‘No Plastic’ Shoppers Should Get Express Queues In Supermarkets, Says Theresa May

‘No Plastic’ Shoppers Should Get Express Queues In Supermarkets, Says Theresa May
Shoppers who shun plastic packaging could skip busy supermarket queues under proposals put forward by Theresa May.

As part of a drive to eradicate single-use plastic items completely from the UK, the Government will urge shops to introduce ‘plastic-free’ checkouts to encourage customers to think twice about additional packaging.

The Prime Minister will use a speech on Thursday to call for the end of all avoidable plastic waste by 2042, and as well as the supermarket queue reforms will announce extending the plastic bag charge to all shops in England – not just larger outlets.

Since being introduced in 2015, the 5p charge has seen an estimated 9million fewer bags used by shoppers in the UK.

The Government is also investigating introducing a ‘takeaway tax’ on single-use plastic items, such as food containers.

Labour called Tory attempts to rebrand themselves as friends of the environment “cynical”, and attacked the Government’s record on air quality and climate change targets.

Greenpeace said the plastics plan “lacks urgency, detail and bite.”

Launching the 25 Year Environment Plan, May is expected to say: “We look back in horror at some of the damage done to our environment in the past and wonder how anyone could have thought that, for example, dumping toxic chemicals, untreated, into rivers was ever the right thing to do.

“In years to come, I think people will be shocked at how today we allow so much plastic to be produced needlessly.

“In the UK alone, the amount of single-use plastic wasted every year would fill 1,000 Royal Albert Halls.

“This plastic is ingested by dozens of species of marine mammals and over 100 species of sea birds, causing immense suffering to individual creatures and degrading vital habitats. 1 million birds, and over 100,000 other sea mammals and turtles die every year from eating and getting tangled in plastic waste. One in three fish caught in the English Channel contains pieces of plastic.

“This truly is one of the great environmental scourges of our time.

“Today I can confirm that the UK will demonstrate global leadership.  We must reduce the demand for plastic, reduce the number of plastics in circulation and improve our recycling rates.

“To tackle it we will take action at every stage of the production and consumption of plastic.”

May is also expected to announce new funding into plastics innovation by inviting bids into the Government’s £7billion research and development pot.

It is estimated that 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic have been produced since the 1950s and research indicates that without urgent action to cut demand this is likely to be 34 billion tonnes by 2050.

During its recent Great British Beach Clean Up of the UK, the Marine Conservation Society found 718 pieces of litter for every 100m stretch of beach surveyed, and of this, rubbish from food and drink made up at least one fifth.

Louise Edge, Senior Oceans Campaigner at Greenpeace UK, described the planned announcements as “a missed opportunity” which “don’t match the scale of the environmental crisis we face.”

She added: “Encouraging more water fountains, extending charges on plastic bags and funding for innovation can all be part of the solution, but the overall plastics plan lacks urgency, detail and bite.

“The most glaring gap is support for deposit return schemes. These are tried-and-tested ways to keep plastic bottles out of the environment and have strong public backing, yet there’s no trace of them in the government announcement.

“And with another truckload of plastic waste going into our oceans every minute, we just can’t wait another 25 years before eliminating throwaway plastic.”

Green and animal welfare policies have become one of the key tenants of Tory party messaging since the 2017 election, with Environment Secretary Michael Gove winning praise for his first six months in the job.

Two of May’s closest advisors, Chief of Staff Gavin Barwell and Director of Communications Robbie Gibb, have been inviting groups of MPs into Downing Street for briefings, where they have been told the environment is one of seven new policy principles which will be focused on.

One senior Tory told HuffPost UK in December: “It’s been a Number 10 strategy for some time. Robbie Gibb wants to make the Tory party the animal welfare party.”

Labour’s Shadow Environment Secretary Sue Hayman MP said the Government’s environmental record “is one of failure and broken promises” as she criticised the planned announcements.

She said “They have cut support for renewables, put us on course to miss climate targets, voted against key environmental protections and allowed air pollution to escalate into a public health emergency on their watch.

“This plan, years behind schedule, is a cynical attempt at rebranding the Tories image and appears to contain only weak proposals with Britain’s plastic waste crisis kicked into the long grass. This is all simply too little too late to reverse the damage of the Tories’ inconsistent and failed approach to environmental policy.

“All shops, including small corner shops, have always been covered by the 5p carrier bag charge in Wales and Scotland, unlike England. So the Government is simply playing catch up with this announcement.”


Amid nationwide rise in anti-LGBTQ legislation on the state level, GLAAD and Equality Florida release media guide

Amid nationwide rise in anti-LGBTQ legislation on the state level, GLAAD and Equality Florida release media guide


Today, GLAAD and Equality Florida released Southern Stories: A Guide for Reporting on LGBTQ People in Florida in English and Spanish. This media guide will serve as a resource for journalists and media organizations, both in Florida and nationally, when reporting on the LGBTQ community to do so fairly and accurately.

Be sure to share GLAAD’s tread of infographics highlighting facts from the guidebook!

