But Teachers And Schools Can Bring It Together

But Teachers And Schools Can Bring It Together
‘Britain is in the grip of a self-reinforcing spiral of ever growing-division’. So said Alan Milburn, Chair of the Social Mobility Commission, who chose not to mince his words when talking about the state of social mobility in 2017.

In its State of the Nation report the Commission found a growing divide between London and the rest of the country, leading to a deeply divided nation.

Places like Tower Hamlets and Hackney in the capital are still home to some of the highest levels of poverty in the country. But the transformation of education along with the opportunities available in the capital work together to exert a ‘push’ and a ‘pull’ on achievement. As a result disadvantaged young people in London are now more likely to get good grades, go to university or get a better paid job.

It is not inner cities, but rural and coastal towns and former industrial communities that are the new social mobility cold spots. It is now in places like Carlisle, Corby and Weymouth where children born into poverty have the least chances of escaping it.

Ignoring this geographical disparity will only lead to an increasingly divided society, with the serious consequences for cohesion that entails. Alan Milburn highlighted that of the 65 ‘social mobility cold spots’ his Commission identified, all but five voted ‘leave’ in the EU referendum. They haven’t felt the benefits of some of our national projects. The geographical inequality of opportunity, he said, helps explain an increasingly polarised politics and the feeling of many those that live in these communities that they have been ‘left behind’.

But the Commission did identify the steps we can take to improve the chances of young people in these social mobility cold spots. In particular, on the ‘push’ side of the equation, they highlighted the importance of getting great teachers into the schools that need them the most. As a charity that recruits and trains teachers to work in these communities, we couldn’t agree more. Schools do not stand alone in tackling disadvantage, but they can have a transformative effect on their communities.

We need more people to come forward and take on the challenge of a career in teaching and, most importantly, we need them to work and stay in the communities that need them most.

Over the last few years Teach First have placed and retained more and more teachers into coastal and rural areas as the social mobility challenges of Britain have changed.

We started 15 years ago as a charity recruiting and training teachers to work in some of the most deprived inner-London schools. But over the last decade, we have placed thousands of teachers in schools serving low-income communities in places like Hastings, Bradford and Blackpool – all areas today highlighted as social mobility cold spots.

From being ‘on the front line’ we have learnt what a lack of social mobility really means for children in these areas. It’s not that the poverty in these areas is necessarily more severe, but that young people lack the wider opportunities – the ‘pull’ factor – to reach their full potential and rise out of this poverty. They lack the industry, businesses, transport and infrastructure on their doorstep.

One thing our teachers always tell us is that these children absolutely do not lack ambition. They have the same dreams and aspirations as children in the most affluent and socially mobile areas. What they lack is the opportunity to realise those ambitions.

So we support the Commission’s recommendations that government, councils, schools and businesses redouble their efforts to tackle this problem and ensure all young people – wherever they are born – get a fair chance in life.

This means we need to support them with things like careers advice, work experience and access to higher-education, so they can navigate the world of work and gain the skills they will need in the future. But most of all, it means we need to get even more brilliant individuals into the teaching profession and into the schools that need them the most.

Teaching is one of the most rewarding careers out there. Very few other professions allow you to directly have such a transformative impact on the lives of young people. I’d encourage anyone – whether you’re looking for a graduate job or thinking about a change in career – to take up the challenge of teaching.

Russell Hobby is Chief Executive of education charity Teach First


3 Easy Ways to Support HRC for Giving Tuesday

3 Easy Ways to Support HRC for Giving Tuesday

We wanted to share 3 easy ways that you can promote HRC for Giving Tuesday, a global day that encourages giving back to your community.

  1. Facebook Fundraisers: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has teamed up with Facebook and agreed to match Facebook Fundraisers up to $50,000. In a couple of clicks, you can set up a Facebook Fundraiser for HRC and encourage your friends to donate in support of LGBTQ equality. 
    Head to: www.facebook.com/pg/humanrightscampaign/fundraisers/ 

    • Click “+Raise Money” to get started
    • Select Human Rights Campaign, how much you want to raise and your deadline
    • Title your fundraiser and tell your story on why you’re raising money to help protect and defend LGBTQ rights
    • Pick a cover photo (or select HRC’s current one)
    • Hit Create! You’re all set.
  2. West Elm 100% Giveback: HRC and West Elm recently expanded on our popular “Love is Love” mug, with a holiday line that includes a candletrinket dishdinnerware, and holiday ornament. Normally, 50% of these proceeds come back to HRC — but tomorrow only, West Elm will be committing 100% of the proceeds back to HRC. You (and everyone you know!) can shop the collection here.
  3. Matching Opportunity: Promote our donor matching opportunity on your social networks. For every gift of $10 or more, a $100 gift will be made by an anonymous donor to HRC. hrc.im/GivingTuesday


