Martin Luther King’s Children Shatter Donald Trump’s Attempt To Honour Their Father

Martin Luther King’s Children Shatter Donald Trump’s Attempt To Honour Their Father
The son and daughter of Dr Martin Luther King Jr have launched extraordinary attacks on Donald Trump on what would have been the 89th birthday of their father.

Reverend Bernice King and Martin Luther King III both rebutted any notion the President represented the ideals of the civil rights movement and said the American Dream is a “nightmare”.

The excoriating comments were in stark contrast to a video put out by the White House in which Trump spoke at length about the legacy of Dr King.

“Dr. King’s dream is our dream. It is the American Dream. It’s the promise stitched into the fabric of our Nation, etched into the hearts of our people, and written into the soul of humankind.”

January 15, 2018
“We are here today because the American Dream is decidedly a nightmare for too many citizens and people have had enough.

“Let me say it again – the dream has become a nightmare for too many American citizens on the left and the right.

“And they’ve had enough. They’ve had enough of the viciousness and vitriol seen from the statehouse to the White House.

“When a President insists that our nation needs more citizens from white states like Norway, I don’t even think we need to spend any time even talking about what it says and what it is.

“Now, the problem is that you have a President who says things but has the power to execute and create racism. That’s a dangerous power and a dangerous position and we cannot tolerate that.

“We got to find a way to work on this man’s heart.”

“The American Dream is decidedly a nightmare for too many citizens” As the USA celebrates Martin Luther King Day, the civil rights leader’s eldest son addresses Trump’s comments about Haiti and the African continent.

January 15, 2018
“We cannot allow the nations of the world to embrace the words that come from our President as a reflection of the true spirit of America.

“We are one people, one nation, one blood, one destiny. … All of civilisation and humanity originated from the soils of Africa

“Our collective voice in this hour must always be louder than the one who sometimes does not reflect the legacy of my father.”

Trump has been forced to insist he is “not a racist” after he was accused of calling Haiti and African nations “shithole countries” last week.

The President sparked widespread outrage with the alleged comments, with the UN slamming the “racist” remarks as “shocking and shameful”. 

But Trump hit back at the criticism last night (Sunday), telling reporters in Florida: “I’m not a racist. I’m the least racist person you have ever interviewed.”

The row erupted following a meeting to discuss protections for immigrants, during which the US leader reportedly asked: “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

“We should have more people from places like Norway,” he is said to have added.

New bionic sex dolls are the “deepest” on the market and come with interchangeable heads

New bionic sex dolls are the “deepest” on the market and come with interchangeable heads
Introducing RealDoll, the male sex robot that “emphasizes the term ‘LOVE doll’ because they are so much more than a sex toy.”

GOP Senator Jeff Flake to Compare Trump to Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin in Floor Speech

GOP Senator Jeff Flake to Compare Trump to Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin in Floor Speech
trump stalin

trump stalin

Senator Jeff Flake will compare Donald Trump’s rhetoric to that of Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin in a speech he’ll deliver on the Senate floor on Wednesday.

RELATED: Arizona GOP Senator Jeff Flake Delivers Blistering Rebuke of Trump, Says He Won’t Seek Reelection: WATCH

Flake says Trump’s remarks should be “a great source of shame” for the Senate and the GOP and says his attacks on the media are an “assault as unprecedented as it is unwarranted.”

CBS News reports:

“Mr. President, it is a testament to the condition of our democracy that our own President uses words infamously spoken by Josef Stalin to describe his enemies,” reads the excerpt. “It bears noting that so fraught with malice was the phrase ‘enemy of the people,’ that even Nikita Khrushchev forbade its use, telling the Soviet Communist Party that the phrase had been introduced by Stalin for the purpose of ‘annihilating such individuals’ who disagreed with the supreme leader.”

“When a figure in power reflexively calls any press that doesn’t suit him ‘fake news,’ it is that person who should be the figure of suspicion, not the press,” he’s also expected to say.

In October, Flake announced he is not going to seek re-election and delivered a sharp rebuke of Trump on the Senate floor. Flake, the establishment candidate, was seen as highly vulnerable to a Trump-allied challenger.


