The Importance of Having Gay Video Game Characters: VIDEO

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The Importance of Having Gay Video Game Characters: VIDEO

Screenshot 2015-02-05 11.47.45

In a video for PBS Digital’s Game/Show, Jamin Warren discusses the power of having explicitly gay characters in video games. Gaming franchises like Fable and the Sims have long-offered players the ability to create unique characters with customizable sexualities. But, as Warren explains, there’s something to be said for queer characters whose sexualities are set in stone. In particular Warren singles out BioWare’s Dragon Age: Inquisition and Dorian, its resident gay magic user, for crafting a story in which Dorian’s sexuality is integral to the character’s personality, but not burdensome to the game’s plot.

PbsIn the same way that gay gamers have come to be able to identify with straight characters with vastly different perspectives from their own, it stands to reason that straight gamers could benefit from the same experience by playing as queer characters.

Check out Jamin Warren’s explanation of why explicitly-gay video game characters are important AFTER THE JUMP



Charles Pulliam-Moore

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