中谷美紀が性同一性障害を演じる 東野圭吾原作のドラマで主人公に起用

中谷美紀が性同一性障害を演じる 東野圭吾原作のドラマで主人公に起用
女優の中谷美紀が、「連続ドラマW 東野圭吾『片想い』」の役作りのために、筋力トレーニングを実施し、髪の毛をバッサリ15センチカットした。

もっと見る: エンタメ, 中谷美紀, 性同一性障害, 多様な恋愛, Wowow, 役作り, 東野圭吾, 片想い, Japan Lgbt, Japan News


BREAKING: Discriminatory Anti-Transgender Amendment Passes Texas House

BREAKING: Discriminatory Anti-Transgender Amendment Passes Texas House

HRC called on the Texas Senate to stop a measure just passed by the Texas House of Representatives that could further ostracize and harm transgender students. House lawmakers today added the discriminatory amendment to an otherwise unrelated education bill — the latest effort in a slate of more than a dozen unconscionable anti-LGBTQ bills being pursued by the Texas legislature. Policies such as this one, which make classifications on the basis of “biological sex,” are designed to alienate transgender students from their peers. Research shows that anti-transgender legislation can lead to increased instances of bullying of LGBTQ students and even an uptick in suicide. With this move, the legislature continues to waste taxpayers’ time and money while playing politics with people’s lives by targeting LGBTQ people and, in particular, transgender children.

“This shameful amendment is yet another example of Texas lawmakers’ anti-LGBTQ agenda,” said JoDee Winterhof, senior vice president for policy and political affairs. “Transgender youth deserve the same dignity and respect as their peers, and this craven attempt to use children as a pawn for cheap political points is disturbing and unconscionable.”

Hundreds of businesses and several Texas chambers of commerce, celebrities and performers, tourism groups and events and sports organizations including the NBA, the NFL and the NCAA have spoken out against legislation targeting transgender people for discrimination.

HRC, Equality Texas, ACLU of Texas, Texas Freedom Network, the Transgender Education Network of Texas and others have been fighting harmful bills that attack the dignity of LGBTQ Texans. 




miguel_discart_photos posted a photo:


La Belgian Pride est le grand jour du PrideFestival. Chaque annee, elle attire entre 60.000 et 100.000 visiteurs de toute la Belgique ou d’ailleurs.
Elle consiste en un Village, rempli de divers stands aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel, et une Parade, ou les visiteurs suivent des chars colores, emportes par la musique jusque dans le c?ur de la Ville.

Pour cette 22e edition de la Belgian Pride, le theme sera ‘Asile et Migration’. Par nos revendications et notre slogan, ‘ Crossing Borders ‘, nous souhaitons evoquer les epreuves que traversent les refugies LGBT+, aussi bien dans leur pays d’origine que lors de leur arrivee en Belgique.

( Chaque annee la Pride attire des dizaines de milliers de visiteurs vers la capitale et colore Bruxelles aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel. Il y a aussi le PrideVillage et le PridePodium autour de la Bourse.
Pride.be n’est pas seulement la plus grande fete de Bruxelles, mais c’est aussi un evenement avec un message politique. Avec cette manifestation, nous essayons d’obtenir plus d’egalite de droits pour tout le monde et surtout pour la communaute lesbigaytrans. )




miguel_discart_photos posted a photo:


La Belgian Pride est le grand jour du PrideFestival. Chaque annee, elle attire entre 60.000 et 100.000 visiteurs de toute la Belgique ou d’ailleurs.
Elle consiste en un Village, rempli de divers stands aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel, et une Parade, ou les visiteurs suivent des chars colores, emportes par la musique jusque dans le c?ur de la Ville.

Pour cette 22e edition de la Belgian Pride, le theme sera ‘Asile et Migration’. Par nos revendications et notre slogan, ‘ Crossing Borders ‘, nous souhaitons evoquer les epreuves que traversent les refugies LGBT+, aussi bien dans leur pays d’origine que lors de leur arrivee en Belgique.