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GOP Senator Jeff Flake to Compare Trump to Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin in Floor Speech

Facebook löscht Bilder von “Barbara”: Das macht ein Problem deutlich

Facebook löscht Bilder von “Barbara”: Das macht ein Problem deutlich
Ein Bikini über einem Straßenschild - mehr braucht es nicht, um von Facebook gelöscht zu werden. 

  • Mit der Begründung, sie verstießen gegen Gemeinschaftsstandards, haben Facebook und Instagram Bilder der Streetart-Künstlerin “Barbara” gelöscht  
  • Nun hat sich Facebook entschuldigt

Humorvoll-satirische Zettelbotschaften, mit doppelseitigem Klebeband auf Schilder und Hauswände geklebt: Das ist es, was “Barbara” zur beliebtesten Streetart-Künstlerin Deutschlands macht. 2016 erhielt die anonyme Künstlerin für ihre unverwechselbare Art, die Menschen zum Nachdenken anzuregen, sogar den Grimme Online Award.

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Ihre Aktionen teilt “Barbara” auf Facebook und Instagram. Aber seit dem Inkrafttreten des NetzDG (Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz) vor einigen Wochen haben die sozialen Netzwerke mehrere Fotos der Aktionskünstlerin gelöscht – aufgrund eines Verstoßes gegen die Gemeinschaftsstandards zum Teilen.

Das jedenfalls steht in dem Statement, mit dem sich die Künstlerin nach einer kurzen Social-Media-Auszeit auf Facebook zurückmeldet. Ihr sei außerdem gedroht worden, dass ihr Account im Falle weiterer Verstöße gelöscht würde.

Was genau an den gelöschten Bildern den Gemeinschaftsstandards zuwider laufen soll, ist schwer nachvollziehbar: Auf einem war ein mit einem Bikini behängtes Verkehrsschild zu sehen, auf einem anderen ein Kaktus-Graffiti unter einem (fremden) “Heil Hitler”-Schriftzug.

Dann gab es auch eine Einladung anlässlich des Geburtstags von Hitler, die sich – ohne viel Nachdenken – als Satire entlarvt kann. Alles in allem: Harmlos und gegen niemand Bestimmtes gerichtet. Es geht um Aktionen gegen Hass.

Mit diesem Kaktus wollte Barbara eigentlich gegen rechtsradikale Schmierereien vorgehen - Facebook löschte ihn trotzdem. 

Das hat inzwischen auch Facebook eingesehen: Nachdem in vielen Medien der Vorwurf der Zensur laut geworden war, hat sich das Unternehmen bei der Künstlerin entschuldigt.

Die Bilder seien “versehentlich” gelöscht worden. Dies bestätigte “Barbara” gegenüber der HuffPost.

Mehr zum Thema: NetzDG: Das Ende der unangepassten Meinung


Ein klarer Fall von Overblocking, der zeigt, wie wenig das NetzDG sein Ziel erreicht. Statt wirksam gegen Hassbotschaften vorzugehen, löschen Facebook und Co. die Beiträge, die mit Humor und Satire dem Hass im Internet etwas entgegenzusetzen suchen. Vorsorglich, aus Angst vor Strafe und im Zweifel gegen den Angeklagten. 

Auch “Barbara” geht hart mit den sozialen Netzwerken ins Gericht: “Wie soll Satire im Internet funktionieren, wenn die Satiriker dem Urteil von privaten Firmen ausgesetzt sind, die sich als Richter aufspielen?” 

Zugegeben - nicht nur die Unterschrift erinnert an einen bekannten AfD-Abgeordneten. Trotzdem: Verleumdung, einer der 22 Tatbestände, die Facebook und Co. zum Löschen verpflichten, sieht anders aus. 


Carillion Goes Bust: George Osborne Mocked For Old Tweet Boasting About ‘Long-Term Economic Plan’

Carillion Goes Bust: George Osborne Mocked For Old Tweet Boasting About ‘Long-Term Economic Plan’
George Osborne has faced online mockery after a four-year-old tweet hailing Carillion’s part in his ‘long-term economic plan’ was shared widely as the construction firm went bust.