In 2010, Wilton Manors, Florida was recognized as having the second highest concentration of LGBTQ residents behind Provincetown, Massachusetts. pic.twitter.com/09e07sb4Ly

— GLAAD (@glaad) January 10, 2018

The guide contains story leads, a glossary of terms and definitions frequently used in reporting, terms to avoid, and common pitfalls – useful for the convening of the Florida State Legislature on January 9. It also includes a general timeline outlining Florida’s history on LGBTQ issues from 1972 to today.

“How the media covers, or fails to cover, LGBTQ lives defines how people understand who we are, the triumphs we achieve, and the struggles we face,” said Nadine Smith, CEO of Equality Florida. “Accurate and inclusive reporting from the media of our diverse community has the ability to educate the nation, elected officials, and community leaders on a wide array of issues that affect not just the LGBTQ community but all marginalized communities. That’s why Equality Florida and GLAAD continue to invest in media education and provide go-to resources such as this Florida guidebook.”

“As we enter an important year that will impact LGBTQ Floridians, this guide will ensure fair and accurate coverage of our community in the Sunshine State,” said Alexandra Bolles, Associate Director of Campaigns at GLAAD. “This marks the latest co-venture between Equality Florida and GLAAD – a longstanding relationship that will continue into 2018 and beyond.”

Currently, 60% of Florida’s residents are covered by over 40 local nondiscrimination protections that have been passed steadily over the past 20 years. But as the 2018 Florida Legislative Session begins, updating the state’s civil rights law to include LGBTQ people and ending the current patchwork of protections is a top priority for Equality Florida.

Florida is where the Pulse Nightclub shooting of 2016 took place – one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history, and the largest targeting LGBTQ people. The acts of violence that occurred in this safe space for queer Latinx people shook the nation and highlighted the importance of telling LGBTQ stories authentically and accurately in the state.

The new guide is part of GLAAD’s U.S. South Initiative, which aims to positively showcase the lives of, and build acceptance for, the LGBTQ community in southern states. This is done through sharing the stories of people from a wide array of backgrounds, including faith-based organizations, sports teams, military personnel, and more. GLAAD will continue to work with the Floridian media to ensure positive portrayal of the LGBTQ community in the Sunshine State.

Check out and share the new guidebook! 

January 10, 2018


Bomb Cyclone, Mariah Carey, Brandon Hixon, Versace Family, Giant Lily Pads, Blood in Israel: HOT LINKS

Bomb Cyclone, Mariah Carey, Brandon Hixon, Versace Family, Giant Lily Pads, Blood in Israel: HOT LINKS
dr nick

CALIFORNIA. At least 13 killed by deadly mudslides. “At least 25 people were injured, 50 or more had to be rescued by helicopters, and an undetermined number of others were missing, authorities said. Four of the injured were reported in severely critical condition.”

Harvey WeinsteinCAUGHT ON CAMERA. Man slaps Harvey Weinstein twice in the face and calls him a POS. at an Arizona restaurant.

SAME-SEX MARRIAGE. Inter-American Court of Human Rights issues landmark ruling recognizing LGBT rights: ‘The seven judges who issued the ruling stated governments “must recognize and guarantee all the rights that are derived from a family bond between people of the same sex.” Six of the seven judges also agreed that it is necessary for governments “to guarantee access to all existing forms of domestic legal systems, including the right to marriage, in order to ensure the protection of all the rights of families formed by same-sex couples without discrimination.”’

DACA. The good news and the bad news.

DARRELL ISSA. California congressman won’t seek re-election. “Issa barely won reelection in 2016 by just over half a percentage point in a San Diego-area district that went for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton by about 7 points.”

New Hampshire NHNEW HAMPSHIRE. House kills ban on conversion therapy for minors. “…opponents said state licensing boards already have the authority to regulate and discipline any practitioner who uses coercive tactics.”

ISRAEL. Gay men cleared to donate blood in pilot program: “MDA’s director of blood Services, Dr. Eilat Shinar, developed a special procedure that will test the blood once at donation and a second time before infusion, MDA said in a statement. In the interim, the blood will be frozen for four months in a special freezer.”

AMERICAN CRIME STORY. Versace family releases second statement blasting Ryan Murphy TV series. “As we have said, the Versace family has neither authorized nor had any involvement whatsoever in the forthcoming TV series about the death of Mr. Gianni Versace, which should only be considered as a work of fiction. The company producing the series claims it is relying on a book by Maureen Orth, but the Orth book itself is full of gossip and speculation…”

PARAGUAY. Giant lily pads, thought to be extinct, return.

Giant lily pads have reappeared in a Paraguay lagoon after being listed as endangered in 2006 t.co/STZcRsuzzE pic.twitter.com/dh1ZXYemjk

— delcrookes (@hairydel) January 10, 2018

IDAHO. GOP state lawmaker accused of sexual abuse commits suicide: “Canyon County Coroner Vicki DeGeus-Morris said Brandon Hixon was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head in his Caldwell home early Tuesday morning. A family member discovered his remains.Hixon, 36, was elected to the Idaho Legislature in 2012. At the time, Hixon was one of the youngest lawmakers elected to the Idaho House of Representatives.”

