Zac Thompson: Heterosexuelle Frauen erklären, warum sie lesbische Fantasien haben

Zac Thompson: Heterosexuelle Frauen erklären, warum sie lesbische Fantasien haben
Die Gleichberechtigung ist in den letzten Jahren weit damit gekommen, die Vorstellungen der Menschen von nur einem richtigen Weg umzukrempeln. Und doch stecken wir immer noch in unseren beschränkten sexuellen Identitäten fest.

Weiterlesen: Blogs, Lifestyle, Frauen, Homosexualität, Germany News

HRC Equidad MX realiza el segundo taller de Igualdad en Centros de Trabajo en México

HRC Equidad MX realiza el segundo taller de Igualdad en Centros de Trabajo en México

Recientemente, Francisco Robledo y Fernando Velázquez-socios de Human Rights Campaign en México, realizaron el segundo taller de igualdad en centros de trabajo con la ayuda del revolucionario programa HRC Equidad MX: Global Workplace Equality Program. El evento se llevó a cabo en la Ciudad de México con la colaboración de CompuCom México. El taller convocó a profesionales de empresas en México para continuar con el aprendizaje sobre los cambios y procesos adecuados que hagan lograr un ambiente inclusivo para personas LGBTQ en sus negocios. La bienvenida al taller la dio Luis Carlos Pérez, VP & General Manager, quién participó en el evento en representación del grupo Ejecutivo de CompuCom México demostrando así la importancia de las estrategias de diversidad en la compañía y su apoyo a la iniciativa.

HRC Equidad MX, el primer programa fuera de Estados Unidos de HRC, se estrenó el otoño pasado después de cinco años de haber trabajado con la sociedad civil, embajadas y socios corporativos en México. El programa está diseñado para crear conciencia sobre la inclusión y diversidad LGBTQ en los centros de trabajo a través de herramientas de consultoría y modelos educativos para empresas y organizaciones mexicanas. Tal como se indica en la publicación HRC Equidad MX’s Spanish-language toolkit, Equidad MX promueve tres estrategias claves: La adopción de Políticas de No Discriminación y Equidad de Género, la creación de grupos de empleados y/o Comité de Diversidad e Inclusión y la participación en actividades públicas para apoyar la inclusión LGBTQ.

Fernando Velázquez de FVConsulting-Consultores en Diversidad e Inclusión, S.C y Francisco Robledo de Alianza por la Diversidad e Inclusión Laboral (ADIL), distinguidos socios de HRC Equidad MX, trabajan a lo largo del territorio mexicano. Fernando y Francisco presentaron el taller celebrado la semana pasada, el cual incluyó: la presentación del Indice Corporativo de Igualdad de la Fundación de HRC o Corporate Equality Index que trata de la inclusión LGBTQ en centros laborales de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, las tres estrategias claves de Equidad MX y la presentación de Christian Jaramillo, HR Director CompuCom México sobre la experiencia vivida en la implementación de Políticas de No Discriminación y Equidad de Género en su empresa. El taller acogió a cerca de 50 invitados y representantes de más de 30 empresas multinacionales de diversas industrias como la banca, servicios financieros, petróleo y gas, aseguradoras, turismo, entretenimiento, bienes de consumo y servicios, ventas minoristas, manufactureras, servicios informáticos, equipos electrónicos, telecomunicaciones, transporte, químicos y servicios de consultoría.

Para más información sobre el programa HRC Equidad MX: Global Workplace Equality Program visite

Seth Meyers Wrings Some Laughs out of the Dark ‘Gray Cloud’ Trump Has Brought to America: WATCH

Seth Meyers Wrings Some Laughs out of the Dark ‘Gray Cloud’ Trump Has Brought to America: WATCH

wiretapping meyers gray cloud

Seth Meyers tried to pull together the insane number of events over the past 36 hours in his latest A Closer Look, noting that Trump is looking for any shred of good news these days.

Trump apparently just found out that Abraham Lincoln was Republican because he wants a Super PAC to take out an ad to let people know that Lincoln was a Republican.

Trump has had his wiretapping lie hanging over his head and members of his own party have been begging for the president to say ‘I’m sorry’ so they can move on to more important things like the SCOTUS nomination.

