Tyler the Creator says he’s slept with the brothers of every single one of his ex-girlfriends

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Tyler the Creator says he’s slept with the brothers of every single one of his ex-girlfriends

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Tyler the Creator is currently featured in GQ’s annual “Men of the Year” issue as “Provocateur of the Year.” In his profile, which is definitely worth a read, he talks all about his career, his music, and, of yeah, those rumors about his sexuality that he has enjoyed peddling over the years.

When specifically asked about past experiences with men, Tyler replied, “I like girls. I just end up f*cking their brother every time.”

Of course, it has always been unclear how serious the 28-year-old is when he makes these sorts of remarks.

In the past, he has claimed to have swapped d*ck pics Jaden Smith and said they were in a relationship, openly lusted over Timothée Chalamet, and revealed that he had a boyfriend when he was a teenager.

Speaking to Know Wave’s Koopz Tunes podcast in August 2017, Tyler said, “I had a boyfriend when I was fifteen in f*cking Hawthorne. If that’s not open-minded, I don’t know what is.”

At the same time, the rapper has been criticized over the years f0r using antigay slurs in his albums, particularly on his debut, which featured the word “f*ggot” more than 200 times. He has also been criticized for using the word “gay” as an insult during numerous interviews.

We’d say “provocateur” is a fitting title for Tyler. Along with “enigma.” And, possibly, “seasoned male lover.”

Related: Did notoriously homophobic rapper Tyler The Creator just come out?


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