Be An Underwear Designer With Shrine Boxers!

Be An Underwear Designer With Shrine Boxers!


Have you always wanted to try your hand at fashion design? Are you a huge underwear fan? Well, now is your opportunity to combine the two with the Shrine Boxer Design Challenge. It’s pretty simple, just click here for a guide and tutorial. Once you’re happy with what you came up with, upload your masterpiece to Facebook or Twitter using #MyShrineEntry. Trust us, not only do you get bragging right if you win, but you get a ton of undies.shrine-boxer2 shrinedesign1

For more information, go to The Underwear Expert.

Photo Credit: Shrine Boxers

Underwear Expert

Catalonia, Spain Introduces Powerful Hate Crime Law to Protect LGBT People

Catalonia, Spain Introduces Powerful Hate Crime Law to Protect LGBT People

SpainThe parliament of Catalonia, an anonymous community in Spain, has passed a law to fight anti-gay violence. Specifically, the law targets attackers of the LGBT community with fine — maximum €14,000 (~$17,500).

Pink News points out that, despite that Spain is one of the gay-friendliest countries in Europe — having same-sex marriage for almost 10 years — this law is a response to a report in July that said the majority of Spain’s hate crime in 2014 was motivated by sexual orientation, with 452 identified cases. (All this is not to mention suspicious, recent bar raids by police.)

Opponents of the bill include Spain’s conservative Popular Party, which says the law makes it so the burden of proof will be shifted — that those accused of homophobia will have to prove their innocence.

Said Popular Party spokesperson Dolors López:

Why isn’t there an anti-discrimination law for immigrants or ethnic minorities[…]You can’t come up with a specific law for every group suffering discrimination […] This law grants the LGBT collective an extraordinary system of protection that other groups don’t enjoy.

Jake Folsom

Attorney General Predicts Gay Marriage Support

Attorney General Predicts Gay Marriage Support
Attorney General Eric Holder is heading for the exit, but before he goes, he has some good news for gay and lesbian couples.

Holder recently announced that he’d be stepping down from his job as soon as a replacement can be found. Under his leadership, the Department of Justice took an active roll in advocating for LGBT equality. When Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act went before the Supreme Court in 2013, Holder’s DOJ filed briefs arguing that the U.S. Constitution requires marriage equality.

In an interview with NBC News, Holder called his work on civil rights among the most important of his tenure, and identified marriage equality as “the civil rights issue of the day.” He also observed that public support for marriage continues to grow.

He also predicted confidently that the DOJ would continue to take a lead role on marriage equality. The Supreme Court is likely to consider at least one marriage case in its current term, and Holder expects the Department of Justice to file a similar brief to the one submitted in 2013.

Meanwhile, it remains unclear which case — if any — the Supreme Court might take up. Seven petitions are currently ready for the Justices to accept, and they could announce a decision any day now. But some additional lawsuits are drawing closer to the court is states like Missouri, Idaho, Hawaii, Tennessee, Michigan, and more. That means that we could be in for several more months of delay if the Justices want to wait until some other case has a chance to reach them.