“I don’t even think his mouth can make those wordsl ‘I’m so- I’m so- I’m so right” joked Meyers.

And Trump surrogate Jeffrey Lorde is making excuses for Trump, saying people don’t understand him because they don’t speak ‘Americanese’

Quipped Meyers. “That’s right. Americanese. It’s a combination of American, and ‘bitch, please.’”

Meyers moved on to the improper behavior of Devin Nunes, who ran to the White House to tell Trump, the subject of the House Intel Committee’s investigation, about new intel he had received.

But Trump can’t get rid of the “gray cloud” that hangs over him, thanks to Paul Manafort and Roger Stone, shady characters who look to be the current focus of the Trump-Russia investigations.


The post Seth Meyers Wrings Some Laughs out of the Dark ‘Gray Cloud’ Trump Has Brought to America: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Seth Meyers Wrings Some Laughs out of the Dark ‘Gray Cloud’ Trump Has Brought to America: WATCH

HRC Mourns Alphonza Watson, Trans Woman Shot to Death in Baltimore

HRC Mourns Alphonza Watson, Trans Woman Shot to Death in Baltimore

HRC mourns the tragic death of Alphonza Watson, a 38-year-old transgender Baltimore woman, who died this morning after being shot in the stomach.

According to The Washington Post, witnesses told police they heard cries for help and gunshots, and saw two men speed away from the scene in a car. Suspects have not been identified, but police say they are canvassing the neighborhood.

Watson’s mother said her daughter had lived in Baltimore for over a decade, The Baltimore Sun reported. She described Watson as “the sunshine of our family,” a “caring, passionate” person who loved cooking and gardening.

ABC2 News interviewed members of Baltimore’s transgender community, who were rattled by the attack. Key’Ayshia Tucker, who works at Baltimore’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center, said the death brought her to tears—and explained that barriers to jobs and education put the trans women she works with at risk for violence.

Since 2014, at least six other transgender people, all Black women, have been killed in Maryland. Four of those victims were murdered in Baltimore. Most recently, in September of 2016, Southwest Baltimore resident Crystal Edmonds was found on a sidewalk with a gunshot wound, and later died at a hospital. The investigation into Edmonds’ death remains open. In June of 2014, Mia Henderson—the sister of NBA player Reggie Bullock—was stabbed to death in West Baltimore; a 43-year-old man was tried and acquitted for her murder.

Nationwide, Watson is at least the eighth transgender person killed this year. Seven victims have been Black women; the eighth was an Oglala Lakota woman, Jamie Lee Wounded Arrow. These deaths continue a disturbing pattern: among known murders of transgender people in the U.S. since 2013, more than three in four victims have been Black, and over 90 percent have been people of color. A Matter of Life and Death, published in November by HRC and the Trans People of Color Coalition, explains how racism, sexism and transphobia combine to put transgender women of color at disproportionate risk for violence and homicide.

HRC extends sincere condolences to Ms. Watson’s friends and family.

To learn more about HRC’s transgender justice work, including efforts to end violence against transgender people, click here.

Rick Perry Charges Texas A&M’s First Openly Gay Student President with Stealing Election from GOP Fundraiser’s Son

Rick Perry Charges Texas A&M’s First Openly Gay Student President with Stealing Election from GOP Fundraiser’s Son

Bobby Brooks Rick Perry

Jaws dropped across Texas yesterday after Secretary of Energy Rick Perry charged Bobby Brooks, the first openly gay student body president at Texas A&M, with stealing the election from a Trump fundraiser.

The Washington Post reports:

Perry, the country’s current energy secretary chose to plunge into campus politics, claiming publicly that Brooks stole the election from another student.

That student, Robert McIntosh, is the son of a prominent Republican fundraiser in Dallas who campaigned for Trump during his presidential election.

Perry’s accusation drew astounded responses from the university, Texas lawmakers and a professor, who said it was “extraordinary” that a federal official would involve himself in an issue as hyperlocal as student government elections.

