Right-Wing Pundit Compares Gay Activists To French Terrorist Murderers

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Right-Wing Pundit Compares Gay Activists To French Terrorist Murderers

1024px-Erick_Erickson_by_Gage_SkidmoreYou could see this coming. Right-wing pundit Erick Erickson, who never met a crackpot opinion he didn’t like, thinks that gay activists are the equivalent of the terrorists in France who murdered 12 employees of a satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and then engaged in a rampage in the Jewish neighborhood of Paris.

How do we rate this comparison? We objected to Kevin Cochran, the fire chief in Atlanta, for self-publishing a book that describes gay people as “vile,” “vulgar,” and “perverts.” Cochran was canned by Mayor Kasim Reed for violating city policy and proving that Cochran lacked the “judgment and ability to manage the department.”

Apparently, to Erickson that’s the equivalent of turning automatic weapons on innocent citizens.

Gay activists “believe that the views they want to silence are not worthy of ever being spoken…and so they must be punished, they must be vanquished, and everyone must know it’s going to happen to them as well,” Erickson said on his radio show, appearing to barrel toward a denunciation of the Paris attackers.

“And so they did the only thing they could do, the only thing they knew to do,” he continued. “They went to the mayor of Atlanta and demanded he fire the chief of the fire department for daring to mock them.”

Erickson explicitly linked the activists’ objections (otherwise known as the expression of free speech) to the terrorist activities in France (otherwise known as murder).

“The terrorists did what had to be done to publicly destroy and ruin the offender…and the terrorists won in Atlanta,” Erickson insisted.

Erickson is always looked for non-existent connections to stir up outrage. Not that long ago, he was blaming the lack of an Ebola vaccine on fat lesbians. He’s a little wobbly in his ideological understanding, though. He used to just compare us to Nazis. Only in Erickson’s imagination would Muslim terrorists and Nazis be one and the same.



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