Andy Cohen Dishes About New Gay Angles On Love Connection Revival

Andy Cohen Dishes About New Gay Angles On Love Connection Revival

Andy Cohen Love Connection

Fans of ’80s camp and Andy Cohen alike are in for a treat. Cohen’s revival of the classic dating show Love Connection premiered Thursday night on Fox and as the show continues, it will include gay singles looking for love as well, according to media reports.

The revival boasts some departures from Chuck Woolery’s classic dating show, including that in this iteration, if the audience prefers a suitor that the contestant does not, the suitor can go with the audience pick for $10,000, TooFab reports.

“There’s a little love or money twist in the end,” Cohen teased in a first look.

Instagram Photo


Contestants will also date each of the suitors, with a $500 per-date budget, and each will give a score based on their first impressions, Cohen told TooFab.

While that $10,000 is a nice prize, Cohen also revealed an important upgrade for the show: this go around, there will be plenty of gay contestants.

“It’s 2017, and they should just be treated the exact same way as I’m treating everyone else,” Cohen told the Advocate about the gay and lesbian contestants. “I think it’s just kind of this post-gay world that we live in, where it’s just another part of this dating show.”

The choice to include gay singles was Cohen’s idea, the Advocate reports, and the suggestion was met with an emphatic yes.

“The more visibility, the better,” Cohen continued. “A network show where you have gay people dating? I think it’s great.”

More than anything, Cohen said that this go around, viewers can expect more diversity and variety in the contestants and their stories.

“We’ve got a great lesbian group of daters, one of whom comes out to her mother on the air. We’ve got a man who is in his 70’s who went on his first Tinder date, but the woman stood him up so we set him up with three dates. We’ve got gay guys. We have a lot of big ones,” Cohen told TooFab.

You can watch a complete first look at Love Connection below:

The post Andy Cohen Dishes About New Gay Angles On Love Connection Revival appeared first on Towleroad.

Andy Cohen Dishes About New Gay Angles On Love Connection Revival

Anthony C. Ocampo: Was es bedeutet, in einer Migrantenfamilie schwul zu sein

Anthony C. Ocampo: Was es bedeutet, in einer Migrantenfamilie schwul zu sein
Es gibt nichts Schlimmeres im Leben, als gewöhnlich zu sein. Irgendwann Anfang 20 bin ich darüber hinweggekommen. Ungefähr zu dieser Zeit wurde mir bewusst, dass ich schwul bin. Und ich fing an, mich nach dem Gewöhnlichen zu sehnen.

Weiterlesen: Blogs, Lifestyle, Homosexualität, Einwanderer, Huffpost-Voices, Germany News

South Korean Soldier Convicted Amid Military’s Anti-Gay ‘Witch Hunt’

South Korean Soldier Convicted Amid Military’s Anti-Gay ‘Witch Hunt’

A South Korean army captain was convicted and given a six-month prison sentence this week for engaging in sexual conduct with a fellow male soldier. The officer, who remains anonymous, reportedly collapsed and was taken to the hospital following the verdict, which came in a military court:

The captain was convicted on Wednesday of violating the Military Criminal Act, which states that a soldier engaging in sodomy or “other disgraceful conduct” can be put in jail for up to two years.

His sentence was suspended for one year, and he will dishonorably discharged, the court said Wednesday.

In April, the Center for Military Human Rights Korea claimed that the Army Chief of Staff Gen. Jang Jun-gyu had asked for homosexuals within the armed forces to be tracked down.

The military had then carried out an investigation and and some 40-50 soldiers were put on a list, the group said.

This anti-LGBT purge by the South Korean military is alleged to have included the use of gay dating apps in order to ensnare soldiers. Human rights organization Amnesty International denounced the conviction and tied it to these recent developments as being part of a larger “witch hunt” against gays:

“This unjust conviction should be immediately overturned. No-one should be persecuted based on their sexual orientation, activity or gender identity alone. What counts is their service not their sexuality,” said Roseann Rife, East Asia Research Director at Amnesty International.

The conviction raises fears that dozens of other military personnel will face a similar fate. Last month, a national NGO – Military Human Rights Centre of Korea (MHRCK) – accused the army of setting up fake profiles on dating apps to entrap military personnel and subjecting those identified to homophobic interrogations.

“President Moon Jae-in needs to send an unequivocal message that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity will not be tolerated, including in the military,” said Roseann Rife.

“It is long overdue for South Korea to repeal this archaic and discriminatory provision in the military criminal code, and get up-to-date when it comes to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex people.”

In South Korea, military service is compulsory for males for a length of roughly two years.