GLAAD and 45 national, state and local organizations call on the press to reject adopting anti-LGBTQ talking points while covering the Masterpiece Cakeshop case

GLAAD and 45 national, state and local organizations call on the press to reject adopting anti-LGBTQ talking points while covering the Masterpiece Cakeshop case

November 28, 2017

On December 5, the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) will hear oral arguments in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission – a case about a person’s right to cite religious beliefs to gain exemption from existing laws and deny service to a fellow American.

Referring to the matter at the center of this case as religious freedom or religious liberty is deceptive and factually inaccurate branding started by anti-LGBTQ organizations and political strategists to obfuscate the actual harm that can and will be done to LGBTQ and other marginalized people under these exemptions. This is not a neutral framing of this debate, but is language that is driven by some of the most fringe and anti-LGBTQ organizations in the United States including Family Research Council, Mass Resistance, and Liberty Council. In contrast, the term religious exemptions is factually accurate and neutral. It does not take a particular side in this issue, and does not adopt the language of organizations squarely against LGBTQ rights.

GLAAD and the below signed organizations are writing to you today to ask that you use the more accurate terminology of religious exemptions for your readers, viewers, and listeners moving forward.

Our religious freedom and religious liberty values are already – and must continue to be – protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Religious exemption laws and court cases allow business owners to impose their religious beliefs on their employees, their customers, their patients, their constituents, and others. As a result, religious exemptions have in many cases become a vehicle for harming others or refusing to follow any number of laws that individuals and/or companies claim interfere with their religious beliefs – including nondiscrimination laws, healthcare laws, and even laws that protect public safety and prevent abuse.

Since 2016 alone, more than 135 anti-LGBTQ bills involving religious exemptions were introduced in statehouses around the United States, with only a handful becoming law. These bills have been introduced even as a majority of Americans have said, according to a poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), that they are opposed to policy makers using these bills to harm others.

Under religious exemption laws, a business owner can deny women reproductive health care services, reject a person of color’s housing or employment application, or refuse to give medical care to a child of two lesbian women.

With the upcoming Supreme Court case and an administration that prioritizes religious exemptions alongside groups like the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a SPLC-designated hate group representing Masterpiece Cakeshop, now is the time to ask the nation’s media to use accurate phrasing instead of a misnomer aimed at miseducation. To do this, media should use religious exemptions to describe the upcoming Supreme Court case and related bills being considered around the country.

This is serious, and it is about more than a cake. It is about broad discrimination and the harms it could cause. The Masterpiece case will set the precedent for any debates on religious exemptions for generations to come for the United States, and it is vital the public understands what is at stake. Every story and interview by the media on this topic could shape minds and sway public majority behind protecting all Americans – not just a special and exempt few. Only the media can bring the full scope with what’s at stake for this nation if the U.S. Supreme Court were to let fringe influences dictate how we treat one another in this country.

We urge you to demonstrate responsibility in reporting and coverage by educating your audience that the SCOTUS case and related laws are about promoting religious exemptions for one American at the expense of many others.

The below organizations will be making a public call for mainstream media to report this issue with accuracy and fairness. That public call will continue as new stories are published. We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you and your editorial team on this matter.

Thank you,

Ad’ullam Church
Advocates for Youth
Alaskans Together For Equality
Basic Rights Oregon
Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ
CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers
Color of Change
Equality Alabama
Equality Arizona
Equality California
Equality Federation
Equality Federation
Equality Florida
Equality New Mexico
Equality North Carolina
Equality Pennsylvania
Equality South Dakota
Equality Texas
Equality Virginia
Equality Maine
Family Equality Council
FreeState Justice
Georgia Equality
Keep Birth Control Copay Free
Mazzoni Center
Ms. Foundation for Women
National Black Justice Coalition
National Center for Lesbian Rights
National Center for Transgender Equality
National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs
National LGBTQ Task Force
One Colorado
OutFront Minnesota
Pillars Fund
Planned Parenthood
PROMO Missouri
Southern Arizona Gender Alliance, Inc.
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center
The Trevor Project
Transgender Law Center
Whitman-Walker Health
Women’s Equality Center

November 28, 2017


Navajo Nation Blasts Trump for ‘Offensive and Dangerous’ Pocahontas Crack

Navajo Nation Blasts Trump for ‘Offensive and Dangerous’ Pocahontas Crack

Navajo Nation Delegate Amber Kanazbah Crotty released a statement late last night blasting Donald Trump’s racist crack at Elizabeth Warren during a ceremony honoring Navajo Code Talkers at the White House yesterday.

