3 Men Arrested In Anti-Gay Shooting In Brooklyn

3 Men Arrested In Anti-Gay Shooting In Brooklyn
Two men and a teenage boy were arrested Sunday for what authorities say was an anti-gay attack culminating in the shooting of a man in Brooklyn.

The 22-year-old victim was dressed as a woman when he was walking early Saturday morning with two friends on Broadway near Putnam Ave. in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, the New York Daily News reports. The three suspects started shouting homophobic slurs at them, police said.

An argument ensued before the suspects began chasing the two men down the street. Matthew Smith, 21, allegedly opened fire, striking the victim in the buttocks.

Shortly after the shooting, police officers chased down the suspects on foot, arresting all three. Smith was charged with first-degree assault and was also charged in a separate shooting that occurred Friday night, NBC New York reports.

The other two suspects — Cody Sigue, 22, and a 17-year-old boy– have been charged with menacing in the third degree as a hate crime.

The victim was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was treated and released.

“[It] shows how gay people can’t walk around in the street without someone saying something or doing something towards them,” 24-year-old Daquan Ruddock, a gay resident of Brooklyn, told the Daily News. “It’s sad.”

Back in 2008, Jose Sucuzhanay, an Ecuadoran man, was beaten to death in Bushwick by two assailants who allegedly yelled homophobic and anti-immigrant slurs during the attack. One of the assailants was convicted of murder as a hate crime and was sentenced to 37 years to life in prison.

The number of anti-gay bias crimes in New York spiked last year. According to the New York City Police Department, there were 29 such attacks from January 2013 to May 2013, more than double the attacks during the same period in 2012.


Brazil No-Hope Presidential Candidate Goes On Televised Homophobic Rant

Brazil No-Hope Presidential Candidate Goes On Televised Homophobic Rant

Levy Fidelix

The penultimate televised debate before next weekend’s presidential election was overshadowed by a homophobic rant by fringe candidate Levy Fidelix, reports The Guardian.

Fidelix, a conservative and former journalist with no hope of winning, was entitled to almost as much screentime as the leading candidates.

On the Sunday debate, he said that gay people “need psychological care” and are better kept “well away from” other people.  He also suggested that Brazil’s population would be reduced by half if homosexuality were encouraged because “the excretory system” does not function as a means of reproduction.

Although his comments went unremarked upon by the three main candidates – including former environment minister Marina Silva, who earlier this month reversed her support for same-sex marriage – his insults and the other candidates’ failure to address them quickly dominated post-debate discussion on social networks. 

Levy Fidelix w/ his medieval homophobic tirade has just given us a great reason why debates in Brazil might be better w/o fringe candidates

— Alex Cuadros (@AlexCuadros) September 29, 2014

Brazil: homophobic rant during TV debate went unremarked upon by the 3 main presidential candidates t.co/nh56XISC51 via @jimmygreer

— Anna (@abracarioca) September 29, 2014

According to the most recent polls, incumbent Dlima Rousseff will win the first round on October 5th and then face a run-off with Silva on October 26th.

Jim Redmond


Serbia Gay Pride March Takes Place Undisturbed

Serbia Gay Pride March Takes Place Undisturbed
BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Waving rainbow-colored flags, several hundred gay activists proceeded undisturbed through downtown Belgrade on Sunday thanks to the protection of thousands of riot police.

The march advanced for only several hundred meters through the empty Belgrade streets where shops were closed and public transport was stopped. Still, it was important symbolically as a rare public event staged by gays in this highly conservative Balkan country. Skirmishes were reported between small groups of extremists and police during and after the march, with soccer hooligans attacking liberal B-92 radio and TV station with flares and smoke bombs. Two policemen were injured, the station said. Also, the hooligans set one public bus on fire with flares, police said.

Water cannons, armored vehicles and riot police blocked traffic on the route of the march amid threats of attacks from extreme nationalists, as Serbia tried to show it respects human rights of all of its citizens as it seeks European Union membership.

