Paartherapeut: Mit einem Trick kann jedes Paar eine Sexflaute verhindern

Paartherapeut: Mit einem Trick kann jedes Paar eine Sexflaute verhindern
Die Anziehung dauerhaft aufrecht erhalten? Laut einem Paartherapeuten ist das möglich.

  • Viele Paare, die lange zusammen sind, haben ein ähnliches Problem: eine Sexflaute im Bett
  • Der Paartherapeut Stefan Woinoff kennt eine Strategie, die das verhindern kann

Leidenschaftliche Nächte mit fast pausenlosem Sex gehören bei den meisten Pärchen, die schon seit vielen Jahren zusammen sind, eher nicht zum Alltag.

Irgendwann stellt sich Gewohnheit ein. Und dass die Häufigkeit des Sex in einer Beziehung abnimmt, scheint eigentlich auch ganz normal zu sein.

Doch laut dem Paartherapeuten und Beziehungsexperten der Dating-Plattform Zweisam-de Stefan Woinoff muss das nicht der Regelfall sein.

Liebende sollten sich fremd bleiben

► Er glaubt: Es gibt eine Strategie, mit der Paare auch nach vielen Jahren gemeinsamer Beziehung noch regelmäßig Sex haben können.

Zunächst klingt sie jedoch etwas ungewöhnlich. Denn der Tipp lautet: sich fremd bleiben. 

“Liebende sollten sich zumindest einen Funken Fremdheit bewahren”, sagt Woinoff der HuffPost. 

Dabei widerspricht das “sich fremd bleiben” eigentlich völlig dem Gedanken der Beziehung auf Vertrauensbasis, in der man den Partner in- und auswendig kennt. Viele dürften sich einen solchen Partner wünschen.

➨ Mehr zum Thema: 13 Bilder zeigen: So wunderbar sieht ehrliche Liebe aus, wenn niemand zuschaut

Doch Woinoff hält gerade dieses “In- und auswendig Kennen” des Partners für höchst gefährlich. Ihm zufolge verhindert es, den Partner zu begehren. 

“Was man schon hat, begehrt man nicht”

“Etwas, das man schon hat und schon kennt, begehrt man nicht”, sagt Woinoff.

“Man begehrt jemanden, weil er etwas Geheimnisvolles hat. Deshalb sollte man seinem Partner nicht alles erzählen, was man auch seiner besten Freundin oder seinem besten Freund erzählen würde.” 

► Der Paartherapeut weiß, dass seinen Rat nicht jeder gutheißt. Dennoch glaubt er, dass es allein durch diese Strategie tatsächlich möglich ist, eine gegenseitige Anziehung dauerhaft aufrecht zu erhalten.

Sonst, befürchtet er, wird fast jeder Partner irgendwann fremd gehen. 

➨ Mehr zum Thema: So viel Sex braucht eine Beziehung wirklich, damit sie hält

“Komplette Offenheit ist ein Erotik-Killer”, glaubt Woinoff. “Anziehung entsteht über Differenzen, Neugierde und Fremdheit. Wenn man ständig symbiotisch aneinander klebt, kann nur schwer erotische Anziehung entstehen.”

“Erwartungen an den Sex sind zu hoch” 

Selbst, wenn Woinoff mit seinem Tipp recht haben sollte, bleibt jedoch die Frage, ob Paare sich über Jahre hinweg überhaupt fremd bleiben wollen – und ob es möglich ist, sich nach Jahren des gemeinsamen Zusammenlebens “den Funken Fremdheit” zu bewahren. 

Laut Woinoff kann das funktionieren, wenn Paare sich “immer wieder neu verabreden, sich berühren, begegnen und sich immer wieder überraschen.”

Dazu reiche oft schon ein Abendessen oder eine neue Sex-Stellung aus. 

► Auch, betont Woinoff, sollten Paare keine zu hohen Erwartungen an ihr Sexleben haben. “Heute muss es immer gleich der Orgasmus des Jahrhunderts sein”, sagt Woinoff. 

“Besser einfach mal machen und sagen: ‘O.k., wir probieren das mal aus, und wenn es nicht gut ist, machen wir eben was anderes.’” 

