Lawmakers Ask FCC to Ensure LGBT Content Is Not Blocked By Internet Filters at Public Schools & Libraries

Lawmakers Ask FCC to Ensure LGBT Content Is Not Blocked By Internet Filters at Public Schools & Libraries

In a letter to top officials at the Federal Communication Commission on Thursday, Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA) and 13 other lawmakers asked the FCC to ensure that internet filtering software used at federally funded schools and libraries does not block LGBT-related content. 

From the letter:

HondaA 2014 report by the LGBT Technology Partnership & Institute ‘Vision for Inclusion: An LGBT Broadband Future’ concluded that LGBT people are dependent on the Internet to meet a range of individual and social needs, which also makes them especially vulnerable to discriminatory Internet policies enacted by schools and libraries.

In an age when high-speed broadband is transforming almost every aspect of our lives, we must ensure online access to every adult and child. We are aware that you are in the midst of a proceeding to modernize the E-rate program. We encourage you to consider this problem in the course of this proceeding and adopt a solution to end this practice. For example, the Commission’s regulations could make clear that LGBT educational content should not be filtered in a discriminatory manner.

The letter was also co-signed by the American Civil Liberties Union, Human Rights Campaign, the LGBT Technology Partnership & Institute, GLAAD, GLSEN, The Trevor Project, and other organizations. 

Read the letter in full, AFTER THE JUMP

And in related news, Ars Technica recently reported that American Airlines’ in-flight wifi was blocking the website – a version of Airbnb that helps users find a gay-friendly place to stay – under the category of “adult-and-pornography.”

MisterbnbHal Lonas, the chief technical officer at Webroot, said that according to Webroot’s records, Misterbnb has been blocked since March 2013, supposedly for multiple uses of the word “lesbian.” “The count was pretty high,” Lonas said. Webroot uses a count of words like these to identify sites as containing “adult” content, and that one criteria alone is enough to get a site filtered. Since that time, according to Lonas, Misterbnb has been lingering in American Airline’s Gogo Wi-Fi content filter, waiting for someone to navigate to the site and then find the right person to speak to about the error.

Lonas told Ars that Webroot relies on keywords, apparently sometimes on keywords alone, to filter content. He said medical websites sometimes get caught in the filters the same way Misterbnb did, noting that Webroot does take complaints from partners or customers about what to whitelist or change in its approach. “We’re not anti-gay or anti-LGBT, we don’t have an agenda,” he said. “Of several hundred suggestions for changes (to filtering choices), four or five percent might be false positives.” Terms that surround gay culture just conveniently happen to be a statistically effective way of blocking pornography, according to Webroot.

Kyler Geoffroy

Shape Up: Get In Bed, Mister!

Shape Up: Get In Bed, Mister!

unnamed1-360x537You need sleep, no doubt about it. We all make excuses for not getting enough. We know you work hard and have responsibilities that make it hard to get the suggested eight hours. Maybe you’d rather jump into bed with some hottie you met at the gym than get some shut eye. No judgments. But regardless, here are some effects of not sleeping that could be easily fixed by catching up on your zzz’s…

Sleeping too little can make you gain weight.  

When we are sleep deprived, our bodies crave high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods. Simply by increasing your sleep, you will find that you won’t crave those sweets that you’ve always had a difficult time giving up.

Your sex drive decreases with sleep deprivation.  

Studies have shown that men who do not get adequate sleep have lower libidos and less interest in sex than men who get enough sleep. So get your sleep on so that you can get your groove on!

Losing sleep increases chances of health issues.  

It has been found that lack of sleep increases resting blood pressure. If your blood pressure is already high, getting only half a night’s sleep for just one night can cause it to spike up. In addition, chronic sleep deprivation can cause inflammation that is associated with future cardiovascular disease.

Group-Shot-360x221Don’t work out too close to bedtime.  

We all know that we have to get the workout into our busy schedules when we can. However, try to finish your workout 3-4 hours before you plan to hit the hay. It takes a few hours for your body temperature to cool down and may leave you too wired mentally to fall asleep.

Sleep is the time when our muscles repair themselves and our bodies restore the nutrients to the muscles, allowing them to grow and stay strong. Make sure you are giving your body and your mind the rest it needs to be your best self. Sleep tight!

The Phoenix Effecta metabolic bootcamp that gets you in shape fast, is offered exclusively at Mansion Fitness, 7914 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood.

Jeremy Kinser