During the ceremony, Trump was standing in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson, who signed the Indian Removal Act.

Said Trump:

“You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas. But you know what? I like YOU. Because you are special.”

Said Crotty in the statement:

“Today’s careless comment from President Trump is the latest example of systemic, deep-seated ignorance of Native Americans and our intrinsic right to exist and practice our ways of life. The intentional disregard of the historical trauma of Pocahontas as a sexual assault survivor directly resulting from colonization is disturbing.

“The Navajo People are not strangers to the prejudice, discrimination, and marginalization perpetrated by western culture. Our woman and children are targets of violence. We must speak out against such ignorance in every instance, in hopes for a better future for our children and our land.

“I must respond to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ flat-out denial of this racial slur, dismissing the tangible and egregious impact pejoratives have on Indigenous people. I must respond to President Trump’s remark today referencing Pocahontas. With due respect, it is problematic for the president to use this term in the manner we heard today. It diminishes the experience of Pocahontas and is totally inappropriate. The reckless appropriation of this term is deeply offensive and dangerous to the sovereignty and identity of our peoples. Such rhetoric is damaging, and it a serious infringement of our right to live as Native Americans.

“The Navajo Code Talkers are not pawns to advance a personal grudge, or promote false narratives. Such pandering dishonors the sacrifice of our national heroes. Let me be clear, such antics do not change the fact of history. Indigenous peoples’ disparate socioeconomic issues are a direct result of this false narrative, and we cannot sit idly by as the citizens of the United States and our Indigenous children are gas-lighted from this terrible truth.

“We honor and respect the Navajo Code Talkers, and we are proud of their sacrifice. Let us not allow this display of immaturity and short-sightedness distract us from the important issues we advocate for collectively as sovereign nations on this continent, but continue to advance the cause and secure the future of Indigenous people in America.”

Navajo Nation response to Trump’s insult:
“The Navajo Code Talkers are not pawns to advance a personal grudge…” pic.twitter.com/3KFxlIYOoT

— Ruth H. Hopkins (@RuthHHopkins) November 28, 2017

The post Navajo Nation Blasts Trump for ‘Offensive and Dangerous’ Pocahontas Crack appeared first on Towleroad.

Navajo Nation Blasts Trump for ‘Offensive and Dangerous’ Pocahontas Crack



The month of November is drawing to a close, and with it comes the end of men’s health month (aka Movember). However, this does not mean we should stop discussing these issues! December is the month of raising awareness of Bowel Cancer, and has rebranded to Decembeard – So put those shavers down guys!

So What is Bowel Cancer?

Bowel cancer is the general name for any cancer that begins in your bowel (the long tube that connects your stomach to your back passage). It is the third most common type of cancer in the UK, with most people diagnosed being men over the age of 60.

However, it is also one of the most preventable cancers! There is a lot that can be done to reduce your risk of developing bowel cancer, such as; exercising, giving up smoking, and eating a high-fibre, low-fat diet.

To detect cases of bowel cancer earlier, the NHS screens people who may be at an increased or particular risk. All you have to do to ensure you get screened is to be registered with a GP in England. The two main types of screening are:

Faecal occult blood test: a home test kit is used by you to collect a sample of stool, which is then sent for testing

Bowel scope screening: this involves using a thin tube with a camera on the end to look at the inside of the bowel

This December, you can help us beat bowel cancer by getting involved in Decembeard, Bowel Cancer UK’s sponsored beard grow! How much easier could it get?! You simply pack away the razor and allow your beard to grow for the month of December to raise awareness and money, supporting vital research to help stop bowel cancer in its tracks. And, because you don’t have to shave, you’ll get a few well-deserved lie-ins for your efforts!

What Can I Do to Take Part?

To take part, you simply have to clean shave on November 30th, sit back, and watch your beard take on a life of its own. Already have a magnificent facial growth to be proud of? You can still get involved – why not dye your beard the wackiest colour you can think of and get sponsored to sport a new style for the month?