SNOW DAY ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE DAY. Kentucky principal Chad Caddell does his best Mariah Carey.


HELL CRUISE OF THE DAY. The Norwegian Breakaway, which ventured directly into last week’s Bomb Cyclone off the east coast.

NASTY. You’re never going to want to drink out of a hotel room glass again.


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The post Bomb Cyclone, Mariah Carey, Brandon Hixon, Versace Family, Giant Lily Pads, Blood in Israel: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Bomb Cyclone, Mariah Carey, Brandon Hixon, Versace Family, Giant Lily Pads, Blood in Israel: HOT LINKS

Rassistischer Angriff in Dresden: Unbekannte hetzen Hund auf Asylbewerberin

Rassistischer Angriff in Dresden: Unbekannte hetzen Hund auf Asylbewerberin
Menschen laufen durch die Fußgängerzone in Dresden.(Symbolbild)

  • In Dresden ist eine junge Asylbewerberin Opfer einer Hetzjagd mit einem Hund geworden
  • Erst ein Passant stoppte die Unbekannten – die Frau wurde leicht verletzt

In Dresden hat sich ein offensichtlich brutaler, fremdenfeindlicher Übergriff ereignet. 

Unbekannte haben einen Hund auf eine 19-jährige Asylbewerberin gehetzt. Die Frau aus Äthiopien war nach Polizeiangaben am Dienstag an einer Straßenbahnhaltestelle im Stadtteil Gorbitz zunächst aus einer Gruppe heraus beschimpft worden.

Zu der Gruppe habe auch eine Hundehalterin gehört, die ihr Tier schließlich abgeleint und auf die junge Frau losgelassen habe, teilte das Landeskriminalamt am Mittwoch mit.

Die Frau wurde leicht verletzt und erlitt einen Schock

Die Frau habe fliehen wollen. Doch der Hund habe sie von hinten angefallen und zu Boden gerissen. Beim Versuch, das Tier abzuwehren, sei sie gebissen worden.

Erst ein Passant habe die Hundehalterin dazu gebracht, das Tier zurückzurufen.

Die Äthiopierin erlitt den Angaben zufolge neben leichten Bissverletzungen auch einen Schock.

Die Ermittlungen übernahm das neue Polizeiliche Terrorismus- und Extremismus-Abwehrzentrum (PTAZ). Es sucht nun nach Zeugen.

Landeswissenschaftsministerin Eva-Maria Stange zeigte sich entsetzt von der Tat. “Einen Hund auf eine 19-jährige Frau zu hetzen und dabei zuzusehen, wie dieser sie verletzt, ist ein abscheuliches Maß an Brutalität, das ich scharf verurteile”, sagte die SPD-Politikerin.

Mehr zum Thema: 13 beunruhigende Fakten zeigen, dass die Demokratie in Sachsen ein Problem hat


Florida Begins 2018 by Offering Free PrEP Statewide

Florida Begins 2018 by Offering Free PrEP Statewide

The Florida Department of Health began 2018 by announcing plans to offer PrEP for free throughout the state by the end of the year.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), PrEP has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV infection by up to 92 percent in people who are at high risk.  This groundbreaking decision will ensure that more people have access to PrEP and help reduce new HIV infections.

“Florida providing free PrEP in all 67 of its local county health departments is significant because it provides those who are most at-risk for HIV, but are uninsured, another tool in their HIV prevention toolbox that they did not have before,” says Daniel Downer, Early Intervention Services Program Coordinator at Hope and Health Center of Central Florida and a HRC HIV 360° Fellow.  “It also shows that health officials understand the important role PrEP has in the response to HIV and AIDS in the State of Florida.”

According to the CDC, Southern states accounted for more than 50 percent of new HIV diagnoses in 2016.  In 2016, Florida had the third-highest rate of new HIV infections in the country, with 28 out of 100,000 Floridians diagnosed with the virus.  “By providing highly affected communities with a form of HIV prevention (PrEP), we will see the number of new HIV infections in Florida begin to plateau and thereafter begin to decline,” says Downer.  

Despite being available since 2012, PrEP usage remains low in the U.S., with approximately 145,000 active prescriptions. According to Downer, the key to increasing PrEP usage is to address the stigma and other structural barriers – poverty, incarceration, and unstable housing – that prevent individuals from accessing and adhering to PrEP and other HIV prevention services.  

“There is still the history of medical distrust in many of these communities,” Downer said. “A lot of these individuals, they’re vulnerable. They’ve been used, abused, and neglected. They’re reluctant to do anything if they don’t have trust—and for providers to be trusted, they have to give a little of themselves, because that’s what makes it real.”

Downer emphasizes the important role that medical providers play in increasing usage of PrEP.

“We have the ability to move this discussion about PrEP to the forefront. Medical providers should feel confident asking their patients about sex, and letting them know what their HIV prevention options are,” he said. “We must ensure that no one is denied access to PrEP regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, inability to pay, and sexual orientation.”

For information on HRC Foundation’s HIV and Health Equity program, click here.
