Steve Grand Promised Video Of His Naked Ice Bucket Challenge So Here It Is

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Steve Grand Promised Video Of His Naked Ice Bucket Challenge So Here It Is

1662320_281963098667966_8628368991076029824_n-360x465-1A man is only as good as his word, right? So out country entertainer Steve Grand is a fine fellow for making good on his promise to post video of his recent nude fund-raising effort on behalf of the ubiquitous Ice Bucket Challenge. To date people willing to be doused with freezing water (or some clever variation) on camera have raised close to $100 million for ALS, a progressive neurodegenerative disease. Being conscious of the world shortage in much of the world and having a penchant for showing off his chiseled physique, Grand took a nude dive into the frigid waters of Lake Superior after he performed in nearby Duluth, Minnesota.

Grand posted the following note on his YouTube channel today:

In addition to ALS, I chose to donate to two other charities I feel passionate about. I encourage everyone out there to find a cause you are passionate about, do your research, and donate according to your means. Remember, numerous little donations are what make the biggest differences!

Watch Grand take the plunge below and watch other celebs take the challenge here and here.

Jeremy Kinser

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