engage a younger audience. Encouraging excessive focus on calorie counting could be harmful for young people susceptible to disordered eating.”

However PHE argue that it is hard to tackle the problem of obesity and eating disorders at the same time.

They shared statistics that showed 34% of children aged 10 and 11 years old are overweight and obese, while 1.3% are underweight.  

“Our Change4Life campaign helps millions of families make healthier choices,” said Dr Alison Tedstone, chief nutritionist at PHE. “Every campaign encourages families to eat more fruit and vegetables and use front of the pack labelling to choose healthier foods.

“This campaign responds directly to parents’ concerns and our campaigns are rigorously tested with parents to ensure they provide helpful and practical advice.

“It’s not about counting calories – it’s a simple tip for parents to help change their children’s snacking habits.”

PHE advised those who have, or are worried about others with, eating disorders should seek help from a registered health care professional.

Beat also questioned whether the campaign gave the impression that counting calories of snacks indicated how healthy they are.

“A 100 calorie drink or snack with high levels of processed sugar will not reduce feelings of hunger, whereas many healthy snacks are over 100 calories and can play an important role in a healthy and balanced diet,” Beat argued. “Focusing on calories rather than on healthy and balanced eating is unhelpful. 

“We understand there are public health obesity strategies in other countries that have a positive impact on mental wellbeing and reduce the risk of eating disorders. We are investigating these to see whether they could be applicable to the UK.”

Paediatric dietitian Judy More agreed that PHE could have further emphasised the importance of nutritious snacks for children.

“100 calorie snacks will not be suitable for all children,” she said. “I think listing recommended (low sugar, high nutrients) snacks and non-recommended snacks (high sugar, low nutrients) would have been a better way forward.

“I also think one sugary snack per day is better for teeth than two sugary snacks per day. Evidence shows limiting sugar containing foods to four episodes per day (e.g. the three meals and no more than one snack) reduces the risk of dental caries. They seem to have overlooked that research funded by the WHO and carried out in England.”

However, she added that eating disorders are multifactorial and said PHE has a remit to reduce obesity in the UK population and becoming overweight or obese is linked to an excess calorie intake.

“Living in a family where parents or older siblings obsess about calories and weight is not a good environment for a child with the genetic potential to develop an eating disorder,” she told HuffPost UK. “However not every child living in that type of environment goes on to develop an eating disorder.”

For more information on PHE’s healthy eating campaigns for the family, visit their website.


#FlashbackFriday: After Coming Out, Ellen Delivers Moving Speech at HRC’s First National Dinner

#FlashbackFriday: After Coming Out, Ellen Delivers Moving Speech at HRC’s First National Dinner

Over the years, Ellen DeGeneres has come to symbolize what it means to live life authentically. Her courageous decision to come out more than 20 years ago on national TV not only helped change hearts and minds, but inspired countless other LGBTQ people to live their truth.

As HRC celebrates Ellen’s 60th birthday today, we also mark the occasion with a very special #FlashbackFriday commemorating the powerful speech she delivered at our first ever National Dinner back in 1997.

Below is an excerpt from Ellen’s keynote speech:    

‘This hasn’t been an easy journey for me. I lived with a sense of shame for a long time. Every interview, I tried to dodge around that dreaded question, “Are you gay?” My answer was always: “My private life is my private life.” And it is. But my sexuality is as much a part of me as my skin color. I tried to justify why I should keep it hidden for as long as I could.

I finally got to a point where living honestly and being proud of who I am was more important than fame. Ironically, my being honest made me more famous. So much for those who said it would hurt my career. I was willing to risk it all and i was reward for it. My life is better than it’s ever been — I found love and there’s nothing more important than that…

I feel so good knowing I’ve made a contribution — that’s my reward. I never wanted to be an activist — i just wanted to entertain people to make them feel good. But as I’ve witnessed the discrimination —  the double standards —  and heard the statistic of teen suicides —  I’ve had to re-think that. If by standing up for what I think is right makes me an activist — I’m an activist.’

Thank you, Ellen, for inspiring a generation.