The post South Korean Soldier Convicted Amid Military’s Anti-Gay ‘Witch Hunt’ appeared first on Towleroad.

South Korean Soldier Convicted Amid Military’s Anti-Gay ‘Witch Hunt’

Jared Kushner Focus of FBI Russia Probe; DNC Calls for Suspension of Security Clearance

Jared Kushner Focus of FBI Russia Probe; DNC Calls for Suspension of Security Clearance

Jared Kushner

Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner is a key focus of the FBI’s probe into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia and the DNC is calling for his security clearance to be suspended.

The Hill reports:

“The FBI’s Russia investigation reached Trump’s backyard, and now it’s in his house,” DNC deputy communications director Adrienne Watson said in a statement Thursday. “Kushner’s security clearance should be suspended until the FBI’s findings are complete.”

Investigators are focusing on meetings held by Kushner after Trump was elected, the Washington Post reports:

In early December, Kushner met in New York with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, and he later sent a deputy to meet with Kislyak. Flynn was also present at the early-December meeting, and later that month, Flynn held a call with Kislyak to discuss U.S.-imposed sanctions against Russia. Flynn initially mischaracterized the conversation, even to Vice President Pence — ultimately prompting his ouster from the White House.

Kushner also met in December with Sergey Gorkov, the head of Vnesheconombank, which has been the subject of U.S. sanctions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its support of separatists in eastern Ukraine.

In addition to the December meetings, a former senior intelligence official said FBI agents had been looking closely at earlier exchanges between Trump associates and the Russians dating to the spring of 2016, including one at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. Kushner and Kislyak — along with close Trump adviser and current attorney general Jeff Sessions — were present at an April 2016 event at the Mayflower where then-candidate Trump promised in a speech to seek better relations with Russia. It is unclear whether Kushner and Kislyak interacted there.

The post Jared Kushner Focus of FBI Russia Probe; DNC Calls for Suspension of Security Clearance appeared first on Towleroad.

Jared Kushner Focus of FBI Russia Probe; DNC Calls for Suspension of Security Clearance

홍승은: 어느 대학에서 열린 ‘동성애 혐오 강연’

홍승은: 어느 대학에서 열린 ‘동성애 혐오 강연’
두 번째 강연 주제는 ‘차별금지법과 동성애 독재’. 변호사라는 강연자는 강연 내내 ‘동성애 독재’, ‘표현의 자유’를 자주 입에 올렸다. 차별금지법이 합법화되면 동성애 독재가 시작된다고 주장하던 그는 점점 격앙되더니 소리 높여 “저들은 자유라는 이름으로 동성애를 외치지만, 동성애를 반대하는 사람들의 자유는 무시합니다. 우리에게 자유가 있습니까”라고 말했다. 표현의 자유는 혐오할 자유가 아니다. 하지만 그는 끝까지 “학문의 자유, 양심의 자유, 표현의 자유, 신앙의 자유가 사라지는 독재 시대가 찾아옵니다”라고 주장했다. 헷갈렸다. 이곳은 대학인가.

기사 보기: 한동대, 홍승희, 동성애, 혐오, 강연, 사회, 성소수자, Korea News

Trumpa Loompa Dumpdee doo, we’ve given the sign that we don’t want you!

Trumpa Loompa Dumpdee doo, we’ve given the sign that we don’t want you!

Red Cathedral is in the Pyrenees posted a photo:

Trumpa Loompa Dumpdee doo, we've given the sign that we don't want you!

Trump & Erdogan were in Belgium for a NATO meeting.. and over 12000 Belgians took to the streets to protest their presidencies.

It’s objectively too late to restrain population and consumption growth so as to avert what ecologists of the 1970s called a “hard landing.”

It is the lie that human society can continue growing its population and consumption levels indefinitely on our finite planet, and never suffer consequences.

Perhaps Donald Trump succeeded because his promises spoke to what civilizations in decline tend to want to hear. It could be argued that the pluralistic, secular, cosmopolitan, tolerant, constitutional democratic nation state is a political arrangement appropriate for a growing economy buoyed by pervasive optimism. (On a scale much smaller than contemporary America, ancient Greece and Rome during their early expansionary periods provided examples of this kind of political-social arrangement). As societies contract, people turn fearful, angry, and pessimistic—and fear, anger, and pessimism fairly dripped from Trump’s inaugural address. In periods of decline, strongmen tend to arise promising to restore past glories and to defeat domestic and foreign enemies. Repressive kleptocracies are the rule rather than the exception.

Trumpa Loompa Dumpdee doo, we've given the sign that we don't want you!