Church of England To Consider Easing Ban on Gay Clergy: VIDEO

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Church of England To Consider Easing Ban on Gay Clergy: VIDEO


CofE-colour1In an attempt to become more inclusive, the Church of England is being urged to turn to blind eye to the sex lives of clergy members.

In order to continue in same-sex relationships, gay clergy members are currently asked to remain celibate, change jobs or seek out a promotion to Bishop.

RELATED: New Poll: Support for Gay Marriage in Church of England Exceeds Opposition for First Time

However, a motion to be discussed in the House of Bishops next month could allow the church to become more open about homosexuality.

Pink News reports:

The new proposal comes as the Church of England faces mounting pressure to become more open to homosexuality.

14 married gay and lesbian clergy who make up Changing Attitudes, a C of E pressure group, called for a relaxation on gay relationships,

In September, a number of clerics revealed that 11 bishops were gay which sparked a meeting to discuss the Church’s attitude towards the LGBT community…

If no movement is made to increase acceptance and intolerance, members have suggested that they will engage in protest in the form of civil disobedience. For example, celebrating marriages elsewhere.

However, gay Labour MP Ben Bradshaw (above) said the new policy would promote secrecy while continuing to expect gay clergy to remain celibate. “It is progress for them to stop asking the celibacy question,” he said “but it still leaves the Church of England policy based essentially on dishonesty and encouraging its clergy to lie.”

Watch a report on gay Church of England clergy below.

(Ben Bradshaw image by Travel2palestine is licensed under cc by 2.0)

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Church of England To Consider Easing Ban on Gay Clergy: VIDEO

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