Tens of thousands of jobs and a host of government contracts are under threat  after the crisis-hit firm was forced to enter liquidation on Monday.

The Wolverhampton-based firm employs around 20,000 people in Britain and is involved in a number of government projects, including HS2, new hospitals in Liverpool and Smethwick, and the provision of school dinners for 30,000 pupils.

But not so long ago, Osborne, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, was keen to boast about the Tory government helping broker a deal for the company.

Carillion deal is first through new Direct Lending I announced at Budget, boosting exports is key part of #LongTermEconomicPlan
The tweet referred to Osborne announcing in the 2014 Budget that the Treasury would guarantee a £34 million loan that would allow Carillion to secure a contract with the Dubai World Trade Centre.

With Carillion on its knees, many on social media were anxious to point out the #LongTermEconomicPlan slogan – which was never far from a Conservative politician’s mouth in the run-up to the 2015 general election – may now ring hollow.

There’s an old Gospel song with the refrain: “How long, Lord, how long?”#ToriesOut#Carillion@George_Osborne -email-@ijbrads66
It joins a growing gallery of messages from top Tories prior to the 2015 vote and EU referendum that now enjoy cult status.
Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice – stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband:
If you want to avoid the chaos of Ed Miliband & the SNP, you need to #VoteConservative on Thursday
Osborne did essay the reason for the Carillion collapse in his latest role as editor of the London Evening Standard.
Our second edition @EveningStandard: far-left seize control of Labour’s National Executive Committee, as Momentum wins 3 seats in a landslide. Centre-left routed and Corbyn takeover complete. Selections,discipline etc in his hands. Moment of huge significance for British politics— George Osborne (@George_Osborne) January 15, 2018
A Labour Party adviser questioned why the focus was on the internal machinations of a party last in power eight years ago. 
I wonder why @George_Osborne chose to focus on an internal election in Labour today, and not the effect that Carillion going under could have on Londoners…? ?

January 15, 2018
Carillion was the focus in the second, shorter editorial in today’s newspaper.

In it, the op-ed asks why the state has “found itself so dependent on a few very large outsourcing firms” and pins the blame on civil servants, not ministers. It states:

“You can be in favour of private firms bringing innovation and efficiency to government services while still asking questions about Carillion. “Why has the state found itself so dependent on a few very large outsourcing firms? “The failure to use a variety of smaller, mid-size companies undermines innovation and leaves services hostage when things go wrong. “Why was Carillion awarded huge contracts by the civil service, with whom rather than ministers almost all procurement decisions lie after they knew it was struggling last year?”
Political journalists asked whether it was fair for civil servants to take full responsibility.

The Evening Standard seems to think that civil servants – not ministers – make procurement decisions. *cough cough cough* Is that a fair claim?

January 15, 2018
But appearing before a select committee of MPs, a senior civil servant suggested mandarins liaising with Carillion “played a blinder” in dealing with the firm.

Cabinet Office permanent secretary John Manzoni told the Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee that a senior civil servant had monitored effectively the contracts held by the company, ensuring “in almost all cases” join ventures were agreed so another firm could step in should a collapse occur.

“The horsepower has been provided by the full-time Strategic Partnership Manager for Carillion, who has played a blinding role actually in this particular circumstance,” he said.

When Labour MP Paul Flynn asked if that meant the civil servant involved had had their “eyes covered”, Manzoni replied: “[Blinding as in]’ ‘very good’…She’s done a really good job over the course of the last seven months.”

A Gay Couple’s Guide to 5 Great Things To Do In Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

A Gay Couple’s Guide to 5 Great Things To Do In Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

gay puerto vallarta

Los Muertos Beach sea horse statue.

Puerto Vallarta is one of our favorite places to visit in Mexico. It’s extremely gay friendly, with awesome beaches, lots of gay parties, and of course, plenty of sexy friendly Mexicano locals.