➨ Mehr zum Thema: 8 Angewohnheiten von Paaren, die ein erfülltes Sexleben haben

Why The Government Must Support Our Effort To Preserve Britain’s Iconic Music Venues

Why The Government Must Support Our Effort To Preserve Britain’s Iconic Music Venues
The Music Venues Trust and UK Music estimate that over a third of music venues have closed over the past decade – which is why this Wednesday in the House of Commons I am bringing forward the Planning (Agent of Change) Bill.

This Bill is designed to protect existing music venues from facing closure or crippling cost arising from development of new residential properties in their vicinity.

What the Bill will do in practice is that when buildings near a music venue are converted to residential use or a new development is put up, the onus will be on the developer – not the venue – to ensure the new dwellings are protected from factors (particularly noise) which could be significantly disrupting to residents. The present situation, where this is not the case, is having a crippling effect on music venues.

Many Parliamentary colleagues have examples of much loved venues in their area that have been closed or are under threat.  That is why there has been such widespread and cross-party support for this Bill.

The Bill is not anti-development either, in fact it seeks to stop the loss of character and iconic places in neighbourhoods – a significant part of what made areas in question attractive to developers in the first place.

The impact of closures on musicians is why this Bill is being supported by the Musicians Union.  Less venues means less work, less opportunity to develop talent or even find out that you are not going to make it in the industry, but also to move up from amateur to part-time, to full-time, to national or even international stardom. If the present situation does not change, we are in danger of taking away the ladder that has served individual musicians and the Music Industry so well for so long.

As Brexit is happening and we face an uncertain future, it’s vitally important that Britain is made more efficient and effective across the board and that we maximise every possible advantage that Britain has.

The British music industry is one hell of an advantage.

Not only are domestic music sales rising, but we are second to the United States in international reach and sales.  It’s a huge boost to Britain’s standing around the world and our soft power, let alone it being a crucial part of our tourism offer.

However, there are real concerns that the industry is now depending on a great past, rather than refreshing the pipeline with new talent.  Mining rather than farming our musical heritage.  It is also narrowing a route of opportunity for youngsters, many from our deprived inner cities and left behind industrial towns.   As a West Midlands MP proud to represent part of an urban area which gave birth to Heavy Metal, I tend to focus on the cities and conurbations. However, the problem can be as acute in smaller towns and rural areas, where the loss of venues can cause difficulty in retaining young people and quickens their drift to bigger cities.

The advantages of the British Music and entertainment industry are not limited to London, but are also in our other great centres round the country. Many of which are, like Liverpool, Birmingham, and Manchester, attracting increasing foreign investment and work.  Companies clearly initially locate for a range of hard headed, financial and economic reasons.  But the quality of life is also significant. 

In particular, it’s about the answer to the basic question (not just aimed at companies but also the staff they hope to attract), would I want to live there?

This is particularly relevant to the highly mobile, technically skilled and talented international and multinational workforce who are being enticed to move abroad after Brexit.  Would you and your family, children or your employees prefer to live in London, Birmingham or Manchester or in Frankfurt?

I hope the Government supports this Bill and acts to preserve our iconic music venues, supports one of Britain’s most successful industries and supports one of the key reasons people want to live in and work in the UK.

John Spellar is the Labour MP for Warley

Schüsse auf der Autobahn: Anschlag auf Ex-St-Pauli-Star Deniz Naki

Schüsse auf der Autobahn: Anschlag auf Ex-St-Pauli-Star Deniz Naki
Naki im Trikot seines Ex-Vereins Fc St. Pauli

Auf den deutsch-türkischen Fußballer Deniz Naki wurde auf der Autobahn aus einem fahrenden Auto geschossen.

Das ist passiert: 

► Der deutsch-türkische Fußballprofi Deniz Naki ist eigenen Angaben zufolge in der Nacht zu Montag beschossen worden.

► Der Vorfall habe sich auf der A4 nahe Düren ereignet, die Schüsse seine aus einem schwarzen Kombi abgegeben worden. 

► Die Polizei in Aachen hatte zuvor mitgeteilt, auf der A4 sei auf ein fahrendes Auto ein Schuss abgegeben worden, der Fahrer sei unverletzt geblieben. 

Darum ist es wichtig: 

Der in Düren aufgewachsene 28-jährige Deniz Naki steht bei dem in der Türkei verhasstenkurdischen Verein Amid SK unter Vertrag. Er ist ein ausgesprochner Kritiker des türkischen Präsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Naki wurde in der Türkei bereits wegen Propaganda für die verbotene kurdische Arbeiterpartei PKK angeklagt worden. Das Verfahren wurde aber eingestellt. 