“This is a very positive and strong message,” Michael Davenport, head of the EU mission in Serbia, told the pride rally. “It is also a strong message to those using the hate language.”

Belgrade Mayor Sinisa Mali who joined the march together with several foreign diplomats, government members and Serbian party leaders, said it was a chance to show that Belgrade is a world capital “where all of its citizens are equal.”

Officials allowed Sunday’s event despite fears of a repeat of the violence in 2010 when right-wing groups attacked a pride march in Belgrade, triggering clashes with police that left more than 100 people injured. Authorities banned gay rights marches planned for the following three years, citing security reasons.

Later Sunday, thousands of far-right supporters marched through downtown Belgrade in what their leaders said was “spiritual cleansing” of the capital after the pride event.


Associated Press writer Dusan Stojanovic contributed to this report.


Michele Bachmann Clarifies Gay Marriage 'Is Boring, Not an Issue' Comment, Reminds People She's Still A Bigot – VIDEO

Michele Bachmann Clarifies Gay Marriage 'Is Boring, Not an Issue' Comment, Reminds People She's Still A Bigot – VIDEO


Republican and anti-gay activist Michele Bachmann has clarified comments made at last week’s right-wing Values Voter Summit conference that same-sex marriage is “not an issue” and is “in fact…boring,” reports WND.

Activist Michelangelo Signorile claimed that Bachmann made the comments in an interview he conducted with her on Sirius XM Progress.

However, in a follow-up interview, Bachmann says she meant that same-sex marriage “won’t be the issue that drives the 2014 election”:

“I told the reporter it’s getting boring having them only press this issue with Republicans while ignoring Democrats. The media loves to divide us on this issue. They look for something all the time. I said nothing different. I’m the woman who carried the traditional marriage amendment in Minnesota, and I stand firm in my belief that marriage should be between one man and one woman.”

The American Family Association’s resident wingnut Bryan Fischer – loves Burger King, hates gay sex – said that the issue of marriage equality is “far from settled”:

“Unfortunately, there are people in the conservative movement who have sort of given up. There are even evangelical leaders sending signals that the battle is over, that the battle is lost. ‘We’ll never be able to capture the millennials. They’re gone.’ I think it’s way premature for that. You know, when the homosexual lobby was [lost at the ballot in 31 states on marriage, they] didn’t quit. They didn’t give up. They didn’t do it. They didn’t give up, and neither are we.”

Always to be relied on for inflammatory hate speech that shows an absolute lack of any human compassion, in July, Bachmann claimed that gay people want to “abolish age of consent laws…so that adults will be able to freely prey on little children sexually.”

Listen to Bachmann’s July remarks, AFTER THE JUMP


Jim Redmond


Photos: Pocket Gay Nelson Marin Is Underwear Model Of The Week

Photos: Pocket Gay Nelson Marin Is Underwear Model Of The Week


At 5’5 Nelson Marin has the star quality of pocket gays. He was discovered at the same time as his boyfriend, last week’s “Model of the Week” Marvin Garcia, by Baskit underwear photographer Rich Mackey.

Nelson isn’t as green to the game as Marvin, he use to figure model — yes, pose for art school students — and it’s no wonder why he was sought after. You can fit a lot into that tight frame of his, especially that bouncing booty.
IMG_5611 IMG_5574 IMG_5581For more info, go to The Underwear Expert.

Photo credit: Rich Mackey

Underwear Expert


Gay Marriage News Watch: SCOTUS, LA, TX, and MO – VIDEO

Gay Marriage News Watch: SCOTUS, LA, TX, and MO – VIDEO


AFER’s Matt Baume reports on the Supreme Court’s meeting today to decide whether to take up a gay marriage case, a state judge overturning Louisiana’s gay marriage ban, updates from the Fifth Circuit, Missouri’s ban being challenged in court, new poll numbers, and more.



Kyler Geoffroy
