Trump Poses in Oval Office With Pastor Who Said Gay Men Want to Molest Children

Trump Poses in Oval Office With Pastor Who Said Gay Men Want to Molest Children

Prior to signing his “religious freedom” executive order yesterday, Donald Trump posed for a photo in the Oval Office – which does not have any corners – with anti-LGBT persecuted Christian Robert Jeffress.

In 2015, Jeffress said that ongoing “gay cake” rows would lead to an anti-Christian holocaust. He also claimed that same-sex marriage would have terrible consequences for Christians, that cakes at same-sex weddings are a sign of the Antichrist and that all gay men want is to molest children. In 2014, so rabid had end-times pastor Jeffress become that he had to specify that no, he really didn’t think Barack Obama was the actual Antichrist.

RELATED: Texas Megachurch Pastor Compares Gay Sex to Plugging a TV into the Wrong Outlet and ‘Blowing it to Smithereens’: VIDEO

Pastor @RobertJeffress visits @POTUS @realDonaldTrump in the Oval before this evenings dinner with Religious Leaders @WhiteHouse residence.

— Dan Scavino Jr. (@Scavino45) May 3, 2017

A Tuesday night dinner with religious right leaders included Jeffress along with such luminaries as James Dobson, Jim Garlow, Paula White and the lovely Franklin Graham.

@Scavino45 @robertjeffress @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse Photo opt to try and look like christianity has anything to do with this administration! Propaganda photo opt

— myron watkins (@myronwatkins7) May 4, 2017

According to Right Wing Watch, at the dinner, Jeffress said that the people in the room are going to be “your most loyal” and “enthusiastic supporters, and we thank God every day that you’re the president of the United States.”

@Scavino45 @robertjeffress @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse He might be nearly as religious as my cat. Lip service to some of the people he tricked into voting for him.

— Ouroboros (@Ouroboros042777) May 3, 2017

Right Wing Watch also notes that Jeffress is so extreme in his views that even Mitt Romney publicly condemned him during his presidential bid.

@Scavino45 @robertjeffress @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse Any religious leader who stands by Trump is like the pharisees and sadducees. They’re willing to lead people astray.

— Denise Maynard (@_JustTooMuch_) May 4, 2017

Some people commenting on Dan Scavino’s tweet seemed a touch confused.

@Scavino45 @robertjeffress @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse God moved back into the white house. Gone to long.

— Kathy Nielsen (@katkat1949) May 4, 2017

@Scavino45 @robertjeffress @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse Know that everyone had a nice time, and prayed for our POTUS, we must pray without ceasing, knowing only GOD can heal our land

— PATTY A MERKEL (@MerkelPatty) May 4, 2017

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Trump Poses in Oval Office With Pastor Who Said Gay Men Want to Molest Children

松岡宗嗣: 「”普通の人かLGBT”じゃない」世界がもっとカラフルに見えてくるきっかけをくれた”東京レインボープライド”とは

松岡宗嗣: 「”普通の人かLGBT”じゃない」世界がもっとカラフルに見えてくるきっかけをくれた”東京レインボープライド”とは

もっと見る: Japan Lgbt, 東京レインボープライド, 性的少数者, ゴールデンウィーク, セクシュアル・マイノリティ, ダイバーシティ, 多様性, セクシュアリティ, Japan News



miguel_discart_photos posted a photo:


Chaque annee la Pride attire des dizaines de milliers de visiteurs vers la capitale et colore Bruxelles aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel. Il y a aussi le PrideVillage et le PridePodium autour de la Bourse. n’est pas seulement la plus grande fete de Bruxelles, mais c’est aussi un evenement avec un message politique. Avec cette manifestation, nous essayons d’obtenir plus d’egalite de droits pour tout le monde et surtout pour la communaute lesbigaytrans.
Cette annee, le Belgian PrideFestival debutera le 4 mai avec la traditionnelle MiniPride.
Apres une reception a l’Hotel de Ville (autour du theme ‘Asile et Migration’), le cortege aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel se rendra sur la Grand-Place. Il se deplacera ensuite jusqu’au Manneken-Pis, accompagne par la Fanfare du Meyboom. Sur place, le petit bonhomme sera habille du costume de la Pride (confectionne par Jean-Paul Gaultier) et les invites se verront offrir une delicieuse Kriek. La MiniPride se terminera a la Rainbowhouse de Bruxelles.