Fighting the religious right exacts a toll: How LGBT groups got secretly divided – Salon

Fighting the religious right exacts a toll: How LGBT groups got secretly divided – Salon


Fighting the religious right exacts a toll: How LGBT groups got secretly divided
To the relief of LGBT-rights supporters — and the dismay of some conservative religious groups — companies with religious owners seeking contracts with the feds are not exempted. For gay-rights advocates, it’s an initial win in what will be a

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UK will warn anti-gay nations: ‘You need to change’

UK will warn anti-gay nations: ‘You need to change’
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will tell the world that the UK will bring up gay rights in every meeting and press governments around the world to change their homophobic laws The UK government will deliver a stark warning to homophobic nations in the …

Final Fantasy 14's Gay Marriage Decision Inspires Pride Parade

Final Fantasy 14's Gay Marriage Decision Inspires Pride Parade
Players of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn have held a gay pride parade following Square Enix’s decision to allow same-sex marriage in the MMO. Slate reports members of the Rough Trade Gaming Community guild on Gilgamesh server decided to show their …

Gay marriage conversion process has 'no heart', say same-sex couples

Gay marriage conversion process has 'no heart', say same-sex couples
The government’s proposed process for converting civil partnerships into full marriages has come under fire from some same-sex couples who say they have “no heart” and are more like getting a car tax renewed than a wedding. The coalition government passed …