How Baywatch’s Jaason Simmons Came Out To His Costars, Even Though They Knew He Was Gay

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How Baywatch’s Jaason Simmons Came Out To His Costars, Even Though They Knew He Was Gay

Jaason Simmons, who spent three seasons splashing around in a short red swimsuit as a sexy Aussie lifeguard on the hit TV series Baywatch, says his costars knew he was gay even before he publicly came out in 2008.

The actor, who with his partner Irish actor John O’Callaghan adopted a Ugandan boy in 2006, sat down with TooFab to discuss the 25th anniversary of the hit series that helped make household names of David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson.

“Everybody knew, I just didn’t speak about my private life, I’m pretty shy and introverted,” Simmons reveals. “So to go in a show when you’re like that, it takes a lot of adjusting. I was like, baby steps. I was in a relationship for the whole time and they were all aware and it was fantastic and no issue.”

Watch the full interview below.

Jeremy Kinser

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