( Chaque annee la Pride attire des dizaines de milliers de visiteurs vers la capitale et colore Bruxelles aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel. Il y a aussi le PrideVillage et le PridePodium autour de la Bourse.
Pride.be n’est pas seulement la plus grande fete de Bruxelles, mais c’est aussi un evenement avec un message politique. Avec cette manifestation, nous essayons d’obtenir plus d’egalite de droits pour tout le monde et surtout pour la communaute lesbigaytrans. )


The Main Joins HRC’s Equality Rocks Campaign

The Main Joins HRC’s Equality Rocks Campaign

Post submitted by HRC Consumer Marketing Coordinator Josh Rentschler

American alternative-rock band The Maine has joined HRC’s Equality Rocks campaign.

Originally from Tempe, Arizona, The Maine is celebrating its 10th anniversary as a band this year. The group first formed in 2007, and its first album Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop was released in 2008. The Main has since released five more albums, the most recent being Lovely Little Lonely, which launched in April 2017.

In 2010, The Maine won three AP Readers Awards for Best Live Band, Album of the Year for Black and White and Best Song for Inside of You. Additionally, the band started and headlined its own festival in Phoenix called 8213 Fest to celebrate its 10th anniversary. The sold out festival was made up of more than 3,000 fans from all over the world.


GLAAD Video: Over 50 Notre Dame Graduates walk out during Vice President Pence’s commencement address to protest Pence’s anti-LGBTQ history

GLAAD Video: Over 50 Notre Dame Graduates walk out during Vice President Pence’s commencement address to protest Pence’s anti-LGBTQ history

GLAAD Applauds Student-Led Protest and Tweets Pence’s Worst Anti-LGBTQ Quotes and Actions

NEW YORK – Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD – the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization, released the following statement after more than 50 graduates of Notre Dame University in Indiana participated in a walkout protest during Vice President and former Indiana Governor Mike Pence’s commencement address today. The students cited his history of anti-LGBTQ actions including passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in 2015, which legalized discrimination against LGBTQ people and families.

Video of the Notre Dame students turning their backs and leaving their graduation during Pence’s commencement address is available here. Following the walkout, students tweeted photos of themselves in graduation caps and gowns outside of Notre Dame stadium using #walkoutND. GLAAD began tweeting a series of his previous anti-LGBTQ statements and actions paired with the photos: twitter.com/glaad/status/866296393077534721

“Graduates around the country deserve commencement speakers who inspire them to propel our diverse country forward, and these Notre Dame students bravely told the world that Vice President Pence’s anti-LGBTQ actions fly in the face of unity and inspiration,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “These Notre Dame graduates should be applauded for demonstrating true leadership and standing up for freedom and acceptance.”

Pence has a history of speaking out against LGBTQ people and passing discriminatory laws including Indiana’s RFRA in 2015, which allowed legal discrimination of LGBTQ people and families. Pence amended the law after it was met with outcry from sports leagues, local press, business leaders, and countless other fair-minded notables across the state and the country.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION – Mike Pence’s Long Anti-LGBTQ Activist Record

2000: During his congressional campaign, Mike Pence said, “Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.”

2000: Pence also supported the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only if federal dollars were excluded from organizations who “celebrate” and “encourage” behavior that facilitates spreading of the HIV virus. Further, Pence supported this reauthorization only if “those institutions provided assistance to those looking to change their sexual behavior,” which many interpreted as an endorsement for so-called ex-gay conversion therapy, a practice debunked by the nation’s leading mental and mental health authorities including the American Psychiatric Association.

2004: Mike Pence co-sponsored a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would define marriage as solely between one man and one woman.

2007: Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would protect gay, lesbian and bisexual Americans from being legally fired from a job for their sexual orientation.

2010: Mike Pence voted against the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal which allowed LGBTQ Americans to openly serve their country in military service.

2012: Pence refused to say on the record if he supported a same-sex couple raising a child together.

2014: Gov. Pence supported HJR-3, a bill to add an amendment banning same-sex marriage to Indiana’s Constitution.

2015: Governor Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in a closed-door ceremony surrounded by special interest lobbyists.

2015: Governor Pence said on ABC’s “This Week” that it was “absolutely not” a mistake to sign RFRA, despite Indiana having to face a $250 million economic panic.

2015: Even after his approval rating plummets from RFRA, Mike Pence on July 22 told the media he is “studying” the issue of LGBTQ rights and whether or not he’d support protections for the LGBTQ community.



May 21, 2017
