News: Aaron Schock, Ebola, Texas, Justin Bieber, Stampede in India

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News: Aaron Schock, Ebola, Texas, Justin Bieber, Stampede in India

Road Antonin Scalia says SCOTUS will take up a gay marriage case “soon”

SchockRoad With Norway dropping out of the running this week, the host of the 2022 Winter Olympics will be either China or Kazakhstan – both of which have “authoritarian governments that muzzle critics, poor records on human rights and noxious air pollution”

Road Aaron Schock goes commando at West Point’s Combat Water Survival Lab. 

Road Are the Senate races in Arkansas, Alaska, and Louisiana slipping away from Democrats?

Road A NBC journalist in Africa has been diagnosed with Ebola and will be flown back the U.S. for treatment. 

Road Nick News anchor Linda Ellerbee will host a Nickelodeon special on the lives of gay children next week. 

Road The Karl Rove-backed American Crossroads super PAC and Crossroads GPS have raised a total of $100 million to pump into the November election. 

Road Does ABC’s new sitcom Black-ish have a gay problem? “It might seem a throwaway phrase, and not something to get too riled about, but a fundamental attitude about someone’s or a TV show’s attitude towards homosexuality is neatly enshrined in Black-ish’s disparaging use of the word “gay”—a dismissiveness, an easy laugh, a deliberate, lazy play to a gallery of stereotypes.”

KinshasaRoad Conservative MP Matthew Hancock has apologized for sharing a poem on Twitter that suggested the Labour Party was “full of queers.”

Road A new study traces the origins of HIV/AIDS back to central African city of Kinshasa in the 1920s.

Road Sushant Divgikar, the winner of Mr. Gay India 2014 and current contestant on the reality show “Bigg Boss 8” is hoping his presence on the show changes public perceptions of India’s LGBT community

Road Katherine Heigl has a roll in the hay with four other men on the set of her new show State of Affairs.  

Road Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher introduce their daughter Wyatt Isabelle….kinda.

Road 50 Shades of Grey‘s Jamie Dornan keeps his backhand strong while playing golf with Bill Murray in Scotland.

 Road BieberJustin Bieber teases sexy upcoming collaboration with German fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld.

Road Real Housewives stars Teresa and Joe Giudice have been handed their prison sentences for their felony band fraud convictions. 

Road Bryan Fischer’s Insane Tweet of the Day: “Ebola illustrates why HIV is NOT the cause of AIDS: viruses don’t lie in wait for 10-12 years. They attack upon exposure.”

Road Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has lifted the injunction against HB2 (the infamous Texas anti-abortion bill filibustered by Wendy Davis last year) meaning that the entire state of Texas will now only have 8 abortion clinics serving its entire population of 26.5 million people.  

Road U.S. unemployment has hit a six-year low, with the economy adding 248,000 jobs in September. 

Road A deadly stampede at a Hindu festival in eastern India has left 32 people dead and 15 injured. 

Kyler Geoffroy

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