People are FaceApp-ing Donald Trump and the results are truly terrifying

People are FaceApp-ing Donald Trump and the results are truly terrifying Everyone’s been talking about FaceApp, the new photo filter app that allows users to modify pictures of themselves to appear older, younger, with a different hairstyle, as a different gender, and so on, often to very creepy results. It was all fun and games … Continue reading People are FaceApp-ing Donald Trump and the results are truly terrifying

From #AlternativeFacts to “Ivanka’s stuff,” Kellyanne Conway’s greatest hits told in memes

From #AlternativeFacts to “Ivanka’s stuff,” Kellyanne Conway’s greatest hits told in memes For a political strategist and professional spokesperson, Kellyanne Conway has made an alarming number of embarrassing gaffes during her short tenure as Donald Trump’s counselor. Whether it’s sharing “alternative facts,” inventing fictional terrorist attacks, or suggesting Obama installed hidden cameras in the Trump Tower microwaves, one … Continue reading From #AlternativeFacts to “Ivanka’s stuff,” Kellyanne Conway’s greatest hits told in memes

These hilarious memes imagine the steady diet of crazy being gobbled at the White House

These hilarious memes imagine the steady diet of crazy being gobbled at the White House If revenge is a dish best served cold, it would appear that open mockery can be prepared at any temperature. Today #WhiteHouseMenuItems started trending on Twitter, and we’d be remiss not to share the Internet’s hard work in the kitchen. While … Continue reading These hilarious memes imagine the steady diet of crazy being gobbled at the White House

Hilarious Kellyanne Conway “buy Ivanka’s stuff” memes are blowing up the Internet

Hilarious Kellyanne Conway “buy Ivanka’s stuff” memes are blowing up the Internet Professional liar Kellyanne Conway stepped in it this week when she went on Fox & Friends to encourage Americans to buy Ivanka Trump’s crappy clothes made by poor factory workers in third world countries after Nordstrom announced it would no longer be carrying the First … Continue reading Hilarious Kellyanne Conway “buy Ivanka’s stuff” memes are blowing up the Internet