BREAKING: Australia Votes in Favor of Marriage Equality in Nonbinding Postal Survey

BREAKING: Australia Votes in Favor of Marriage Equality in Nonbinding Postal Survey

Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization, hailed the outcome of Australia’s Marriage Law Postal Survey, where results show that XX percent of Australian voters who participated in the survey endorse marriage equality. Since the results of the postal survey are non-binding, it is now up to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s government and the Australian Parliament to enact legislation ensuring marriage equality becomes a reality.

“We congratulate Australia’s LGBTQ advocates and allies who worked so hard to ensure a victory in this postal survey,” said Ty Cobb, director of HRC Global. “It’s crucial that loving, committed same-sex couples in Australia have the same rights and protections that come with marriage. We urge the Australian Parliament to take swift action ensuring marriage equality becomes the law of the land.”

The voluntary postal survey was held between September 12 and November 7, with the results announced today. The postal survey came after years of stalled efforts to bring marriage equality to Australia. After the country’s governing party refused to allow a conscience vote on the issue in parliament, it took the controversial step to introduce this expensive, voluntary postal survey in an attempt to settle the issue. The survey was widely criticized for once again delaying the arrival of marriage equality, but today’s results are clear proof that the majority of Australians want marriage equality to become the law of the land.

HRC is proud to support the efforts of Australian LGBTQ advocates and allies to achieve marriage equality in their country and has partnered with Australian Marriage Equality (AME) — a prominent national organization leading on the issue. HRC Global visited Australia in 2015 and 2016 to share strategic advice from the successful campaign for marriage equality here in the U.S.

Learn more about HRC Global’s work around the world here.

Minnesota Lawmaker Attacks Newly-Elected Transgender City Council Member Andrea Jenkins

Minnesota Lawmaker Attacks Newly-Elected Transgender City Council Member Andrea Jenkins

andrea jenkins minnesota

Minnesota State Rep. Mary Franson (right) is in hot water for an offensive tweet following the election of Andrea Jenkins, the first transgender woman of color elected to the city’s governing body.

Commenting on Jenkins’ election to the Minneapolis City Council last week, classy Franson tweeted: “A guy who thinks he’s a girl is still a guy with a mental health condition.” The tweet has since been deleted.

In a half-assed apology last Thursday, Franson wrote:

“There are times I don’t practice kindness. For that I am sorry. While I do believe that one can’t change their gender based on their feelings, I didn’t need to tweet out my thoughts. God created man and woman but then sin entered the world and disrupted his perfect plan. He then sent His one and only son, Jesus, to take away our sins and to restore a broken relationship with God. I should have shown grace and not come across the way I did. For that I apologize. I do not apologize for not conforming to the PC world where I’m supposed to go along with fantasy and participate in it. This isn’t the first time I’ve offended the social justice warriors and it won’t be the last.”

.@MaryFranson is still an embarrassment to Alexandria and Minnesota. @RepMaryFranson

— Mike McFeely (@MikeMcFeelyWDAY) November 9, 2017

Blah blah blah, because god, so it’s okay.

In response, Jenkins wrote:

“Thank you, Representative Franson, for showing all Minnesotans your true bigotry and unapologetic transphobia. As a tax-paying citizen, I am extremely disappointed in seeing my public officials displaying such discrimination against and complete disregard for transgender residents of the great state of Minnesota.”

Think Progress reports:

“Franson’s transphobic comments follow a long history of anti-LGBTQ comments. Earlier this year, when she was campaigning for legislation banning female genital mutilation, she drew an unfortunate juxtaposition as she dismissed concerns about President Trump’s ban on transgender military service.

“In a 2012 debate, she defended her opposition to marriage equality by explaining that she doesn’t believe homosexuality is “normal behavior” and she wanted to protect children from being taught to normalize it. Two years later, she opposed legislation to protect LGBTQ students from bullying because she deemed LGBT organizations to be “special interest groups” that were trying to impose “fascism” on schools.

If you’re upset about transgenders being banned from military service; not appalled that parents can #FGM their daughter – you’re hopeless

— Rep. Mary Franson (@RepMaryFranson) July 26, 2017

Phillipe Cunningham, a trans man of color, also won a seat on the Minneapolis City Council alongside Jenkins.

(Mary Franson image via Twitter)

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Minnesota Lawmaker Attacks Newly-Elected Transgender City Council Member Andrea Jenkins

Support Transgender Youth in Your Classroom and Community

Support Transgender Youth in Your Classroom and Community

Post submitted by Charles Girard, Digital Organizer

Across the country, transgender and non-binary youth need support. They need to know that there are adults in their own communities who support them no matter what. That’s where you come in.

