LGBT in Taiwan Election 2016 綠黨社會民主黨聯盟

*dans posted a photo: Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade 2015 台灣同志驕傲遊行 主張LGBT 是基本人權; 國會通過「婚姻平權法案」LGBT是女同性戀者(Lesbians); 男同性戀者(Gays); 雙性戀者(Bisexuals)與跨性別者(Transgender)的英文首字母首字所構成的的一個集合用語。「LGBTQ」代表酷兒(Queer)和/或對其性別認同感到疑惑的人(Questioning)。 Taipei; Taiwan. 2015/10/31 g23432L

Lush raises $425,000 for LGBTI rights: wants to hear from gay groups that need funding

Lush raises $425,000 for LGBTI rights: wants to hear from gay groups that need funding Global cosmetics and soap giant Lush has announced that it raised £275,000 ($425,000/€376,000) from the summer sale of its #GayIsOK soap. The special bar of gold and glittery soap was produced to coincide with Pride season around the world. #GayIsOk … Continue reading Lush raises $425,000 for LGBTI rights: wants to hear from gay groups that need funding