Was ihr noch wissen müsst: 

Bilder, die Naki dem Bericht zufolge nach dem Anschlag aufnahm, sollen Einschusslöcher am Fenster und nahe eines Reifens seines Wagens zeigen. Die Polizei ermittelt nun wegen eines versuchten Tötungsdeliktes. 

► Der 28-jährige Naki sagte der “Welt”: “Ich habe mich sofort weggeduckt und bin dann rechts auf den Standstreifen gerollt. Ich hatte Todesangst.”

Laura Dern Calls Out A Culture Of Silencing Victims In Golden Globes Speech

Laura Dern Calls Out A Culture Of Silencing Victims In Golden Globes Speech
Laura Dern won a Golden Globe on Sunday (7 January) for her role as Renata Klein in ‘Big Little Lies’, and used her moment in front of the microphone to ask those watching to help combat a “culture of silencing” victims.

“Many of us were taught not to tattle,” she said. “It was a culture of silencing and that was normalized. I urge all of us to not only support survivors and bystanders ― who are brave enough to tell their truth ― but to promote restorative justice. May we also please protect and employ them.”

Laura Dern’s sensational #GoldenGlobes speech bears repeating: “I urge all of us to not only support survivors and bystanders who are brave enough to tell their truth, but to promote restorative justice.”

January 8, 2018
One of Hollywood’s most politically outspoken actresses, Laura has been intimately involved in the creation of Time’s Up, a recently launched campaign by women in Hollywood to combat workplace sexual harassment. I

n an interview about the initiative with InStyle published last week, Laura admitted she has “normalized plenty of behaviour” growing up in the entertainment industry, but said she hopes her daughter’s generation doesn’t do the same:

I’ve normalized plenty of behavior. I was raised on movie sets, I was raised by actors, I had even been comfortable around people who talk crassly and are irreverent in the workplace. I just presumed that’s what it was—but it isn’t anymore. It isn’t my daughter’s generational experience as a 13-year-old. She is being raised in an environment where same-sex families aren’t being made fun of, where a child of divorce or a child who comes from a diverse family, as my children do, there are no comments to be made. It’s just the norm. And I pray that the same will be in the area of power—if something felt uncomfortable to her generation, that they would immediately shut it down.
Laura has used the Golden Globes to make political statements before. In 2009, shortly after the election of Barack Obama, she accepted an award for her work on “Recount” by saying, “I will cherish this as a reminder of the extraordinary, incredible outpouring of people who demanded their voice be heard in this last election”.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

Golden Globes 2018 – HuffPost Verdict

Golden Globes 2018 – HuffPost Verdict

K E Y   P O I N T S

S N A P   V E R D I C T

In January 2017, the world was eager to see how Hollywood would use the Golden Globes to tackle a tumultuous year in politics. Fast forward 12 months, and fans and critics alike were waiting to find out how the entertainment industry would tackle its own failings. 

With most female attendees wearing black to highlight the Time’s Up project, the mood was set and host Seth Meyers followed through on his promise to mention sexual harassment scandals, referring to Weinstein as “the elephant not in the room” and (just about) winning laughs with Kevin Spacey remarks. 

As the awards themselves got underway, women’s issues were at the forefront of most speeches, with winners including Nicole Kidman, Laura Dern, Elisabeth Moss and Frances McDormand making sure they were never far from people’s minds. 

But with so many prizes to get through, the Globes often failed to allow its winners long enough to speak, leaving the stars rushing through thank you lists in a race to avoid being “played out”. Apart from, that is, Oprah Winfrey. 

Collecting the Lifetime Achievement Award – and becoming the first black woman to do so – the star was even more inspirational than ever, dedicating the win to “all the women who’ve endured years of abuse and assault because they, like my mother, had children to feed, bills to pay and dreams to pursue”.

All eyes will now be on the SAG Awards, which take place later this month and often indicate who is set for Oscars glory. 

B E S T   L I N E S

Seth Meyers on Harvey Weinstein: 

He’ll be back in 20 years when he becomes the first person booed in the In Memoriam.”

Natalie Portman introducing the Best Director shortlist:

And here are the all-male nominees.”