HRC Foundation’s Welcoming Schools program and the National Education Association (NEA) invite you to participate in our third annual National “I Am Jazz” School and Community Readings on Thursday, December 7. Hosting a reading of the children’s book in your community is just one of the ways that teachers, principals, PTAs, parents and community members can show transgender and non-binary students that they are supported by their community, and that they are not alone.

I wish books like this had existed when I was growing up. I remember scouring my elementary and middle school libraries for characters who looked like me — even before I came out as transgender. The best I could find was a book my mom bought for me about a middle school student who accidentally switches bodies with an alien. This seemingly irrelevant and goofy book actually felt more relatable to me than my mom could ever have predicted.

Luckily, today, kids don’t need to rely on fiction. Children and youth have access to books that include or are about transgender and non-binary characters, helping them better understand themselves and the world around them. You can play an integral role in helping youth in your community access these books.

“I Am Jazz”, a children’s book, co-written by HRC Youth Ambassador Jazz Jennings and Jessica Herthel, tells Jazz’s story of being a transgender kid. Schools and families often use this groundbreaking book to help children understand transgender youth and adults.

On December 7, community advocates like yourself across the country will use this invaluable book to engage their communities in discussions about transgender youth; we hope you’ll join us!

What does hosting a reading involve?
All you have to do is schedule time in your classroom or community, or simply gather a group of people in your home or any other place you feel comfortable, and read “I Am Jazz.”

Past “I Am Jazz” reading events have been incredibly diverse and creative—some involved just a few friends in a living room or were held by teachers in their classrooms, while others were open to the public and held in libraries or places of worship. You can make your event as small or as big as you’d like.

How will HRC help you to host an incredible event?
After you sign up, we’ll send you an organizing kit that includes a lesson plan, a social media kit, and a video of Jazz reading her book made just for this day! So no worries if you don’t have the book — the video will be a powerful way to share Jazz’s message.

We’ll also make sure you have extra goodies, including our favorite gender-related resources and an optional press release you are welcome to share with local media. Email HRC at [email protected] and we can help publicize your event.

How can I get involved?

Randy Rainbow Treats His Trump Fatigue with the ‘Good Old Days’ of Manageable Scandals: WATCH

Randy Rainbow Treats His Trump Fatigue with the ‘Good Old Days’ of Manageable Scandals: WATCH
Good old days

Good old days

Randy Rainbow is treating his Trump fatigue with a stroll down memory lane into the “Good Old Days” of manageable scandals, like Watergate, Iran Contra pardons and presidential hard-ons, Obama’s badly-colored suits, Anita Bryant, Hurricane Katrina, Anthony Weiner, Kim Davis, Dan Quayle’ misspellings, John F. Kennedy’s affairs, Rick Santorum, Saddam Hussein, Monica’s stain, or any scandal that doesn’t require a xanax and a stiff cup of (vodka) tea.

“Even Mel Gibson seems charming again.”


The post Randy Rainbow Treats His Trump Fatigue with the ‘Good Old Days’ of Manageable Scandals: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Randy Rainbow Treats His Trump Fatigue with the ‘Good Old Days’ of Manageable Scandals: WATCH

How you can join the fight against anti-trans policies from 2017 for #TransWeek

How you can join the fight against anti-trans policies from 2017 for #TransWeek


From the fight in Texas over multiple bills aimed at barring transgender people from using public restrooms, to President Trump’s transgender military ban seeking to purge qualified service members from serving their country, 2017 has seen an onslaught of attacks against the transgender community.

These unconscionable attacks are dangerous and must be put to an end.

Many of these measures are based on myths and lies that stoke the anti-trans fear that fuels the high rates of poverty, discrimination, violence and incarceration, that disproportionately affect femmes and trans women of color.

In honor of #TransWeek, learn more about these policies battles from 2017 and what you can do help counter this cruel and dangerous agenda.

Transgender Military Ban

Trans servicemembers have bravely served our country for decades, but have only recently been allowed to be their authentic selves in uniform after the President Obama lifted a ban on trans soldiers serving openly in the military in 2016. Then, in late August, President Trump officially ordered an end to transgender service members serving openly with no rational bases, effectively announcing a purge of qualified military personnel. In an attempt to bolster this anti-trans position, the White House cited statistics from anti-LGBTQ hate groups which spread lies about medically necessary trans healthcare.

But their alternative facts just do not add up.

The persecution of trans military personnel, who have met the same rigorous standards as their cisgender peers, is about pushing the myth that the transgender community is unfit and mentally ill. Currently, it is estimated there are 15,000 transgender Americans serving in the United States military and the discriminatory ban is opposed by the majority of people in all 50 states.

