Category Archives: NEWS

Taron Egerton and Richard Madden Share a Cup of Sexual Attraction in New ‘Rocketman’ Clip: WATCH

Taron Egerton and Richard Madden Share a Cup of Sexual Attraction in New ‘Rocketman’ Clip: WATCH

A brief new clip from the upcoming Elton John biopic Rocketman features Elton (Taron Egerton) and his manager and lover John Reid (Richard Madden) as they first got to know one another. Looks like there’s some chemistry in that cup.

Egerton was profiled this week in The Hollywood Reporter where he talked about preparing for the film by reading Elton’s old diaries at the icon’s estate, and spoke about how the singer’s receding hairline and front gap tooth were recreated.

He talked as well about the gay sex scenes in the film, and playing a gay man.

Said Egerton: “For me, kissing a man onscreen is no less appealing than kissing a woman onscreen. I’m not in any way repulsed by the male form. It’s an uncomfortable thing regardless of who you’re with — it makes no difference as to your sexual preference.”

Added Egerton, of straight actors playing gay roles: “I have spoken to gay people for whom it’s not a problem, and I’ve spoken to gay people for whom it is a problem. I completely understand. But for my part, I’m an actor, and I did not get into acting to just play people like me. You have to draw the line somewhere, and I don’t want to live in a world where straight people play straight people and gay people play gay people.”

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Taron Egerton and Richard Madden Share a Cup of Sexual Attraction in New ‘Rocketman’ Clip: WATCH

Tennessee’s 2019 Slate of Hate Is One Reason Why We Need the Equality Act Now

Tennessee’s 2019 Slate of Hate Is One Reason Why We Need the Equality Act Now

The 2019 Tennessee legislative session has adjourned, but the work for equality in the Volunteer State is far from over. HRC was proud to work alongside the Tennessee Equality Project to fight back against the Slate of Hate — an egregious slew of anti-LGBTQ bills, ranging from targeting transgender and non-binary people in restrooms and locker rooms and proposals that would allow taxpayer-funded discrimination against transgender students to bills that would create a business license to discriminate and provide a license to discriminate in adoption and foster care services to attacks on same-sex marriage.

While advocates were able to delay the most egregious attacks to the 2020 legislative calendar, unfortunately Governor Bill Lee signed HB 1151 into law by. HB 1151 purportedly expands Tennessee’s indecent exposure laws. Though the bill was heavily amended to remove the most harmful anti-transgender language, the bill still could put transgender and non-binary people at increased risk of harassment and entanglement with law enforcement simply for using restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity.

Despite this bill’s passage, HRC is extremely proud of all of the efforts of pro-equality advocates and volunteers in Tennessee. From corporate leaders siding against discrimination to faith leaders responding strongly and child welfare professionals speaking out to say that Tennessee children should not pay the cost of discrimination, Tennesseans have made their voices clear that discrimination has no place here.

HRC staffers were on the ground for more than 40 days with Tennessee Equality Project’s Executive Director Chris Sanders and team — joining three Advancing Equality Days on the Hill, three “Postcards Against the Slate of Hate” events in Rutherford and Putnam counties, attending committee hearings and critical floor votes in the House and Senate, launching nearly 50 email and text actions and mobilizing HRC members and supporters to take action more than 4,000 times.

It was clear that all of these efforts slowed down the movement of these discriminatory bills, and it will take that same energy to keep fighting as Tennessee moves into the 2020 legislative session. Four of the most egregious bills from this session will return in January. These bills are a constant reminder of why HRC is fighting so hard for the Equality Act — vital legislation that would provide consistent and explicit non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people both in Tennessee and at the federal level.

With an Equality Act vote potentially this month, now is the time to make sure members of Congress hear from you. Join more than 90,000 HRC Members as a Community Co-Sponsor and text EQUALITY ACT to 472472 to urge Congress to pass the Equality Act. To find events near you, visit

After Dodging, Australian PM Scott Morrison Says He Doesn’t Believe Gay People Are Going To Hell: WATCH

After Dodging, Australian PM Scott Morrison Says He Doesn’t Believe Gay People Are Going To Hell: WATCH

Thanks to Australian rugby star Israel Folau’s recent Instagram posts and pending expulsion from Rugby Australia, reporters are grilling politicians about whether gay people are going to Hell.

Folau’s recent Instagram post asserted that Hell awaits all homosexuals, so Prime Minister Scott Morrison was asked yesterday if he believes the same thing. He dodged.

Sometimes by refusing to answer a question, you effectively answer that question… #auspol

— Tom Clift (@tom_clift) May 14, 2019

Said Morrison: “I support the law of the country, and I always don’t mix my religion with politics and my faith with politics. It’s always been something that’s informed how I live my life and how I seek to care for and support others.”

Of same-sex marriage, Morrison said: “It’s law, and I’m glad that the change has now been made and people can get on with their lives, that’s what I’m happy about.”

Morrison’s dodge was seized upon by Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, who said he absolutely didn’t believe gay people are going to Hell: “I don’t need a law to tell me that. I don’t believe it. I think if you want to be prime minister of Australia you’ve got to be prime minister for all people. I just don’t believe it. The nation’s got to stop eating itself in this sort of madness of division and toxicity. The meanest commentary I’ve seen in the election is actually the propositions that are being advanced that gay people are going to go to hell … I can’t believe the Prime Minister has not immediately said that gay people will not go to hell. This country needs to really lift itself and the political debate and coverage needs to really lift itself in the next four days.”

Shorten’s remarks forced Morrison to say he doesn’t think gay people are going to Hell: “No, I do not believe that.”

He later added: “It is not my view that’s the case. My faith is about … God’s love is for everybody. That is what I’ve always believed. I found it very disappointing that without even prompting he sought to try and politicize this. And seek to exploit opportunity for it. I thought that was very disappointing. I don’t think that should have a place in this election campaign. People’s faith are people’s faith. I’m not running for Pope, I’m running for Prime Minister. So, you know, theological questions you can leave at the door.”

The post After Dodging, Australian PM Scott Morrison Says He Doesn’t Believe Gay People Are Going To Hell: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

After Dodging, Australian PM Scott Morrison Says He Doesn’t Believe Gay People Are Going To Hell: WATCH

Pop-Twink sensation Joey Suarez on how small-town prides are fighting oppression

Pop-Twink sensation Joey Suarez on how small-town prides are fighting oppression
GayCities kiki’ed with the cutie-pie about his upcoming Pride performances, the best gay-friendly offerings of San Antonio, and the importance of provincial prides.