“PV” is a resort town located on Mexico’s Pacific coast in the Jalisco state. It’s famous for being one of the most welcoming places for the LGBTQ community in Mexico and therefore many expats live here, so English is widely spoken.

These are our favorite 5 great things to do in Puerto Vallarta, which we tried, loved and highly recommend you try out too.

Los Muertos Beach.

#1 Hang out at the Playa Los Muertos gay beach

This is the best beach hangout in PV. Playa Los Muertos (meaning “Beach of the Dead”) has several gay beach clubs. The two main ones are Sapphire Ocean Club and the Mantamar Beach Club. Both have their private beachfront area with deck chairs, along with pool and restaurants.

Sapphie is the smaller of the two and more intimate. We absolutely loved Mantamar, which is huge. The pool here is extremely popular with the gay boys and is usually the place where most of the famous gay pool or beach parties will be taking place. The only downside is the large number of vendors who will approach you throughout the day to buy souvenirs, beers, massages and more. A simple “no gracias” will send them off on their way.

#2 Dive in to the super fun gay nightlife

The nightlife in Puerto Vallarta is buzzing with life. There are loads of gay bars and clubs, mainly located in the South Side of the Romantic Zone area. The most popular bars to start the night at are Los Amigos, Reinas Bar and Mr Flamingo. We particularly love Reinas Bar, which has a strong British theme, and has a variety of outfits, wigs and shoes for guests to use, so you can play dress up with your friends.

In terms of clubs, the most popular are Paco’s Ranch, La Noche, and of course any parties happening at the Mantamar Beach Club. Most will feature a drag show and a few go go dancers. Latino pops rule the music scene here, so if like us you love dancing to Despacito, Shakira and Maluma, you’ll be in paradise here.

Puerto Vallarta also has an excellent Gay Pride week, usually on the 3rd week of May. For us, the Puerto Vallarta gay pride was one of the best we’ve experienced, with heaps of events, epic parties and some of the best drag queens, like Mama Tits (above).

Casa Cupula

Casa Cupula

#3 Have brunch at Casa Cupula

Casa Cupula is an institution in Puerto Vallarta. It is one of the finest male only, gay luxury boutique hotels. The in-house restaurant is called Taste, which is famous for its Sunday brunch.

We came here to nurse a hangover after a heavy night out partying on the previous Saturday. It’s a popular spot with other gay travelers in the city, so most people you met in the club the night before, will no doubt be hanging out here on Sunday.

Casa Cupula is located up on a hill in the Alta Vista neighborhood, so has some pretty impressive views of PV and Banderas Bay down below. The food is delicious, with a mix of local and international dishes, yummy mimosas and fresh fruit juices. This is one of the places you want to be seen!

#4 Water sports

There’s plenty to keep the adventurous travellers busy in PV. You can go snorkelling, kayaking, paddle boarding, scuba diving and jet ski.

We got a group of friends together and rented out a yacht for the day. We passed right up to the iconic Los Arcos islands and did some kayaking and paddle boarding around here, then just spent the rest of the time hanging out in the sunshine around Banderas Bay. We definitely recommend renting a yacht for the day to get the most out of the city’s different water sports.

#5 Visit a raicilla brewery

The Jalisco region of Mexico is famous for producing raicilla (pronounced rye-see-ya). Like tequila and mescal, raicilla is made from the agave plant, but it is only allowed to be produced in Jalisco.

In Jalisco, the agave is roasted in an above-ground brick or clay oven, so it has a more floral-like flavor and doesn’t have the smoky flavor taste you associate with mezcal drinks.

Raicilla is not yet famous internationally (yet), so this is the only place you can try it and buy a few souvenir bottles to take back home with you.

Stefan and Sebastien are a Greek/French gay couple who quit their jobs in 2014 to travel the world. You can read more on their gay travel blog.

The post A Gay Couple’s Guide to 5 Great Things To Do In Puerto Vallarta, Mexico appeared first on Towleroad.

A Gay Couple’s Guide to 5 Great Things To Do In Puerto Vallarta, Mexico