Dolly Parton Chastises Christians For 'Judging' LGBT Community

Dolly Parton Chastises Christians For 'Judging' LGBT Community
Dolly Parton never seems to let us queers down.

In a recent interview with Billboard, Parton opened up about her love for her gay fans — as well as her feelings towards Christians that feel the need to “judge” the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

When questioned about why she thinks that she reached icon status within the queer world, Parton told Billboard:

They know that I completely love and accept them, as I do all people. I’ve struggled enough in my life to be appreciated and understood. I’ve had to go against all kinds of people through the years just to be myself. I think everybody should be allowed to be who they are, and to love who they love. I don’t think we should be judgmental. Lord, I’ve got enough problems of my own to pass judgment on somebody else.

Parton elaborated on this further when Billboard questioned the singer about Dollywood and its appeal to the LGBT community (which some questioned after a controversial incident in 2011) — as well as churches groups.

It’s a place for entertainment, a place for all families, period. It’s for all that. But as far as the Christians, if people want to pass judgment, they’re already sinning. The sin of judging is just as bad as any other sin they might say somebody else is committing. I try to love everybody.

Read the full interview with Parton here.

Parton has been a long-time ally to queers, having spoken out a number of times in favor of the right to marry for same-sex couples. The singer has previously discussed a dance album specifically for her gay fans and joked about having a drag queen name.

Pastor Who Was Defrocked For Officiating Gay Son’s Wedding Is Officially “Re-Frocked”

Pastor Who Was Defrocked For Officiating Gay Son’s Wedding Is Officially “Re-Frocked”

Frank-Schaefer_2954978bRev. Frank Schaefer (pictured) made national headlines last November when he was put on “trial” for officiating his son’s same-sex wedding ceremony. Now, the church has decided that, actually, never mind, Schaefer can still be a pastor. They were wrong. Sorry about all that. Let’s forget it ever happened and move on, shall we?

The scandalous wedding ceremony took place in Massachusetts back in 2007 and was between Schaefer’s son, Tim, and his male partner. Last fall, Schaefer was found “guilty” of violating church law by presiding over the wedding. As a result, he was given an ultimatum: Repent and vow to never again perform another same-sex marriage ceremony, or surrender his minister’s credentials and be defrocked.

He chose to be defrocked.

In June of this year, Schaefer was offered another job by a Methodist bishop in California and was “re-frocked.” He now serves a ministry in Santa Barbara. Today, the church’s top court announced it plans to uphold the decision to reinstate Schaefer’s ministerial credentials.

In a statement, the council said: “The Judicial Council upon careful review of the decision of the Northeastern Jurisdiction Committee on Appeals in the matter of the Rev Frank Schaefer and the questions of law presented by the counsel for the church finds there are no errors in the application of the church law and judicial decision. The penalty as modified by the Committee on Appeals stands.”

Schaefer said: “Today, we are witnessing a small, but significant step toward taking another look at the exclusionary policies of The United Methodist Church. The UM Church needs to find a way toward reconciliation, full inclusion of our LGBTQ community and an open altar for all God’s beloved children. I will continue the fight alongside thousands of others in the reconciling movement for full inclusion and an open altar for all.”

Related stories:

10 Bible-Based Reasons Why Christians Should Love Homosexuality

Another Methodist Minister Facing Charges For Performing A Same-Sex Wedding

Methodists Decide It’s A Bad Idea To Try A Minister For Presiding At His Gay Son’s Wedding

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Recently, in the small southern Indiana town of Vincennes a local committee comprised of high school parents and students voted 13-9 to maintain a decade long policy requiring “traditional couples only” for their “private, invitation only” New Years Eve Ball.

The 13-9 vote to maintain the policy was brought to light in a Huffington Post article (read here) that went viral. Among other things it asks: “Why exclude LGBT student-couples?”

Afterwards, the once amiable community found itself embattled in controversy. Long time neighbors and friends suffered hurt feelings, anger and rage. Many community members and students felt “attacked” by their lifelong friends. Social media exploded with accusations and indictments. Character assassins on Facebook and Twitter fired left and right, top to bottom. However, those few vitriolic voices were drowned out by the overwhelming live local and social media response from the community and the nation: a collective message of inclusion, affirmation, acceptance and love.

The world was watching. Local residents (read one mother’s plea here) and Vincennes Lincoln High School alumni from around the country as well as celebrity Ellen Page and Grey’s Anatomy star Sara Ramirez reached out via Twitter and Facebook to lend their support to Lincoln’s current student population–both gay and straight–voicing their solidarity for an all-inclusive New Years Eve Ball.

The ball committee changed their vote after the article’s publication and removed the words “traditional couples only” from the invitations. Now, according to the local newspaper, Lincoln High School LGBT students that receive an invitation, and who choose to attend, will no longer be forced to pair with someone of the opposite sex to qualify as a “traditional couple.”

Nevertheless, the undulation from my hometown’s divisiveness was felt in my adopted hometown of Miami, Florida. Fellow Lincoln High School alumna Andrea Ridgway reached out to me on Facebook from her California home. She’d felt the ripples too. Andrea and I had never met. She and I graduated from Lincoln almost a decade apart. After reading my HuffPo article she started a gofundme campaign.

Messaging back and forth via Facebook, Andrea and I decided that together we’d combine our social media voices to support all students at our beloved alma mater and throughout the county by using her campaign to raise funds and host an all-inclusive, open and affirming hometown celebration.

Together, with NOH8 Campaign’s assistance in facilitating national awareness alongside our “boots on the ground” backing from Vincennes University’s VUPRIDE, we want to host a #NOH8Ball4All–an open and inclusive spring 2015 dance for 9-12 graders (county high school students too!) plus a community awareness information fair. In other words, we hope to host in one day an afternoon of education followed by an evening of celebration!

YOU can help the #NOH8Ball4All campaign!

The power of social media served as an agent of change and it connected Andrea and me. Our efforts captured the attention of NOH8. (Check out “NOH8 in my ST8” here.) Now, collectively, we want to connect and share our campaign with you!

Our common goal is to raise enough funds to host the #NOH8Ball4All at the Red Skelton Performing Arts Center on the campus of Vincennes University. But we need your help!

By donating to the #NOH8Ball4All you too will lend your voice and support for southern Indiana LGBT and straight teens by allowing them the opportunity to celebrate diversity in addition to bringing awareness to the community. Let’s show the world there is NOH8 in Vincennes. Check out the!

Post, tweet or send messages of support to southern Indiana LGBT students and their straight allies using #NOH8Ball4All or by joining the public Facebook group Vincennes #NOH8Ball4All and following J. Patrick Redmond on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.