2 male school students win ‘cutest couple’ photo contest, start an amazing trend

2 male school students win ‘cutest couple’ photo contest, start an amazing trend

The US students, who are actually both straight and cousins, posed for the photo to show LGBT solidarity. After parents complained, fellow students started a campaign to support them

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Spiders That Give Men Four-Hour Erections Began Hatching In Bananas Purchased From Tesco

Spiders That Give Men Four-Hour Erections Began Hatching In Bananas Purchased From Tesco

banana_with_spider_3229405bPrepare to be absolutely horrified.

The eggs of a highly venomous spider whose bite can kill or, worse, give men burning, stinging, pulsating, hours-long erections were found deeply embedded inside a batch of bananas from a grocery store in the U.K.

The bananas came from Costa Rica and were purchased from a Tesco supermarket by a woman named Maria Layton. (Tesco, you may remember, made headlines back in January when one of its employees told a customer “gay people shouldn’t have babies” and should all “die alone.”) When Layton brought the bananas home, her six-year-old daughter asked for one. That’s when Layton noticed the eggs from the Brazilian Wandering Spider growing on the side.

“I recognized it because I remembered seeing a news story about them,” she told The Telegraph.

Within seconds of making the discovery, the cocoon started to hatch.

“I was so scared!” Layton continued. “I…have read about the Brazilian Wandering Spiders, and was very frightened about the potential threat.”

The venom from the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s bite is known to cause painful erections in men that can last up to four hours. It’s currently being studied by medical researchers for possible use in treatments for erectile dysfunction.

Layton quickly snapped into action, putting the hatching spider eggs into a sealed container then shoving them in her freezer to die. Then she called Tesco customer services, who told her she could return the bananas with the spider eggs for a complete refund, if she wanted.

“Tesco were a bit useless,” Layton said. “I spent an hour-and-a-half ringing round trying to get some help while I had this potentially killer spider in the house!”

A spokesperson for Tesco said: “Our policy is for the customer to take the product to the store where it can be investigated. We don’t have a service whereby someone can go out to the home.”

Related stories:

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Tesco Apologizes For Cashier Who Said Gay Folks Should Die Alone and Not Have Babies

Graham Gremore


Steven Universe Continues To Be One of the Most Queer-Positive Cartoons On TV – WATCH

Steven Universe Continues To Be One of the Most Queer-Positive Cartoons On TV – WATCH


“Steven Universe” is a television show currently airing on Cartoon Network about a young boy Steven, his father, and his three alien humanoid guardians known as the Crystal Gems. On its surface “Steven Universe” continues in Cartoon Network’s long history of vibrant, whimsical children’s shows. Beneath that, though, “Steven Universe” has been doing some of the most interesting work towards including positive themes of gender and sexual queerness in current television.

Over the show’s two seasons its writers have repeatedly used the Gems ability to fuse with one another to explore the intricacies of physical and emotional identities. In a lighthearted episode entitled “Alone Together” Steven, who is half Gem, accidentally fuses with his female friend Connie and becomes a physically androgynous being whose sole focus is to find a banging dance party. Though Stevonnie presents physically as being predominantly female, the character’s gender is left undefined and Stevonnie the person is uniformly admired by everyone that they meet.


During this season’s past few story arcs “Steven Universe” has hammered home its usually subtle messages about accepting love in all forms in much more explicit ways. In this week season finale’s “Jail Break” we learn that Garnet, voiced flawlessly by Estelle, is actual a near permanent fusion of two separate Gems with a deep romantic love for one another. The significance of the plot twist may seem minor, but as Mey Valdivia Rude writes for Autostraddle messages like Garnet’s can be powerful for young audiences:

Steven“Representation is vitally important for children. Study after study and expert after expert says that when kids see people like them positively portrayed in the media they consume, they are positively impacted, and when they don’t see that same representation, it negatively affects not only them, but how others view and treat people like them.

Especially when we’re still developing, and especially when we are still discovering and exploring our genders and sexuality, it’s important for us to know that we’re not alone and that we have the possibility of a bright future. One way to do this is by creating fictional characters and narratives that show that bright future for people like that.”

Check out a clip of Garnet’s origin story here AFTER THE JUMP


Charles Pulliam-Moore