Perry’s charge came in the form of an op-ed for the Houston ChronicleWrote Perry:

As Texas’ first Aggie governor and as someone who was twice elected Yell Leader of Texas A&M University, I am deeply troubled by the recent conduct of A&M’s administration and Student Government Association (SGA) during the Aggie student-body president elections for 2017-2018.

When I first read that our student body had elected an openly gay man, Bobby Brooks, for president of the student body, I viewed it as a testament to the Aggie character. I was proud of our students because the election appeared to demonstrate a commitment to treating every student equally, judging on character rather than on personal characteristics.

Added the Chronicle:

In an extraordinary submission to the Houston Chronicle’s Editorial Board, the energy secretary also suggested that Bobby Brooks’ victory was engineered by the Student Government Association in a quest for diversity on the traditionally conservative campus.

Brooks was declared the winner in the campus election by the SGA even though he came in second in the vote count to Robert McIntosh , who is white and was disqualified by student election officials.

McIntosh was disqualified on charges that he did not provide receipts for glow sticks used in a campaign video. He also faced charges of voter intimidation, which were later dismissed on appeal.

The student body’s Judicial Court, Perry said, “admitted that the charges were minor and technical, but incredibly, chose to uphold the disqualification.”

“The desire of the electorate is overturned, and thousands of student votes are disqualified, because of free glow sticks that appeared for eleven seconds of a months-long campaign,” Perry wrote. “Apparently glow sticks merit the same punishment as voter intimidation.”

Perry then went on to suggest that the outcome would have been different had McIntosh not been a white male.

RELATED: Texas A&M Elects First Openly Gay Student Body President

Perry continued, in his op-ed:

“Every Aggie ought to ask themselves: How would they act and feel if the victim was different? What if McIntosh had been a minority student instead of a white male? What if Brooks had been the candidate disqualified? Would the administration and the student body have allowed the first gay student body president to be voided for using charity glow sticks? Would the student body have allowed a black student body president to be disqualified on anonymous charges of voter intimidation?”

Robert McIntosh

Robert McIntosh (who kind of looks like a young Rick Perry)

The student Perry argued for, Robert McIntosh, responded in an interview with the school paper, The Battalion:

McIntosh, who is a university studies senior, said he was unaware of Perry’s plans to write a op-ed and appreciates the Secretary’s comments, which he feel gives validity to his cause.

“I’m thankful for Secretary Perry’s support of fairness in the Houston Chronicle today. I did not at all expect his editorial and I’m humbled to have his support,” McIntosh said. “He made a compelling case which I fully support and continue to fight for. Our campaign team won the election and was subsequently disqualified unfairly. Diversity, at it’s heart, is equal treatment of all, and we hope this situation is resolved in a way that ensures a fair and more transparent process now and in future elections.”

And the school responded to Perry:

While Perry is requesting answers from the Board of Regents, A&M faculty play no part and do not interfere with the elections of either members of student government or the position of Yell Leader.

Amy Smith, spokeswoman for Texas A&M, expressed a gratitude for Perry’s desire to remain loyal to Texas A&M, but said the university was not, nor could have been, involved in the decision to disqualify McIntosh.

“We appreciate Secretary Perry’s long-term commitment to his alma mater and to the state in general,” Smith said. “We were surprised that he weighed in on the university student body election and respectfully disagree with his assessment. These elections are run by the students with advisors from student affairs and issues that arise are adjudicated in accordance with the Student Government constitution and by-laws.”

Vice Chancellor of Marketing and Communication for the TAMU System Laylan Copelin referred The Battalion to Smith as well.

Smith went on to indicate that McIntosh was not given unequal treatment because of Brooks’ sexuality as Perry implied.

“The disqualification of the leading vote-getter resulted in the certification of Bobby Brooks as the next Student Body President effective April 21, 2017,” Smith said. “To suggest that the same decision of disqualification would not have been made if the roles were reversed is to deny the Texas A&M of today where accountability applies to all.”

The post Rick Perry Charges Texas A&M’s First Openly Gay Student President with Stealing Election from GOP Fundraiser’s Son appeared first on Towleroad.

Rick Perry Charges Texas A&M’s First Openly Gay Student President with Stealing Election from GOP Fundraiser’s Son