GLAAD and Alphabet’s Jigsaw announce collaboration at SXSW to promote LGBTQ-inclusive AI research

GLAAD and Alphabet’s Jigsaw announce collaboration at SXSW to promote LGBTQ-inclusive AI research GLAAD today announced a collaboration with Jigsaw, a unit within Google’s parent company Alphabet, to create public data sets and machine learning research resources to help make online conversations more inclusive for the LGBTQ community. The announcement was made during a GLAAD-sponsored … Continue reading GLAAD and Alphabet’s Jigsaw announce collaboration at SXSW to promote LGBTQ-inclusive AI research

Watch This Awesome Activist Confront Bigoted FRC Mouthpiece Tony Perkins: VIDEO

Watch This Awesome Activist Confront Bigoted FRC Mouthpiece Tony Perkins: VIDEO Tony Perkins, the leader of anti-gay listed hate group Family Research Council (FRC) is good at dishing it out but not so great when questioned on his hate-mongering in the name of Christianity. Persecuted Evangelical Perkins has fought tooth and nail against same-sex marriage, endorsed … Continue reading Watch This Awesome Activist Confront Bigoted FRC Mouthpiece Tony Perkins: VIDEO

NFL joins celebrities and CEOs to condemn Georgia's anti-LGBT bill

NFL joins celebrities and CEOs to condemn Georgia's anti-LGBT bill GLAAD Since the Georgia House of Representitives gave final passage to House Bill 757, many celebrities, business leaders, and activist organizations have taken to social media to urge Governor Nathan Deal to veto the harmful bill. The NFL has released a statement warning that, if … Continue reading NFL joins celebrities and CEOs to condemn Georgia's anti-LGBT bill

Professor Urges People To “Pray For His Job” After Saying “Queers” Should Be Hanged

Professor Urges People To “Pray For His Job” After Saying “Queers” Should Be Hanged Rick Coupland, a business professor at at St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario, is asking everyone to “please pray for me and my job” after a complaint was filed against him for saying gay people should be hanged. The comment was made … Continue reading Professor Urges People To “Pray For His Job” After Saying “Queers” Should Be Hanged