How an underage revenge scandal killed homophobic pageant queen Kathy Zhu’s political dreams

How an underage revenge scandal killed homophobic pageant queen Kathy Zhu’s political dreams Pageant queen Kathy Zhu made national headlines last summer when she was stripped of her Miss Michigan title after racist tweets she wrote resurfaced online. Soon, she was appearing on Fox News and working for Donald Trump‘s reelection campaign. That is until … Continue reading How an underage revenge scandal killed homophobic pageant queen Kathy Zhu’s political dreams

Of course Trump’s reelection campaign has hired that homophobic pageant queen

Of course Trump’s reelection campaign has hired that homophobic pageant queen Pageant queen Kathy Zhu is sure making lemonade out of lemons. Last week, Zhu was stripped of her Miss Michigan title after a series of vile tweets she wrote in 2017 and 2018 resurfaced. In response, Zhu hit the media circuit, where she claimed … Continue reading Of course Trump’s reelection campaign has hired that homophobic pageant queen

Hilarious Kellyanne Conway “buy Ivanka’s stuff” memes are blowing up the Internet

Hilarious Kellyanne Conway “buy Ivanka’s stuff” memes are blowing up the Internet Professional liar Kellyanne Conway stepped in it this week when she went on Fox & Friends to encourage Americans to buy Ivanka Trump’s crappy clothes made by poor factory workers in third world countries after Nordstrom announced it would no longer be carrying the First … Continue reading Hilarious Kellyanne Conway “buy Ivanka’s stuff” memes are blowing up the Internet