The U.S. military’s success is built on diversity and it is important to tell the stories of active duty trans servicemembers and veterans in order to combat this anti-trans agenda. More from retired Army veteran, Laila Ireland.

This discriminatory ban is now in the court system where it is being challenged in three separate court cases. At the end of October the D.C. Federal District court issues a preliminary injunction to prevent the ban from going into effect during the time it takes to hear and decide the case Doe V. Trump, a challenge to Trump policy brought forward by the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD).

This is a vital legal fight that needs the support of all LGBTQ community members and allies. We need to stop this ban that would have sweeping ramifications for the protection and support of the transgender community nationwide.

How you can help fight back!

  • Sign GLAAD’s petition demanding the federal government honor and include trans service members.
  • Support trans-led military organizations such as SPART*A Pride and amply the stories of active transgender military members and veterans.
  • Send a message of love and support directly to active duty trans servicemembers.

School & Workplace Non-Discrimination Protections

Shortly after taking office, the Trump Administration rescinded the Obama administration’s guidance to schools that outlined how to protect trans students under Title IX, a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in public education.

Then, just last month, the Justice Department reversed a policy that provided non-discrimination protections for transgender people in the workplace under Title VII.

For the transgender community, the workplace can often be a hostile environment, making nondiscrimination protections a crucial resource. According to the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey Report, 30% of respondents who had a job reported being fired, denied a promotion, or experiencing some other form of mistreatment in the workplace due to their gender identity or expression, and nearly one third report living in poverty, compared to 14% in the United States population as a whole.

While both Title IX and Title VII still stand as law, these policy reversals are in direct response to advances in case law where discrimination against someone on the basis of sex was interpreted to include protections for transgender people. Now, Trump and Sessions are working to undermine these advances and manipulate the courts to write an anti-trans interpretation of sex discrimination into law, blocking the trans community from having standing under the language of sex discrimination.

This agenda being pushed by the White House has real-life consequences beyond courtroom battles. It bolsters the argument that trans people are somehow less than or abnormal, and do not deserve legal protections. It also increases the likelihood of both individual and institutional violence against trans people in their schools and workplaces. 

Here’s more on the real-world ramifications of these policies and self-care advice from GLAAD campus ambassador, Eva Reign Thomas.

How you can help fight back!

  • Pressure your school or your current workplace to adopt a trans-inclusive non-discrimination policy. Here are model policies for the workplace and for schools.
  • At the beginning of November, 44 Senators sent a letter urging the Justice Department to reinstate the interpretations of Title VII protections that prohibit anti-trans discrimination. Join them in calling on Jeff Sessions to reinstate this policy!
    — Department of Justice Comment Line: 202-353-1555
  • Pay close attention to the anti-LGBTQ judicial nominees that the Trump administration is pushing through the Senate and pressure your Senators to reject them. Trump’s discriminatory policies are being challenged in the courts and his is trying to change the makeup of the bench to solidify his anti-trans interpretations of the law.

So-called “Bathroom Bills”

This year, sixteen states considered legislation to deny transgender people from accessing restrooms and other public accommodations that correspond with their gender identity.

Sixteen states.

While none of these bills passed this year,  this battle is not going away anytime soon. So far there are four states, Kansas, Minnesota, South Carolina and Tennessee which have legislation on this issue carrying over into the 2018 session, as well as anti-trans ballot initiatives in Massachusetts, Montana, and the city of Anchorage, Alaska.

These so-called “bathroom bills” do not make anyone safer, but they do actively make things more dangerous for the transgender community who just want to use public restrooms without fear for their safety or security. According to the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey Report, one in eight trans people reported being verbally harassed, physically attacked, or sexually assaulted while accessing a bathroom in the past year, with one-quarter saying they were questioned or challenged in restrooms.

Lou Weaver, Transgender Programs Coordinator at Equality Texas, was one of the activists on the ground who worked to defeat three different versions of these anti-trans bills in the Texas legislature this session.

The debates around these types of bills do not happen in a void, they directly stoke violence and harassment against the trans community by pushing the message that non-cisgender identities are inherently fraudulent.

How you can help fight back!

  • Your voice has a great impact at the local level! Reach out to your school board and your local board of supervisors or city council that advocate for trans-inclusive protections.
  • Currently, the ACLU of Montana and Fair Anchorage are in full-scale campaigns to undermine these anti-trans ballot initiatives. Support their efforts!
  • One of the best ways to combat these agenda is to speak out and make sure that people understand the real threat of this legislation. Read up on GLAAD’s “Debunking the ‘Bathroom Bill’ Myth” media guide for more about combating these lies and holding the press accountable for how they frame this issue.
November 14, 2017