If you’re thinking that your boss or significant other may not appreciate your new laid-back look, then you still don’t have to miss out! Log onto Bowel Cancer UK’s official website at www.bowelcanceruk.org.uk/, where you can download your very own cut out and keep purple beard – hold this up to your face and, hey presto, you have a removable beard. Get happy with your selfie stick and post your picture to your social media, and encourage others to get involved too. Every little helps!

Someone is diagnosed with bowel cancer every 15 minutes in the UK, and a devastated family lose someone to bowel cancer every half an hour, but this doesn’t have to be norm. The more people that support the cause the stronger we stand to take on and beat bowel cancer! – Supporting those affected along the way.

By visiting the official Decembeard website at www.decembeard.org today, you can sign up and become someone’s champion. Many people who sign up to grow a Decembeard have had a personal experience with bowel cancer, whether they have had bowel cancer themselves, have an affected loved one or have lost someone to the disease.

Whether you’re planning to grow a beard, dye your existing beard, or try something totally different, such as hosting an event or taking on a physical challenge, there are also lots of creative fundraising ideas on the Decembeard official website.

So, head on over to www.decembeard.org/challenges to get started – we know you can do it!

Dr Seth Rankin is Founder of London Doctors Clinic


#AM_Equality Tipsheet: November 28, 2017

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: November 28, 2017

LOOK AHEAD — SCOTUS TO HEAR ARGUMENTS NEXT WEEK IN CASE OF CAKE BAKER WHO WANTS LICENSE TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST LGBTQ PEOPLE: USA Today’s Richard Wolf (@richardjwolf) previews the Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case involving a baker who in 2012 refused to provide a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. The Supreme Court of the United States will hear arguments in the case on Dec. 6. Last year, the Colorado Supreme Court upheld a ruling by the Colorado Court of Appeals that bakery owner Jack Phillips cannot cite religious beliefs or free speech in order to discriminate against same-sex couples. More from USA Today.

  • Read the ugly truth about the anti-LGBTQ organization representing the baker: The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is a Southern Poverty Law Center-designated anti-LGBTQ hate group. Yesterday, Citizens for Transparency unveiled a website that exposes ADF’s bigoted, sustained attacks on the LGBTQ community — in the U.S. and around the world. More from The Truth about ADF. And more on ADF from The Nation.

FEDERAL JUDGE TO TRUMP — PENTAGON MUST ALLOW TRANSGENDER PEOPLE TO ENTER THE MILITARY BY JANUARY 1: U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly clarified a preliminary injunction issued last month that blocked portions of the Trump-Pence discriminatory ban on transgender groups. In addition to blocking the administration from discharging highly trained transgender service members, Judge Kollar-Kotelly ruled the Pentagon must move forward with previously developed plans to allow qualified trans people to enlist or commission into the military starting January 1, 2018. “Donald Trump’s erratic tweets and half-baked orders disrespect the bravery of the countless transgender people who have fought, and in many cases died, for their country,” said HRC Legal Director Sarah Warbelow of the injunction. “The immediate harm to our national defense and to the thousands of transgender people serving and wishing to serve their country must be stopped — and we are grateful that a federal judge has blocked this administration from discharging any qualified individuals because of their gender identity while these cases continue to make their way through the courts.” More from The Hill and NBC.

TODAY IS #GIVINGTUESDAY: Join the fight to protect and defend LGBTQ rights as we head into 2018, a critical election year during which we are expecting to face an onslaught of attacks on equality. Today, an anonymous donor will make a generous gift in the name of every person who donates $10 or more to HRC. More from HRC.

  • HRC is also proud to join forces today with West Elm to launch a special “Love is Love” #GivingTuesday effort. West Elm is committing 100 percent of the proceeds from the sale of items in its “Love is Love” line, available online and in stores, to HRC. More from HRC.

TUESDAY TWEET — CONGRATS TO GIGI GORGEOUS AND NATS GETTY ON THEIR NEW BABY: Transgender advocate and Youtuber Gigi (@TheGigiGorgeous) announced on Twitter that she and her partner Nats (@NatsGetty) had a child via surrogate. Congratulations to the couple — and we look forward to seeing more of the most fashionable baby on the internet! More from Refinery29.

Thank you to our beautiful surrogate����❤️ pic.twitter.com/Ihj2b9d0tR

— Gigi (@TheGigiGorgeous) November 27, 2017

DOUG JONES FOR U.S. SENATE — WHERE HE STANDS: HRC has endorsed Doug Jones for U.S. Senator from Alabama. Jones is running against the notoriously anti-LGBTQ Roy Moore in a December 12 special election to replace now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Doug Jones is the only candidate in this race who will look out for all Alabamians, regardless of who they are or whom they love. Learn his stances on women’s health, the Affordable Care Act, common sense gun safety, LGBTQ equality and taxes from CNN.

