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(Gay Pride Shirts Women's LGBT Love Polo Shirt) #Cool,#Couple,#Gay,#GayPride,#Golf,#Home,#Homosexual,#Keepsake,#Lesbian,#Lgbt,#Love,#Man,#Marriage,#Memento,#Mens,#Office,#Pride,#Relationship,#SameSex,#Stylish,#Symbol,#Tops,#Union,#Unique,#Wedding,#Woman,# FunnyTshirts101 posted a photo:

Lis Smith, Bruce Springsteen, Avengers: Endgame, Marcia Brady Measles, Judith Light, Gerrymandering, Hillary Clinton: HOT LINKS

Lis Smith, Bruce Springsteen, Avengers: Endgame, Marcia Brady Measles, Judith Light, Gerrymandering, Hillary Clinton: HOT LINKS AUDIOBOOK READING OF THE DAY. Hillary Clinton reads the section of the Mueller Report where Donald Trump says ‘I’m f**ked.’ MEASLES. Marcia Brady is pissed off that anti-vaxxers are using Brady Bunch episode to push their agenda. INFRASTRUCTURE. Flint, … Continue reading Lis Smith, Bruce Springsteen, Avengers: Endgame, Marcia Brady Measles, Judith Light, Gerrymandering, Hillary Clinton: HOT LINKS

Hilarious Kellyanne Conway “buy Ivanka’s stuff” memes are blowing up the Internet

Hilarious Kellyanne Conway “buy Ivanka’s stuff” memes are blowing up the Internet Professional liar Kellyanne Conway stepped in it this week when she went on Fox & Friends to encourage Americans to buy Ivanka Trump’s crappy clothes made by poor factory workers in third world countries after Nordstrom announced it would no longer be carrying the First … Continue reading Hilarious Kellyanne Conway “buy Ivanka’s stuff” memes are blowing up the Internet