Category Archives: PHOTOS



julios.treves posted a photo:


Murdock Shape for Alain head Lelutka Evolution.

Available at HUMANE Marketplace Store

ONE 2k
Face Darl
– Available at @ Manly Arena (Dec. 11th to 28th).
Eyebrow – Beard – Available at ONE 2k Main Store & ONE 2k Marketplace Store

– Available at SINCHI Main Store

Orwar Claws
– Available at Kartel Mainstore

For more details check my blog TREVES!

icie mall looking for renters

icie mall looking for renters

En Nova posted a photo:

icie mall looking for renters

btw guys, if you didnt know, my partner & i have a hang out sim on Second Life
ive been working on revamping the lounge space this week, to make it a little more cozy~
check this thread from my twitter
as my partner & i are both adults we have set the sim to Adult, meaning no minors are welcome – we are mainly using the sim to hang with people and meet new people, and we have no interest in meeting minors

since the furry scene on SL is so littered with slur users and it can really suck finding a place where LGBT folk wont be fetishized, we are trying our best to keep the place trans-friendly and we actively kick/ban people with slurs in their profile/names/groups etc

we are looking for people to rent in our mall!
you can use the spaces to sell SL stuff, custom mods or even commissions!

spaces are 75L a week & we are doing 3 weeks free for your first week of renting :3c
contact En Nova with examples of your work to apply

Visit B.a.s.E at icie