Live a life of wanderlust with these 11 LGBTI travel bloggers

Live a life of wanderlust with these 11 LGBTI travel bloggers   Travelling the world is a beautiful thing. Travelling the world vicariously through others while you pluck up the courage to take the plunge yourself is priceless. These bloggers leave no stone unturned in showing you the wonderful things out there for the LGBTI … Continue reading Live a life of wanderlust with these 11 LGBTI travel bloggers

Pat Robertson: Gays and the Christians Who Accept Them Will Rot In Hell – VIDEO

Pat Robertson: Gays and the Christians Who Accept Them Will Rot In Hell – VIDEO Televangelist troll Pat Robertson isn’t expecting to meet any gay-loving Christians in heaven, as his recent answer to a viewer question seems to suggest. Said Robertson: To have a church that says [homosexuality] is not a sin, it’s okay, they’re … Continue reading Pat Robertson: Gays and the Christians Who Accept Them Will Rot In Hell – VIDEO