Oprah Winfrey:

For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dare speak the truth to the power of those men. But their time is up.”

B E S T   M O M E N T

75th Golden Globes: ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ ‘Lady Bird’ and more win; stars support #TimesUp initiative

75th Golden Globes: ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ ‘Lady Bird’ and more win; stars support #TimesUp initiative

Photo Credit:

The 75th Annual Golden Globes were held tonight in Los Angeles, and several LGBTQ-inclusive projects took home awards! Visit and add your name to congratulate the LGBTQ nominees and winners this awards season.

Lady Bird picked up the Golden Globe in Best Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical. The film included a gay subplot centered on Danny, a classmate and friend of Lady Bird’s who she meets during auditions for the school’s musical.

The Handmaid’s Tale won the Golden Globe in Best TV Series – Drama. The series is set in a haunting future where women are subjugated under the rule of the totalitarian Gilead regime. After environmental contamination causes widespread infertility, every fertile woman is captured and forced to serve as a handmaid in the homes of the government elites and (through ritualized rape) bear children for those men and their wives. The story also addresses the persecution of lesbian women specifically through the eyes of Moira, played by out actress Samira Wiley, and Ofglen (Alexis Bledel). In music, out songwriter and composer Benj Pasek and his work partner Justin Paul took home the award in Best Original Song – Motion Picture for “This is Me” from The Greatest Showman.

Oprah Winfrey was honored with the Cecil B. DeMille Award, the trophy is presented to someone who has made “outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment.” She is the first black woman to receive this award, and in her speech spoke of the impact on young people of seeing someone who looks like them being honored after seeing Sidney Poitier onstage when she was a child. Winfrey also spoke about the importance of inclusion and the power of the press. “What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have, and I’m especially proud and inspired by all the women who have felt strong enough and empowered enough to speak up and share their personal stories,” she said.

“I want all of the girls watching here now to know, that a new day is on the horizon.” @Oprah accepts the 2018 Cecil B. de Mille award. #GoldenGlobes

— Golden Globe Awards (@goldenglobes) January 8, 2018

Several of the evening’s winners took the time during their speeches to talk about the power of stories in changing the conversation and why #RepresentationMatters. Nicole Kidman said, “I do believe that we can elicit change through the stories we tell and how we tell them,” when speaking about domestic partner abuse during her acceptance for her work on Big Little Lies. “Truth is powerful, and in a really good film, we recognize the truth about ourselves, about others. And it is so powerful that it can even change people’s minds, touch people’s hearts, and ultimately even change society itself,” said presenter Barbra Streisand. Elisabeth Moss (The Handmaid’s Tale) and Rachel Brosnahan (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) each made calls for Hollywood to tell more stories about women, and This is Us’ Sterling K. Brown spoke on the importance of roles specifically written for people of color. He said, “Throughout the majority of my career I’ve benefited from color-blind casting. Dan Fogelman [This is Us creator], you wrote a role for a black man, that can only be played by a black man. And so what I appreciate so much about this thing is that I’m being seen for who I am and being appreciated for who I am. And it makes it that much more difficult to dismiss me or dismiss anybody who looks like me.” Brown made history with tonight’s win as the first black actor to win best actor in a TV Drama.

Many on the red carpet wore black in recognition of the sexual abuse allegations in Hollywood that have emerged over the past few months. Stars additionally wore Time’s Up pins in reference to the sexual harassment prevention initiative launched last week by over 300 women working in entertainment. The initiative aims to combat harassment with a legal defense fund for survivors across all industries, lobbying for legislation against companies that enable perpetrators, and working towards gender parity in leadership positions.You can show your support by turning your social profiles black and tweeting with the hashtags #TimesUp and #WhyWeWearBlack to stand up for women and address the massive inequalities and discrimination faced by women of every race, religion, orientation, and identity.

The clock has run out on sexual harassment and assault. #TimesUp is a crucial and a long overdue call to action for both Hollywood and society as a whole to stand up for women and address the massive inequalities faced by women of every race, religion, orientation, and identity.

— Sarah Kate Ellis (@sarahkateellis) January 5, 2018

Later this week will be the People’s Choice Awards, Critics Choice Film and TV Awards, with the NAACP Image Awards and SAG Awards following the next week. Visit and add your name to congratulate the LGBTQ nominees and winners this awards season.

January 7, 2018