Michael Bloomberg was eviscerated on stage at last night’s debate. And then came the memes…

Michael Bloomberg was eviscerated on stage at last night’s debate. And then came the memes… Michael Bloomberg was completely eviscerated on stage during last night’s Democratic debate in Nevada. The 78-year-old multi-billionaire, who just lasted year called trans people “it,” was attacked by pretty much every other candidate, but perhaps the worst of the blows … Continue reading Michael Bloomberg was eviscerated on stage at last night’s debate. And then came the memes…

Sam Smith, Mike Pence, Lena Dunham, James Woods, Russia Subpoenas, Ed Sheeran, Chechnya: HOT LINKS

Sam Smith, Mike Pence, Lena Dunham, James Woods, Russia Subpoenas, Ed Sheeran, Chechnya: HOT LINKS CLOSER. Grand jury issues subpoenas in Russia probe: “A grand jury has issued subpoenas in connection with a June 2016 meeting that included President Donald Trump’s son, his son-in-law and a Russian lawyer, two sources told Reuters on Thursday, signaling … Continue reading Sam Smith, Mike Pence, Lena Dunham, James Woods, Russia Subpoenas, Ed Sheeran, Chechnya: HOT LINKS

From #AlternativeFacts to “Ivanka’s stuff,” Kellyanne Conway’s greatest hits told in memes

From #AlternativeFacts to “Ivanka’s stuff,” Kellyanne Conway’s greatest hits told in memes For a political strategist and professional spokesperson, Kellyanne Conway has made an alarming number of embarrassing gaffes during her short tenure as Donald Trump’s counselor. Whether it’s sharing “alternative facts,” inventing fictional terrorist attacks, or suggesting Obama installed hidden cameras in the Trump Tower microwaves, one … Continue reading From #AlternativeFacts to “Ivanka’s stuff,” Kellyanne Conway’s greatest hits told in memes