HRC ENDORSES MARIE NEWMAN FOR U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: HRC joined a coalition of progressive groups, including NARAL Pro-Choice, MoveOn.org, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) and Democracy for America (DFA) to endorse Newman — who is running against anti-LGBTQ Rep. Dan Lipinski (R-IL). “The people of greater Chicago deserve a leader who will stand up for every resident and serve as a champion for equality. Marie Newman is that leader, and we are proud to endorse her in this race,” said JoDee Winterhof, HRC Senior Vice President of Policy and Political Affairs. “It’s time for new leadership and someone who will fight for full LGBTQ equality in Congress — it’s time for Marie Newman.” More from The Hill.

MUST READ FROM WAPO — “I DON’T FEEL LIKE I’M A THREAT ANYMORE”: Chris Kimmenez has been HIV positive and adhering to antiretroviral therapy for years, and he and his wife practice safe sex, he told Washington Post reporter Lenny Bernstein (@LennyMBernstein). But new HIV guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention affirming that people, like Kimmenez, who have no detectable viral loads cannot transmit the virus are transforming lives and have “reduced stigma for the 1.2 million Americans living with HIV,” the Post reports. With its statement, the CDC joined HIV researchers, doctors and service providers throughout the world in affirming the efficacy of treatment as an HIV prevention strategy. More from The Washington Post.

  • Friday is World AIDS Day. Learn more here.

OHIO BILL WOULD PROTECT LGBTQ PEOPLE FROM DISCRIMINATION: The Ohio Fairness Act, introduced by State House Rep. Nickie Antonio, would protect people on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in housing and employment. More from The Athens News.

  • The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services unveiled a new anti-bullying campaign that will focus on at-risk groups including LGBTQ youth. More from The Associated Press.

MEET OKLAHOMA’S NEW OPENLY LESBIAN STATE SENATOR: Allison Ikley-Freeman, a married mother of three, made waves earlier this month when she won her seat in the Republican-controlled state legislature. “We were really thinking about what we were looking for in a candidate, trying to call some people and convince them to run,” she told The Daily Beast’s Samantha Allen (@SLAwrites). “And I just had this moment where I was like, ‘I need to do this.’” More from The Daily Beast.

KENTUCKY BAPTIST CHURCH CONSIDERS LIFTING BAN ON LGBTQ EMPLOYEES: The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has formed a committee to review the anti-LGBTQ policy and recommend changes that could signal a split for some of the member churches from the conservative Kentucky Baptist Convention. More from The Advocate and The Courier Journal.

MUST WATCH — AUSTRALIAN SENATOR’S EMOTIONAL PLEA FOR MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Sarah Hanson-Young said, “In my small high school, one of my best friends was gay, and he struggled for a long time. And I remember thinking I never did quite enough to have his back. He was one of my bestest friends and we hung out and every now and then I told people to bugger off when they tried to pick on him. But it didn’t quite feel like it was enough — it was just, ‘well, that’s the way you are so that’s the way people are gonna treat you.’ Young people in Australia deserve better than that.” More from News Corp Australia Network.

UGANDAN LGBTQ ADVOCATES — “ACTIVISM IS LIKE A SPIRIT”: The Salt Lake Tribune’s Jennifer Dobner (@JenniferDobner) sat down with Barnabas Wobiliya and Apollo Kimuli, two Ugandan LGBTQ and HIV advocates who told their harrowing stories of harassment, arrest and escape from the country. Read the full piece from The Salt Lake Tribune.


  • 100,000 march for transgender equality in Chile: Chilean President Michelle Bachelet supports many pro-equality laws. More from On Top Magazine.
  • Historic LGBTQ march in Ghana: The “peace walk” aims to thank Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo for his recent interview with AlJazeera, in which he hinted that the country would address pro-equality laws if there was “a strong current of opinion.” More from GhanaWeb.
  • Hong Kong holds annual LGBTQ Pride parade: Last month, it was announced that Hong Kong will also host the 2022 Gay Games. More from Agence France-Presse.


WBUR interviews Maddie Adelman and Laurie Provost, two Phoenix-based LGBTQ advocates; News Deeply examines anti-LGBTQ violence in Colombia; PinkNews takes a look at a pro-equality shirt worn by the iconic doll Barbie on its instagram;

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!
